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Home : ITU-T : SG 13 : Meeting�2011-10-10�: Temporary Documents� Recently posted�-� Search Meeting Documents
ITU-T�SG 13� TD-WP5�(2011-10-10)�


Future networks including mobile and NGN

Study Period 2009

Meeting� from 2011-10-10 to 2011-10-21

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Other Meetings : 2012-06-042012-02-172012-02-06� [ 2011-10-10 ]� 2011-05-202011-01-172010-09-162010-04-192010-01-292009-09-022009-05-222009-01-12

Results:40 total items.
Temporary Documents �(WP5) ��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 190-WP5 ]
Agenda - WP 5/13 � WP 5/13 Chairman Q7/13, Q21/13, Q20/13, Q19/13 2011-10-20
[ 189-WP5 ]
Q.20/13 (Public data network) meeting report � Rapporteurs Q20/13 2011-10-20
[ 188-WP5 ]
Y.ipv6-naDraft recommendation of Y.ipv6na � Editor Q7/13 2011-10-20
[ 187-WP5 ]
Q.7/13 meeting report � Rapporteur Q7/13 2011-10-19
[ 186-WP5 ]
Outgoing liaison statements � Rapporteurs Q21/13 2011-10-19
[ 185-WP5 ]
Living list of energy saving issues � Editors Q21/13 2011-10-19
[ 184-WP5 ]
Description on newly started work items � Rapporteurs Q21/13 2011-10-19
[ 183-WP5 ]
Initial draft Recommendation Y.SUN-overview: Overview of Smart Ubiquitous Networks � Editors Q21/13 2011-10-19
[ 181-WP5 ]
Output Draft - Requirements and Architectural Framework for Auto Manageable Future Networks and Services (version 0.1) � Editor Q21/13 2011-10-19
[ 180-WP5 ]
Methods to Achieve Socio-economic Design Goals and Objectives for Future Networks (Y.FNsocio) � Editor Q21/13 2011-10-19
[ 179-WP5 ]
Framework of identifiers in future networks (Y.FNid) � Editors Q21/13 2011-10-19
[ 178-WP5 ]
Draft ITU-T Recommendation on "Framework of energy saving for Future Networks" � Editors Q21/13 2011-10-19
[ 177-WP5 ]
Draft Recommendation of Y.FNvirt " Framework of network virtualization for Future Networks " � Editors Q21/13 2011-10-19
[ 176-WP5 ]
Meeting report of Q.21/13 (future networks) � Rapporteurs Q21/13 2011-10-19
[ 175-WP5 ]
Draft New Recommendation Y.2057 (Y.ipv6migration) � Editor Q7/13 2011-10-19
[ 174-WP5 ]
The output document of Y.ipv6split � Editors Q7/13 2011-10-19
[ 173-WP5 ]
Draft recommendation Y.iSCP-arch: Architecture of independent Scalable Control Plane (iSCP) in FPBN � Editors Q20/13 2011-10-17
[ 172-WP5 ]
Draft Recommendation Y.PTDN-M-Interface: M interface in Public packet Telecom Data Network � Editors Q20/13 2011-10-17
[ 171-WP5 ]
Draft Recommendation Y.PTDN-T-Interface: T interface in Public packet Telecom Data Network (PTDN) � Editors Q20/13 2011-10-17
[ 170-WP5 ]
Draft Recommendation Y.PTDN-routing: The routing mechanisms in Public packet Telecom Data Network (PTDN) � Editors Q20/13 2011-10-17
[ 169-WP5 ]
Q.19/13 (Distributed Service Networking) meeting report � Rapporteurs Q19/13 2011-10-20
[ 168-WP5 ]
Living list of Question 19 (Distributed Service Networking) � Rapporteurs Q19/13 2011-10-20
[ 167-WP5 ]
Output version of Draft Recommendation Y.dsn_sec_req, DSN security requirements � Editors Q19/13 2011-10-17
[ 166-WP5 ]
Initial draft of recommendation Y.dsnsr � Editors Q19/13 2011-10-20
[ 165-WP5 ]
Output version of Draft Recommendation Y.dsnmmtel, MMTel over DSN � Editors Q19/13 2011-10-20
[ 164-WP5 ]
Output version of Draft Recommendation Y.dsncdf, DSN Content Distribution Functions � Editors Q19/13 2011-10-20
[ 163-WP5 ]
Output version of Draft Recommendation Y.dsnrf, DSN Relay Functions � Editors Q19/13 2011-10-20
[ 162-WP5 ]
Output version of Draft Recommendation Y.dsntocf, DSN Traffic Optimization Control Functions � Editors Q19/13 2011-10-19
[ 161-WP5 ]
Output version of Draft Recommendation Y.dsnarch, Architecture of DSN � Editors Q19/13 2011-10-17
[ 160-WP5 ]
Draft Agenda for Q.7/13 meeting � Rapporteur Q7/13 2011-10-11
[ 159-WP5 ]
Output version of Draft Recommendation Y.dsnarch, Architecture of DSN (at Q19 rapporteur meeting, 11-13 July 2011) � Editors Q19/13 2011-10-10
[ 158-WP5 ]
Output version of Draft Recommendation Y.dsntocf, DSN Traffic Optimization Control Functions (Q.19/13 rapporteur meeting, Qingdao, China, 11-13, Jul 2011) � Editors Q19/13 2011-10-10
[ 157-WP5 ]
Draft meeting Report of Q.19/13 � Rapporteurs Q19/13 2011-10-10
[ 156-WP5 ]
Interim meeting report of Q.21/13 (future networks) - 29-31 August 2011 � Rapporteurs Q21/13 2011-10-10
[ 155-WP5 ]
Interim meeting report of Q.21/13 (future networks) - 29 June - 1 July 2011 � Rapporteurs Q21/13 2011-10-10
[ 154-WP5 ]
Draft agenda of Q.20/13 � Rapporteur Q20/13 2011-10-09
[ 153-WP5 ]
Socio-economic Changes to Draft Recommendation Y.3001 � SG 13 Chairman on behalf of Swiss Administration Q21/13 2011-10-06
[ 152-WP5 ]
English native checking of Y.FNenergy for consent � Editors Q21/13 2011-10-03
[ 151-WP5 ]
Liaison statement from JTC 1/SC 6/WG 7 to ITU-T SG13 for Collaboration on Future Network � ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6/WG7 Q21/13 2011-08-04
[ 150-WP5 ]
Meeting report of Q.19/13 (NGN-GSI event 9-20 May 2011) � Rapporteurs Q19/13 2011-05-30
Results:40 total items.
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