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Signalling requirements, protocols and test specifications

Study Period 2009

Results:25 total items.
Contributions �[�Source:�Telekom Austria�]���Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 304 ]
Proposed revision of "Handbook on Network performance testing and monitoring for guarantee required QoS for NGN services" � A1 Telekom Austria AG , Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) , NEC Corporation , Russian Federation , TELEKOMUNIKACJA POLSKA S.A. Q6/11, Q11/11 2012-05-31
[ 285 ]
NGN Supplementary Service Descriptions for Q.OIP/OIR � A1 Telekom Austria AG Q8/11, Q3/11 2012-05-29
[ 282 ]
Q.3930 - Performance Testing of Distributed Systems; Concepts and Terminology � A1 Telekom Austria AG Q11/11, Q10/11 2012-05-27
[ 281 ]
A.5 Justification for draft recommendation: Q.3940 - NGN/IMS interconnection tests between national network operators or international network operators at the Ic Interface � A1 Telekom Austria AG Q8/11 2012-05-27
[ 280 ]
Q.3940- NGN/IMS interconnection tests between national network operators or international network operators at the Ic Interface � A1 Telekom Austria AG , Deutsche Telekom Q8/11 2012-05-27
[ 233 ]
Justification of ETSI document ETSI TS 186 001- 4 Network Integration Testing between SIP and ISDN/PSTN network signalling protocols; Part 4: Abstract Test Suite (ATS) and partial Protocol Implementation eXtra Information for Testing (PIXIT) proforma specification for SIP-SIP � A1 Telekom Austria Q8/11 2011-04-21
[ 232 ]
Q.3941.4 Network Integration Testing between SIP and ISDN/PSTN network signalling protocols; Part 4: Abstract Test Suite (ATS) and partial Protocol Implementation eXtra Information for Testing (PIXIT) proforma specification for SIP-SIP � A1 Telekom Austria Q8/11 2011-04-21
[ 231 ]
ETSI TS 186 001-4 Network Integration Testing between SIP and ISDN/PSTN network signalling protocols; Part 4: Abstract Test Suite (ATS) and partial Protocol Implementation eXtra Information for Testing (PIXIT) proforma specification � A1 Telekom Austria Q8/11 2011-04-21
[ 230 ]
Justification of ETSI document ETSI TS 186 001-3 Network Integration Testing between SIP and ISDN/PSTN network signalling protocols; Part 3: Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS&TP) for SIP-SIP � A1 Telekom Austria Q8/11 2011-04-21
[ 229 ]
Q.3941.3 Network Integration Testing between SIP and ISDN/PSTN network signalling protocols; Part 1: Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS&TP) for SIP-SIP � A1 Telekom Austria Q8/11 2011-04-21
[ 228 ]
ETSI TS 186 001-3 Network Integration Testing between SIP and ISDN/PSTN network signalling protocols; Part 3: Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS&TP) for SIP-SIP � A1 Telekom Austria Q8/11 2011-04-21
[ 227 ]
Justification of ETSI document ETSI TS 186 001-2 ETSI TS 186 001-2 Network Integration Testing between SIP and ISDN/PSTN network signalling protocols; Part 2: Abstract Test Suite (ATS) and partial Protocol Implementation eXtra Information for Testing (PIXIT) proforma specification � A1 Telekom Austria Q8/11 2011-04-21
[ 226 ]
Q.3941.2 - Network Integration Testing between SIP and ISDN/PSTN network signalling protocols; Part 2: Abstract Test Suite (ATS) and partial Protocol Implementation eXtra Information for Testing (PIXIT) proforma specification � A1 Telekom Austria Q8/11 2011-04-21
[ 225 ]
ETSI TS 186 001-2 Network Integration Testing between SIP and ISDN/PSTN network signalling protocols; Part 2: Abstract Test Suite (ATS) and partial Protocol Implementation eXtra Information for Testing (PIXIT) proforma specification � A1 Telekom Austria Q8/11 2011-04-21
[ 224 ]
Justification of ETSI document ETSI TS 186 001-1 Network Integration Testing between SIP and ISDN/PSTN network signalling protocols; Part 1: Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS&TP) for SIP-ISDN � A1 Telekom Austria Q8/11 2011-04-21
[ 223 ]
Q.3941.1 - Network Integration Testing between SIP and ISDN/PSTN network signalling protocols; Part 1: Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS&TP) for SIP-ISDN � A1 Telekom Austria Q8/11 2011-04-21
[ 222 ]
ETSI TS 186 001-1 Network Integration Testing between SIP and ISDN/PSTN network signalling protocols; Part 1: Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS&TP) for SIP-ISDN � A1 Telekom Austria Q8/11 2011-04-21
[ 197 ]
IMS/PES Performance Benchmark Part 2: Subsystem Configurations and Benchmarks � A1 Telekom Austria Q11/11, Q10/11 2011-01-06
[ 195 ]
IMS/PES Performance Benchmark Part 1: Core Concepts � A1 Telekom Austria Q11/11, Q10/11 2011-01-06
[ 193 ]
Interworking between Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and Bearer Independent Call Control Protocol (BICC) or ISDN User Part (ISUP); Part 5: Abstract Test Suite (ATS) and partial Protocol Implementation eXtra Information for Testing (PIXIT) for Profile C � A1 Telekom Austria Q8/11 2011-01-06
[ 136 ]
Q.1912.5F Interworking between Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and Bearer Independent Call Control Protocol (BICC) or ISDN User Part (ISUP);Part 5: Abstract Test Suite (ATS) and partial Protocol Implementation eXtra Information for Testing (PIXIT) for Profile C � Telekom Austria Q8/11 2010-04-07
[ 35 ]
IMS/NGN Performance Benchmark Part 3: Traffic Sets and Traffic Profiles � Telekom Austria AG Q8/11, Q11/11 2009-01-09
[ 34 ]
IMS/NGN Performance Benchmark Part 2: Subsystem Configurations and Benchmarks �
Reposted with correct attachment
Telekom Austria AG Q8/11, Q11/11 2009-01-09
[ 33 ]
IMS/NGN Performance Benchmark Part 1: Core Concepts � Telekom Austria AG Q8/11, Q11/11 2009-01-09
[ 32 ]
Network performance objectives Tests for IP-based Voice services � Telekom Austria AG Q11/11 2009-01-09
Results:25 total items.
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