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Home : ITU-T : SG 9 : Meeting�2009-10-26�: Temporary Documents� Recently posted�-� Search Meeting Documents
ITU-T�SG 9� TD�(2009-10-26)�


Television and sound transmission and Integrated broadband cable networks

Study Period 2009

Meeting� from 2009-10-26 to 2009-10-30

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Other Meetings : 2012-04-302011-11-212011-03-142010-11-192010-07-19� 2010-03-19� [ 2009-10-26 ]� 2009-02-02

Results:50 total items.
Temporary Documents �(GEN) �[�AI/Question:�QALL/9�]���Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 246-GEN ]
Draft new Question 14/9 Work programme, coordination and planning � WG 6 QALL/9 2009-10-29
[ 245-GEN ]
Proposed modification of representatives (Study Period 2009-2012) � WG 6 QALL/9 2009-10-29
[ 244-GEN ]
OLS - Reply LS to SG 15 on access network transport standardization plan and work plan � ITU-T SG 9 QALL/9 2009-10-29
[ 243-GEN ]
OLS - Reply LS to JCA-NID on JCA-NID liaison officers and email lists � ITU-T SG 9 QALL/9 2009-10-29
[ 242-GEN ]
OLS - Reply LS to ITU-T SG 5 on Request for participation in Joint Coordination Activity on ICTs and Climate Change � ITU-T SG 9 QALL/9 2009-10-29
[ 241-GEN ]
OLS - Reply LS to TSAG on Electronic Working Methods Services and database applications � ITU-T SG 9 QALL/9 2009-10-29
[ 240-GEN ]
OLS - Reply LS to SG 2 on Action Plan for issues related to Developing Countries � ITU-T SG 9 QALL/9 2009-10-29
[ 239-GEN ]
OLS - Reply LS to SG 2 on identification of terms and definitions on service provisioning and telecommunication management � ITU-T SG 9 QALL/9 2009-10-29
[ 238-GEN ]
OLS - Reply LS to ITU-T SG 17 on Language and description techniques � ITU-T SG 9 QALL/9 2009-10-29
[ 237-GEN ]
OLS - Reply LS to ITU-T SG 17 on High-quality, testable Recommendations and test specifications � ITU-T SG 9 QALL/9 2009-10-29
[ 236-GEN ]
OLS -Reply LS to SG16 on request for multimedia contact person � ITU-T SG 9 QALL/9 2009-10-29
[ 235-GEN ]
OLS - Proposed new Question 14/9 � ITU-T SG 9 QALL/9 2009-10-29
[ 234-GEN ]
Work on testing related to Recommendations J.200, 201, and 202 � Rapporteur for Q4/9 QALL/9 2009-10-29
[ 206-GEN ]
Report of Working Group 6 � WG 6 QALL/9 2009-10-30
[ 204-GEN ]
Draft Agenda for the closing Plenary of Study Group 9 ( 30 October, 09:00- ) � TSB QALL/9 2009-10-29
[ 201-GEN ]
Draft Recommendations to be presented for 'Decision' using TAP procedure(Res.1) and 'Consent' using AAP (Rec. A.8) procedure at SG 9 meeting Geneva, 30 October 2009 � Chairman SG 9 QALL/9 2009-10-29
[ 192-GEN ]
Proposal for a comprehensive ITU-T publication on IPTV (IPTV "Red Book") � SG 9 Chairman QALL/9 2009-10-28
[ 191-GEN ]
Proposed cancellation of several consented draft Recommendations � WG 6 Chairman QALL/9 2009-10-28
[ 190-GEN ]
OLS - Reply LS to SG16 on request for multimedia contact person � SG 9 QALL/9 2009-10-28
[ 188-GEN ]
Draft New Recommendation J.262 (formerly J.prefa2); Specifications for authentication in preferential telecommunications over IPCablecom2 networks � Editor QALL/9 2009-10-27
[ 187-GEN ]
Draft New Recommendation J.261 (formerly J.preffr); Framework for implementing preferential telecommunications in IPCablecom and IPCablecom2 networks � Editor QALL/9 2009-10-27
[ 186-GEN ]
Comments from Germany on TAP Draft Recommendations J.261 and J. 262 � Chairman of SG 9 QALL/9 2009-10-27
[ 185-GEN ]
Agenda for Joint SG 9 and SG 16 plenary sessions � Chairmen of SG 9 and SG 16 QALL/9 2009-10-27
[ 184-GEN ]
List of participants � TSB QALL/9 2009-10-27
[ 183-GEN ]
Draft agenda for WP 1 and WP 2 meeting, 26 October 2009 � Chairmen of WP1 and WP 2 QALL/9 2009-10-26
[ 181-GEN ]
Comments from the USA on TAP Recommendation J. 261 � Chairman of SG 9 QALL/9 2009-10-22
[ 180-GEN ]
Proposal of establishing Working Parties, Chairs and Vice-Chairs � ITU-T SG 9 Management team QALL/9 2009-10-22
[ 179-GEN ]
Proposed Rapporteurs & Associate Rapporteurs for some SG 9 Questions � SG 9 management team QALL/9 2009-10-22
[ 171-GEN ]
Patent statement and licensing declaration � TSB QALL/9 2009-10-23
[ 153-GEN ]
Incoming LS - Report of 1st Meeting Focus Group on Future Networks (FG-FN) � Chairman, ITU-T FG FN QALL/9 2009-07-28
[ 150-GEN ]
Incoming LS - LS to all JCA-NID liaison officers and ITU-T Study Groups on email lists and contact points � JCA-NID QALL/9 2009-07-01
[ 145-GEN ]
Reply to LS on Implementation of WTSA-08 Resolution 76: instructions to the ITU-T Study Groups � Chairman SG9 by correspondence QALL/9 2009-06-26
[ 143-GEN ]
Implementation of WTSA-08 Resolution 76: instructions to the ITU-T Study Groups, kind reminder � TSB Director QALL/9 2009-06-10
[ 142-GEN ]
Incoming LS - Request for participation in Joint Coordination Activity on ICTs and Climate Change � ITU-T SG 5 QALL/9 2009-06-08
[ 135-GEN ]
Incoming LS - Updates on Electronic Working Methods Services and database applications � TSAG Chairman QALL/9 2009-05-18
[ 134-GEN ]
Incoming LS - Continuation of ITU-T's work on ICTs/Environment and Climate Change � TSAG Chairman QALL/9 2009-05-12
[ 133-GEN ]
Incoming LS - Standardization Activities for Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) � TSAG Chairman QALL/9 2009-05-12
[ 126-GEN ]
Incoming LS - Study Group 2 Action Plan: Group for Issues Related to Developing Countries � ITU-T SG 2 QALL/9 2009-04-09
[ 125-GEN ]
Incoming LS - Request for review of Recommendations for identification of terms and definitions � ITU-T SG 2 QALL/9 2009-04-09
[ 124-GEN ]
Incoming LS - Draft LS to TSAG on the continuation of the JCA-AHF in the New Study Period (2009 - 2012) with revised terms of reference � ITU-T SG 2 QALL/9 2009-04-09
[ 116-GEN ]
Incoming LS - Languages and description techniques use in ITU-T � ITU-T SG 17 QALL/9 2009-03-02
[ 115-GEN ]
Incoming LS - Proposal for the continuation of the Joint Coordination Activity on Conformance and Interoperability Testing (JCA-CIT) � ITU-T SG 17 QALL/9 2009-03-02
[ 114-GEN ]
Incoming LS - High-quality, testable Recommendations and test specifications � ITU-T SG 17 QALL/9 2009-03-02
[ 113-GEN ]
Incoming LS - LS to all ITU-T, ITU-R and ITU-D SGs on request for multimedia contact person � ITU-T SG16 QALL/9 2009-02-26
[ 111-GEN ]
Draft Recommendations to be presented for 'Determination' using TAP (Resolution 1) or 'Consent', using AAP (Rec. A.8) procedure, at SG 9 meeting Geneva, 26-30 October 2009 � Chairman SG9 QALL/9 2009-02-26
[ 110-GEN ]
Draft List of ITU-T SG 9 Incoming Liaison Statements (since February 2009) � TSB QALL/9 2009-02-26
[ 109-GEN ]
Work Programme of Study Group 9 - 2009 - 2012 � TSB QALL/9 2009-02-26
[ 108-GEN ]
Draft work programme for the meeting of Study Group 9 and its Working Groups (Geneva, 26-30 October 2009) � TSB QALL/9 2009-02-26
[ 107-GEN ]
Document List and proposed allocation of documents to Working Groups � TSB QALL/9 2009-02-26
[ 106-GEN ]
Draft Agenda for the Plenary sessions of Study Group 9 � TSB QALL/9 2009-02-26
Results:50 total items.
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