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ITU-T�SG 3� C�(2009-09-21)�


Tariff and accounting principles including related telecommunication economic and policy issues

Study Period 2009

Meeting� from 2009-09-21 to 2009-09-25

held in Uganda [Kampala]

Other Meetings : 2012-09-032012-01-162011-03-282010-05-172009-01-19

Results:21 total items.
Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 44 ]
Considerations on draft Recommendation D.51 � Brazil (Federative Republic of) Q1/3 2009-09-11
[ 43 ]
Australian Contribution in response to COM 3-C 21 (USA) - Australian Case Study on IPv6 deployment � Australia Q3/3 2009-09-11
[ 42 ]
Recommendation on dispute resolution � Syrian Arab Republic Q2/3 2009-09-09
[ 41 ]
Mobile Roaming Rapporteur Group Terms of Reference � Korea (Republic of) Q2/3 2009-09-09
[ 40 ]
Modification of Recommendation D.195 � Rostelecom Q2/3 2009-09-08
[ 39 ]
Modification of Recommendation D.170 (Queries relating to monthly accounts) � Rostelecom Q2/3 2009-09-08
[ 38 ]
Comments on new draft Recommendation D.sms � United States of America Q2/3 2009-09-02
[ 37 ]
UK Contribution in response to COM 3 - C 12 (China) - UK comments on Recommendation D.51; and request for further work on International Internet Connections (IIC) � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Q1/3 2009-08-25
[ 36 ]
International mobile roaming and the taxation provision of the ITRs � Australia Q3/3, Q2/3 2009-08-19
[ 35 ]
UK Contribution in response to COM 3-C 21 (USA) - UK Case Study on IP Address allocation and the deployment of IPv6 � United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Q3/3 2009-08-19
[ 34 ]
Transparency 31 of presentation "Roaming in South America: Context and priorities" � SG3RG-LAC Q3/3 2009-08-18
[ 33 ]
Roaming sudamericano: contexto y prioridades � SG3RG-LAC Q2/3 2009-08-18
[ 32 ]
Tutorial on IPv4 consumption and transition to IPv6 - LACNIC Campaign Latinamerica and the Caribbean in IPv6 - 1/1/11 � CITEL Q3/3, Q1/3 2009-08-17
[ 31 ]
Resolution on the implementation of IPv6 � CITEL Q3/3, Q1/3 2009-08-17
[ 30 ]
Resolution on International Internet Connectivity (IIC) �
Revision 1 applies to the English version only
CITEL Q1/3 2009-08-17
[ 29 ]
Proposed Annex 1 to Recommendation D.156 � Chairman, SG3RG-AFR Q3/3 2009-05-14
[ 28 ]
Proposed liaison to ITU-D SG1 regarding preferential rates for people with disabilities � Chairman, SG3RG-AFR Q3/3 2009-05-14
[ 27 ]
Definition of hubbing � Chairman, SG3RG-AFR Q5/3 2009-05-14
[ 26 ]
Changes to Recommendation D.195 (shortening of settlement period) � Chairman, SG3RG-AFR Q2/3 2009-05-14
[ 25 ]
International Internet Connectivity (IIC) � Chairman, SG3RG-AFR Q1/3 2009-05-14
[ 24 ]
Draft new Recommendation D.sms � Chairman, SG3RG-AO Q2/3 2009-03-06
Results:21 total items.
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