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ITU-T�NGN-GSI� C�(2010-01-18)�


NGN Global Standards Initiative

Study Period 2009

Meeting� from 2010-01-18 to 2010-01-29

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Other Meetings : 2012-12-03� 2012-06-04� 2012-02-06� 2011-10-10� 2011-05-09� 2011-01-17� 2010-09-06� 2010-04-19� 2009-09-02� 2009-05-11� 2009-01-12�

Results:26 total items.
Contributions �[�AI/Question:�Q3/13�]���Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 573 ]
Service enablers in SIDE � ZTE Corporation Q3/13 2010-01-11
[ 572 ]
Scenarios of XaaS and relationship with SIDE � ZTE Corporation Q3/13 2010-01-11
[ 571 ]
Scenarios concerning integration of web mechanisms in SIDE � ZTE Corporation Q3/13 2010-01-11
[ 570 ]
Service enablers in SIDE � ZTE Corporation Q3/13 2010-01-11
[ 569 ]
Service enablers in SIDE � ZTE Corporation Q3/13 2010-01-11
[ 568 ]
Proposed modifications to clause 8 of Y.NGN-MCC � ZTE Corporation , China Telecom Q3/13 2010-01-11
[ 536 ]
Study the interfaces requirement of Y.NGN-SIDE_req � ZTE Corporation Q3/13 2010-01-11
[ 535 ]
Study of service broker and clarification in Y.NGN-SIDE-Req � ZTE Corporation Q3/13 2010-01-11
[ 534 ]
Scenario of service integration in Y.NGN-SIDE-Req � ZTE Corporation Q3/13 2010-01-11
[ 528 ]
Proposed Modification of Functional Architecture in Y.2233Rev.1 � ETRI , Korea Telecom Q3/13 2010-01-11
[ 527 ]
Proposed Changes and Comments on Editor's Notes in Y.2233Rev.1 � ETRI , Korea Telecom Q3/13 2010-01-11
[ 526 ]
Proposed Changes in Y.2111Amd � ETRI , Korea Telecom Q4/13, Q3/13 2010-01-11
[ 525 ]
Proposed Modifications on the Accounting and Charging Scenarios in Y.2233Rev.1 � ETRI , Korea Telecom Q3/13 2010-01-11
[ 515 ]
Initiation on Identification Framework for IPTV services � ETRI Q3/13 2010-01-08
[ 472 ]
Some proposal for the functional architecture of Y.NGN-SIDE-req � China Telecom Q3/13 2010-01-08
[ 471 ]
Proposal for modification of generic requirements of Y.NGN-SIDE-req � China Telecom Q3/13 2010-01-08
[ 457 ]
Proposed modifications to fix open issues and editor's notes in Y.NGN-MCC � China Telecom , ZTE Q3/13 2010-01-08
[ 456 ]
Proposed editorial modifications to Y.NGN-MCC draft Recommendation � China Telecom , ZTE Q3/13 2010-01-08
[ 451 ]
Possible solutions for the living list for Y.NGN-R2-Reqts � Softbank BB Corp Q3/13 2010-01-08
[ 450 ]
Possible solutions for general living list of Q3/13 � Softbank BB Corp Q3/13 2010-01-08
[ 428 ]
Proposed Modifications on Y.iptv-netcontrol-fw � Huawei Technologies Q3/13 2010-01-07
[ 426 ]
Proposed text about unicast transport control requirements in Y.iptv-netcontrol-fw � Huawei Technologies Q3/13 2010-01-07
[ 384 ]
Proposed new draft Recommendation "NGN interoperability" � NEC Corporation Q9/11, Q8/11, Q5/13, Q3/13, Q13/16, Q12/11, Q11/11, Q10/11 2010-01-07
[ 345 ]
Proposal to extend the meaning of user profile in Y.NGN-SIDE-Req � CATR,The MIIT of China Q3/13 2010-01-06
[ 331 ]
Proposed Text for ITU-T Recommendation Y.2233 � Telcordia Technologies , Alcatel-Lucent , AT&T , Qwest , Verizon Q3/13 2010-01-06
[ 330 ]
Review of Editor's Notes in ITU-T Recommendation Y.2233 Working Document (TD 81) � Telcordia Technologies , Alcatel-Lucent , AT&T , Qwest , Verizon Q3/13 2010-01-06
Results:26 total items.
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