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Optical and other transport network infrastructures

Study Period 2005

Results:129 total items.
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Contributions �[�AI/Question:�12/15�]���Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 913 ]
Some concerns about and proposals for the future direction of ASON � NTT Q14/15, Q12/15 2008-02-06
[ 908 ]
Layer model of Ethernet � Deutsche Telekom Q12/15 2008-02-03
[ 856 ]
Change Proposal for G.7712 re the T-MPLS Management Communication Channel � Alcatel-Lucent Q12/15, Q14/15 2008-02-01
[ 843 ]
Requirement of MS-PW over T-MPLS � CMCC , Alcatel Shangai Bell , CU , CATR MII China Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15 2008-02-01
[ 830 ]
G.pacmod-bis: Test results of the new timing distribution mechanism � Huawei Q14/15, Q13/15, Q12/15 2008-02-01
[ 828 ]
Requirements for Network Automatic Configuration � Huawei Q14/15, Q12/15 2008-01-31
[ 826 ]
Corrections to FD/FDFr Usage in G.8010 � Huawei Q12/15 2008-01-31
[ 823 ]
PBB Model for G.8010 � Huawei Q12/15 2008-01-31
[ 822 ]
G.800 Term for Interconnect Transport Entities � Huawei Q12/15 2008-01-31
[ 821 ]
G.800 description modification � Huawei Q12/15 2008-01-31
[ 820 ]
Composite Transport Model and Transport Resilience Description � Huawei 12/15 2008-01-31
[ 815 ]
Annex of G.8010v2 to describe the PVT network application � Huawei , Nokia Siemens Networks Q12/15 2008-01-31
[ 797 ]
Consideration on IP/MPLS and T-MPLS interworking � Fujitsu Q12/15 2008-01-31
[ 788 ]
Complexity, Scalability, Independency, and Transparency � BT Q12/15 2008-01-31
[ 782 ]
Proposed study items for packet based transport technologies for the next study period (2009-2012) � NTT QNEW/15, Q14/15, Q13/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15, Q3/15 2008-01-31
[ 738 ]
Combination of protection and restoration in G.8080 � ZTE Q12/15 2008-01-30
[ 734 ]
Clarification for FP partitioning in G.8010 � ZTE Q12/15 2008-01-30
[ 730 ]
Proposal for adding definition of control component topology in ASON � ZTE Q12/15 2008-01-30
[ 713 ]
VLAN model in G.8010 � BT, Nortel Networks (Europe) Q12/15 2008-01-30
[ 712 ]
PBB model for G.8010 � BT, Nortel Networks (Europe) Q12/15 2008-01-30
[ 711 ]
Approach to modelling in G.pbb-te � BT, Nortel Networks (Europe) Q12/15 2008-01-30
[ 677 ]
Proposed liaison response for PCE � Nortel Networks (Canada) Q14/15, Q12/15 2008-01-29
[ 654 ]
DCN Architecture and Gateways � Ciena Corp Q14/15, Q12/15 2008-01-29
[ 653 ]
Problems with G.8010 � Ciena Corp Q14/15, Q12/15, Q9/15 2008-01-29
[ 651 ]
The future of G.7716 � Ciena Corp, Nortel Networks (USA) Q12/15 2008-01-29
[ 619 ]
Deployment of MAC addresses in transport network equipment and relation with Access Point ID and MEG and MEP/MIP ID � Alcatel-Lucent Q12/15 2007-05-25
[ 617 ]
Architecture of multipoint connections in a transport network with channel and path layers � Alcatel-Lucent Q12/15 2007-05-25
[ 616 ]
Encapsulation of Ethernet signals in T-MPLS multipoint service cases � Alcatel-Lucent Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15 2007-05-25
[ 615 ]
E-LAN and E-TREE service related CI and AI in T-MPLS networks � Alcatel-Lucent Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15 2007-05-25
[ 614 ]
Structured and unstructured labels and label allocation policy � Alcatel-Lucent Q12/15 2007-05-25
[ 613 ]
Subnetwork, Matrix and Link � Alcatel-Lucent Q12/15 2007-05-25
[ 612 ]
Pre-condition for client/server independence � Alcatel-Lucent Q12/15 2007-05-25
[ 611 ]
E-LAN and E-TREE service support in T-MPLS networks � Alcatel-Lucent Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15 2007-05-25
[ 610 ]
Designing a scalable T-MPLS network architecture � Alcatel-Lucent Q12/15, Q9/15 2007-05-25
[ 597 ]
Proposal for T-MPLS TCS (Traffic Conditioning and Shaping) in G.8110.1 � Alcatel-Lucent Q12/15 2007-05-25
[ 596 ]
Support of PDH over T-MPLS (PW adaptation) � Alcatel-Lucent Q13/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15 2007-05-25
[ 595 ]
IP/MPLS and T-MPLS Interoperability � Alcatel-Lucent Q14/15, Q12/15 2007-05-25
[ 594 ]
Support of ATM over T-MPLS (PW adaptation) � Alcatel-Lucent Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15 2007-05-25
[ 593 ]
Proposals for Current Draft of G.ufatn and Future Work � BT Q12/15 2007-05-25
[ 592 ]
MCC and SCC Options for T-MPLS � Alcatel-Lucent Q12/15, Q14/15 2007-05-25
[ 591 ]
Proposal how to eliminate the SCC/MCC PDU length limitation in G.8114 � Alcatel-Lucent Q12/15, Q14/15 2007-05-25
[ 561 ]
ASON Call Routing � Nortel Networks (Canada) Q14/15, Q12/15 2007-05-25
[ 551 ]
Updates to G.8080 LRM and TAP components to support packet switching � Nortel Networks (Canada) Q12/15 2007-05-25
[ 533 ]
Items under study in Q12 � BT Q12/15 2007-05-25
[ 514 ]
Proposed study items for packet based transport technologies for the next study period (2009-2012) � NTT Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15, Q3/15 2007-05-25
[ 492 ]
Consideration on T-MPLS connections and its server layer � Fujitsu Q12/15 2007-05-24
[ 491 ]
Proposed update for G.8112 � Fujitsu Q12/15, Q11/15 2007-05-24
[ 471 ]
VS Technical Clarification � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd , China Telecom Co., Ltd Q12/15 2007-05-24
[ 432 ]
Proposals to add directory service component into G.8080 � ZTE Corporation Q12/15 2007-05-24
[ 417 ]
Proposals for control plane performance monitoring parameters � China Academy of Telecommunications Research (MII) Q14/15, Q12/15 2007-05-24
Results:129 total items.
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