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Home : ITU-T : SG09 : Meeting�2005-01-17�: Temporary Documents� Recently posted�-� Search Meeting Documents
ITU-T�SG09� TD�(2005-01-17)�


Integrated broadband cable networks and television and sound transmission

Study Period 2005

Meeting� from 2005-01-17 to 2005-01-21

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Other Meetings : 2009-11-02� 2009-02-23� 2008-09-192008-05-052007-10-292007-06-142006-10-022005-10-17� [ 2005-01-17 ]�

Results:25 total items.
Temporary Documents �(GEN) �[�AI/Question:�QALL�]���Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 102-GEN ]
Final list of Participants (Geneva, 17-21 January 2005) � TSB QALL 2005-01-21
[ 101-GEN ]
Planned Workshop on Home Networking � TSB QALL 2005-01-20
[ 100-GEN ]
Proposed list of Rapporteurs, Coordinators and Liaison officers � TSB QALL 2005-01-20
[ 95-GEN ]
Draft new Recommendation J.pref (formerly J.tdr.1) - Specifications for preferential telecommunications over IPCablecom networks (Proposed additional revisions to D17) � SG 9 WG 1 QALL 2005-01-20
[ 88-GEN ]
Draft Liaison on Coordination of ITU-T SG 9 studies � Chairman of SG 9 QALL 2005-01-20
[ 77-GEN ]
Liaison statement on Trial of Public Access to SG 19 Documentation � SG 19 Chairman QALL 2005-01-19
[ 66-GEN ]
Draft report of WG 6 - Work Programme, Questions, Liaison Statements � WG 6 Chairman QALL/9 2005-01-17
[ 46-GEN ]
Responses to the consultation regarding draft Recommendation J.260 under TAP � TSB QALL/9 2005-01-13
[ 40-GEN ]
Liaison to ITU-T SGs 9 and 16 on Sub-Committee 46F: Connectors, and accessories for communication and signalling � IEC TC 46 QALL/9 2005-01-13
[ 37-GEN ]
ITU-T Study Group Representatives to ICG-SAT � ITU-T SG 13 QALL/9 2005-01-07
[ 36-GEN ]
SG 13 action plan for developing countries and countries with economies in transition � ITU-T SG 13 QALL/9 2005-01-07
[ 28-GEN ]
Schedule of ITU-T meetings for 2005 � TSB QALL 2004-12-17
[ 27-GEN ]
New "Patent Statement and Licensing Declaration" Form � TSB QALL/9 2004-12-14
[ 26-GEN ]
WTSA Results (SG structure, Resolutions, A-Series Recommendations) � TSB QALL/9 2004-12-14
[ 25-GEN ]
Summary Record of Chairmen's meeting, 10-11 Nov. 2004 � TSB QALL/9 2004-12-13
[ 22-GEN ]
LS to TSAG and all ITU-T SGs on "SG Action Plan for developing countries and countries with economies in transition � ITU-T SG 16 QALL 2004-12-10
[ 10-GEN ]
Report on Home Networking and Home Service Workshop � N/A � QALL 2004-10-28
[ 9-GEN ]
LS to IETF and ITU-T Study Groups on Countering SPAN � TSAG QALL/9 2004-10-28
[ 7-GEN ]
Draft Recommendations for "Consent" using AAP procedure at JanuarySG 9 meeting; application of TAP to one draft Recommendation; one Implementor's Guide (COM 9-C2 update) � TSB QALL 2005-01-14
[ 6-GEN ]
Proposed assignment of documents � TSB QALL 2005-01-14
[ 5-GEN ]
Draft list of ITU-T SG 9 Incoming Liaison Statements (Since May 2004) � TSB QALL 2004-10-28
[ 4-GEN ]
Draft Work Programme of SG 9 - 2005-2008; Standardization Areas, Domains and their Codes � TSB QALL 2004-10-28
[ 3-GEN ]
Draft Work Programme for the meeting of SG 9 and its Working Groups � TSB QALL 2004-10-28
[ 2-GEN ]
Draft list of Documents � TSB QALL 2004-10-28
[ 1-GEN ]
Draft Agenda for the Plenary sessions (Geneva 17 and 21 January 2005) � TSB QALL 2004-10-28
Results:25 total items.
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