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Home : ITU-T : SG11 : Meeting�2002-11-11�: Delayed Contributions� Recently posted�-� Search Meeting Documents
ITU-T�SG11� D�(2002-11-11)�


Signalling requirements and protocols

Study Period 2001

Meeting� from 2002-11-11 to 2002-11-22

held in Switzerland [Geneva]

Other Meetings : 2004-03-012003-09-01� [ 2002-11-11 ]� 2002-02-182001-07-022001-05-14� 2001-03-21� 2000-11-27

Results:18 total items.
Delayed Contributions �[�Source:�Siemens AG, Germany�]���Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 446 ]
Proposed changes to draft Q.2630.3 for mandatory support of AAL Type 2 Transfer Capability � Siemens AG, Germany Q15/11 2002-10-30
[ 438 ]
On the Support of IP Transpef Capabilities in IP Signalling � Siemens AG, Germany Q9/11 2002-10-30
[ 437 ]
Mandatory Support of AAL Type 2 Transfer Capabilities in Q.2630.3 � Siemens AG, Germany Q9/11 2002-10-30
[ 436 ]
Corrections to draft Q.2630.3 (Ottawa input) � Siemens AG, Germany Q15/11 2002-10-30
[ 435 ]
On inconsistencies of CS1 and CS2 SDLs � Siemens AG, Germany Q15/11 2002-10-30
[ 411 ]
SIP-BICC/ISUP Interworking Tones, Announcements and Switch Through � Siemens AG, Germany Q11/11, Q9/11 2002-10-30
[ 410 ]
Clearmode Codec for Fallback in BICC CS3 � Siemens AG, Germany Q11/11 2002-10-30
[ 409 ]
Codec Negotiation and Bearer Redirection for interworking BICC - SIP �
(Source corrected)
Siemens AG, Germany & Deutsche Telekom Q11/11, Q9/11 2002-10-30
[ 408 ]
Handling of RLC �
(Source corrected)
Siemens AG, Germany & Deutsche Telekom Q11/11 2002-10-30
[ 407 ]
Transfer of ISUP messages in provisional responses �
(Source corrected)
Siemens AG, Germany & Deutsche Telekom Q11/11 2002-10-30
[ 406 ]
Setting of the Version Parameter �
(Source corrected)
Siemens AG, Germany & Deutsche Telekom Q11/11 2002-10-30
[ 405 ]
Setting of the Handling Parameter �
(Source corrected)
Siemens AG, Germany & Deutsche Telekom Q11/11 2002-10-30
[ 404 ]
Coding of SDP media description from TMR/USI �
(Source corrected)
Siemens AG, Germany & Deutsche Telekom Q11/11, Q9/11 2002-10-30
[ 403 ]
Inband transport of tones according RFC 2833 in BICC CS3 � Siemens AG, Germany Q11/11 2002-10-30
[ 402 ]
Silence suppression for Codec G.711 in BICC CS3 � Siemens AG, Germany Q11/11 2002-10-30
[ 401 ]
New Codec T.38 in BICC CS3 � Siemens AG, Germany Q11/11 2002-10-30
[ 400 ]
New Codec T.38 in BICC CS3 � Siemens AG, Germany Q9/11 2002-10-30
[ 399 ]
Media Suspension in BICC CS3 � Siemens AG, Germany Q9/11 2002-10-30
Results:18 total items.
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