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Council Working Group on Financial and Human Resources

Results:13 total items.
Contributions �[�Source:�SG�]���Documents / Contributions

Title Source Date
[ 20 ]
Liaison statement on strengthening Sector Member engagement and revenues � SG 2025-01-20
[ 19 ]
Renewal of the mandate of the External Auditor - The United Kingdom's National Audit Office (NAO) - for a period of two years � SG 2025-01-20
[ 17 ]
Code of conduct at ITU events - Working together for a culture of respect � SG 2025-01-17
[ 15 ]
Preparation of the draft budget of the Union for 2026-2027 � SG 2025-01-21
[ 13 ]
Challenges faced in implementing Council Decision 601 on IIN registration � SG 2025-01-20
[ 12 ]
Progress on the implementation of IT, cybersecurity, and data governance and IT roadmap implementation report � SG 2025-01-20
[ 11 ]
Update on the Transformation process � SG 2025-01-20
[ 10 ]
Full cost - Processing of space notices � SG 2025-01-24
[ 9 ]
Business continuity modalities for ITU meetings 2028-2029 � SG 2025-01-20
[ 8 ]
Initial draft of the Campus Strategic Plan � SG 2025-01-17
[ 7 ]
Update on the Union's headquarters premises project � SG 2025-01-17
[ 5 ]
Annual budgetary implications of addressing the WTSA-24 decisions � SG 2025-01-20
[ 4 ]
Methodology for provision of estimates of the financial implications of proposed decisions and resolutions at ITU conferences and assemblies � SG 2025-01-20
Results:13 total items.
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