Abstract :
The Plenipotentiary Conference (Bucharest, 2022) instructed the Secretary-General in Decision 5 (Rev. Bucharest, 2022) to develop an ITU-wide resource mobilisation strategy and present it to the ITU Council. The secretariat presented document C23/62 Rev1, which provided initial analysis and recommendations regarding resource mobilization. Council noted Document C23/62(Rev.1) and invited the Secretary-General to report to CWG-FHR and to the Council on the refinement of the draft ITU-wide resource mobilization strategy and its implementation, as well as how ITU could leverage the outcomes of the ITU World Caf� (C22/INF/13) held in 2022. The secretariat will prepare further information for the CWG-FHR to assist with the refinement of the overall strategy for its meeting in early 2024. In the meantime, this document focuses on the outcomes of the ITU World Caf� on revenue generation and ideas from that process which might be considered as part of the further refinement of the overall strategy.