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Plenipotentiary Conference

Results:2 total items.
Contributions �[�Source:�Italy�]�

Title Source Destination Date
[ 90 ]
Proposals for the work of the Conference - Revision to Resolution 198: Empowerment of youth through telecommunication/information and communication technology � Bulgaria (Republic of) , Croatia (Republic of) , Czech Republic , Denmark , Estonia (Republic of) , France , Germany (Federal Republic of) , Greece , Hungary , Italy , Malta , Moldova (Republic of) , Netherlands (Kingdom of the) , Norway , Poland (Republic of) , Portugal , Romania , Slovenia (Republic of) , Spain , Sweden , Ukraine , United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland PL 2022-09-05
[ 87 ]
Proposals for the work of the Conference - Revision to Annex 1 to Resolution 71: ITU Strategic Plan for 2024-2027 (Multi-countries - Europe, USA, etc.) � Australia , Belgium , Bulgaria (Republic of) , Canada , Czech Republic , Denmark , Dominican Republic , Estonia (Republic of) , Finland , France , Germany (Federal Republic of) , Hungary , Ireland , Italy , Korea (Republic of) , Latvia (Republic of) , Lithuania (Republic of) , Mexico , Netherlands (Kingdom of the) , New Zealand , Norway , Paraguay (Republic of) , Portugal , Romania , Slovenia (Republic of) , Spain , Sweden , United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland , United States of America PL 2022-09-05
Results:2 total items.
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