Abstract :
This document covers the Joint Inspection Unit's remaining reports from the 2020 programme of work and those available from the 2021 programme of work published this year, as listed in Table 1. The full set of recommendations and links to the reports, as well as comments from the Chief Executive Board (where available) and the ITU Secretariat are presented in Table 2. The Council Working Group on Financial and Human Resources, having reviewed document CWG-FHR-15/2 entitled "JIU Reports on United Nations system-wide issues for 2020-2021 and recommendations to executive Heads and Legislative Bodies" during its 15th meeting (11-12 January 2022) noted that there were no objections to the document and requested that the financial implications, if any, be added to an updated document for submission and consideration to Council for its endorsement. The present document has been updated with the additional information requested by the CWG-FHR, with respect to the relevance and financial and human resource implications, if any.