Format |
Size |
Posted |
English |
15283680 bytes |
2023-03-10 |
[1668]�Chapter 7
- General matters |
32250 bytes |
2023-02-23 |
[1668]�Chapter 6
- Meeting Report of AD HOC Workplan |
38370 bytes |
2023-03-14 |
[1668]�Chapter 5
- Meeting Report of Working Group Technology Aspects |
PowerPoint 2007
55551 bytes |
2023-02-14 |
[1668]�Chapter 5 - Annex 5.1 Part 1
93687 bytes |
2023-02-14 |
[1668]�Chapter 5 - Annex 5.1
- Meeting Report of Sub-Working Group IMT Specifications |
7763638 bytes |
2023-02-15 |
[1668]�Chapter 5 - Annex 5.2
- Preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.2150-1 - Detailed specifications of the terrestrial radio interfaces of International Mobile Telecommunications-2020 (IMT-2020) |
2386469 bytes |
2023-02-15 |
[1668]�Chapter 5 - Annex 5.3
- Preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.2012-5 - Detailed specifications of the terrestrial radio interfaces of International Mobile Telecommunications-Advanced (IMT-Advanced) |
40167 bytes |
2023-02-14 |
[1668]�Chapter 5 - Annex 5.4
- Meeting Report of Sub-Working Group Radio Aspects |
26757295 bytes |
2023-03-10 |
[1668]�Chapter 5 - Annex 5.5
- [Working document towards a] preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[IMT.ABOVE 100 GHz] - Technical feasibility of IMT in bands above 100 GHz |
31962 bytes |
2023-02-14 |
[1668]�Chapter 5 - Annex 5.6
- Draft summary of Report ITU-R M.[IMT.ABOVE 100GHz] for Sub-Working Group IMT-2030 |
35307 bytes |
2023-02-16 |
[1668]�Chapter 5 - Annex 5.7
- Meeting Report of Sub-Working Group OOBE |
754968 bytes |
2023-02-16 |
[1668]�Chapter 5 - Annex 5.8
- Preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-M.2070-1 - [Generic] unwanted emission characteristics of base stations using
the terrestrial radio interfaces of IMT Advanced
760267 bytes |
2023-02-15 |
[1668]�Chapter 5 - Annex 5.9
- Preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.2071-1 - [Generic] unwanted emission characteristics of mobile stations using the terrestrial radio interfaces of IMT -Advanced |
378489 bytes |
2023-02-15 |
[1668]�Chapter 5 - Annex 5.10
- Working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[IMT-2020.UNWANT.BS] - [Generic] unwanted emission characteristics of base stations using the terrestrial radio interface of IMT-2020 |
249421 bytes |
2023-02-15 |
[1668]�Chapter 5 - Annex 5.11
- Working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[IMT-2020.UNWANT.MS] - Generic unwanted emission characteristics of mobile stations using the terrestrial radio interface of IMT-2020 |
52855 bytes |
2023-02-23 |
[1668]�Chapter 4
- Meeting Report of Working Group Spectrum Aspects and WRC-23 Preparation |
33889 bytes |
2023-02-15 |
[1668]�Chapter 4 - Annex 4.1
- Meeting Report of Sub-Working Group Frequency Arrangements |
1260194 bytes |
2023-02-16 |
[1668]�Chapter 4 - Annex 4.2
- [Preliminary] draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.1036-6 - Frequency arrangements for implementation of the terrestrial component of International Mobile Telecommunications in the bands identified for IMT in the Radio Regulations |
40008 bytes |
2023-02-15 |
[1668]�Chapter 4 - Annex 4.3
- Meeting Report of Sub-Working Group Sharing Studies |
17359336 bytes |
2023-02-14 |
[1668]�Chapter 4 - Annex 4.4
- Working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[IMT.AAS] - Measurements and mathematical modelling of Advanced Antenna Systems (AAS) in IMT-2020 systems |
133470 bytes |
2023-02-14 |
[1668]�Chapter 4 - Annex 4.5
- Working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[REC.MSS & IMT L-BAND COMPATIBILITY] - Technical and regulatory measures to provide compatibility between IMT and MSS, with respect to MSS operations in the frequency band 1 518-1 525 MHz for administrations wishing to implement IMT in the frequency band 1 492-1 518 MHz |
408260 bytes |
2023-02-15 |
[1668]�Chapter 4 - Annex 4.6
- Working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[FSS_ES_IMT_26/42/47GHz] - Guidelines to assist administrations to mitigate in-band interference from FSS earth stations operating in the frequency bands 24.65-25.25 GHz, 27-27.5 GHz, 42.5-43.5 GHz and 47.2-48.2 GHz into IMT stations |
39438 bytes |
2023-02-15 |
[1668]�Chapter 4 - Annex 4.7
- Draft final Note to the Director of the BR - [Status of the discussions in WP 5D relating to WRC-19 Document 550] |
2057410 bytes |
2023-02-15 |
[1668]�Chapter 4 - Annex 4.8
- Working document for preparation for a reply liaison statement to Working Party 4A - Elements on mitigation measures between FSS and IMT in the frequency band 3 400-3 600 MHz |
40266 bytes |
2023-02-15 |
[1668]�Chapter 4 - Annex 4.9
- Meeting Report of Sub-Working Group WRC-23 agenda item 1.4 |
274517 bytes |
2023-02-15 |
[1668]�Chapter 4 - Annex 4.10
- [Working document towards a] Preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[HIBS-CHARACTERISTICS] - Technical and operational characteristics for the use of high-altitude platform stations as IMT base stations (HIBS) in the mobile service in certain frequency bands below 2.7 GHz already identified for IMT |
127653 bytes |
2023-02-15 |
[1668]�Chapter 4 - Annex 4.11
- Possible pfd masks for protection of IMT terrestrial networks from proposed HIBS operations in the 694-960 MHz, 1 710-1 885 MHz, 1 885-1 980 MHz, 2 010-2 025 MHz, 2 110-2 170 MHz, and 2 500-2 690 MHz for information only |
1936937 bytes |
2023-02-15 |
[1668]�Chapter 4 - Annex 4.12
- The spectrum needs for HIBS in some scenarios |
38538 bytes |
2023-02-14 |
[1668]�Chapter 3
- Meeting Report of Working Group General Aspects |
57983 bytes |
2023-02-14 |
[1668]�Chapter 3 - Annex 3.1
- Meeting Report of Sub-Working Group Specific Applications |
33597 bytes |
2023-02-14 |
[1668]�Chapter 3 - Annex 3.2
- Liaison statement to ITU-D Study Group 2, Question 1/2 - New Question 1/2 and collaboration: Workshop on smart sustainable cities and communities |
15691233 bytes |
2023-02-14 |
[1668]�Chapter 3 - Annex 3.3
- Preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[IMT.APPLICATIONS] - Applications of the terrestrial component of IMT for specific societal,
industrial and enterprise usages
15406880 bytes |
2023-02-15 |
[1668]�Chapter 3 - Annex 3.4
- Reply liaison statement to ITU-D Study Group 2 Question 2/2 - Enabling technologies for e-services and applications, including e-health and e-education |
4848056 bytes |
2023-02-14 |
[1668]�Chapter 3 - Annex 3.5
- Preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[IMT.MULTIMEDIA] - Capabilities of the terrestrial component of IMT-2020 for multimedia communications |
44583 bytes |
2023-02-14 |
[1668]�Chapter 3 - Annex 3.6
- Meeting Report of Sub-Working Group IMT-2030 |
PowerPoint 2007
2519914 bytes |
2023-02-14 |
[1668]�Chapter 3 - Annex 3.7 Part 3
PowerPoint 2007
4383418 bytes |
2023-02-14 |
[1668]�Chapter 3 - Annex 3.7 Part 2
PowerPoint 2007
60632 bytes |
2023-02-14 |
[1668]�Chapter 3 - Annex 3.7 Part 1
7280051 bytes |
2023-02-14 |
[1668]�Chapter 3 - Annex 3.7
- [Preliminary] draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[IMT.FRAMEWORK FOR 2030 AND BEYOND] - Working document towards a preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[IMT.FRAMEWORK FOR 2030 AND BEYOND]] |
34782 bytes |
2023-02-13 |
[1668]�Chapter 3 - Annex 3.8
- Terms of Reference of Working Party 5D Correspondence Group on IMT framework for 2030 and beyond |
36228 bytes |
2023-02-14 |
[1668]�Chapter 3 - Annex 3.9
- Report on the activities of Sub-Working Group RA-23 (ITU-R Resolutions, Questions and Opinions) |
44322 bytes |
2023-02-14 |
[1668]�Chapter 3 - Annex 3.10
- Working document towards the revision of Resolution ITU-R 65 |
651340 bytes |
2023-02-16 |
[1668]�Chapter 2
- ITU-R Working Party 5D Structure and Workplan |
59074 bytes |
2023-02-16 |
[1668]�Chapter 2 - Annex 2.21
- Chairmen's contact details |
50161 bytes |
2023-02-16 |
[1668]�Chapter 2 - Annex 2.22
- Meeting schedule |
43867 bytes |
2023-02-16 |
[1668]�Chapter 2 - Annex 2.23
- Anticipated overall deliverables/work plan of Working Party 5D |
40044 bytes |
2023-02-16 |
[1668]�Chapter 2 - Annex 2.24
- "Detailed work plans" for individual deliverables |
34148 bytes |
2023-02-16 |
[1668]�Chapter 2 - Annex 2.24.1
- Work plan for the development of a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[IMT.APPLICATIONS] |
42423 bytes |
2023-02-16 |
[1668]�Chapter 2 - Annex 2.24.2
- Detailed work plan for Report ITU-R M.[IMT.MULTIMEDIA] - Capabilities of the terrestrial component of IMT-2020 for multimedia communications |
37281 bytes |
2023-02-16 |
[1668]�Chapter 2 - Annex 2.24.3
- Detailed work plan for the development of preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R M.[IMT.FRAMEWORK FOR 2030 AND BEYOND] |
33245 bytes |
2023-02-16 |
[1668]�Chapter 2 - Annex 2.24.4
- Detailed work plan for the review of existing ITU-R Resolutions, Questions and Opinion |
33614 bytes |
2023-02-16 |
[1668]�Chapter 2 - Annex 2.24.5
- Detailed work plan for the revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.1036-6 |
43661 bytes |
2023-02-16 |
[1668]�Chapter 2 - Annex 2.24.6
- Detailed work plan on the technical measures to ensure coexistence between the MSS in the frequency band 1 518-1 525 MHz and IMT in the frequency band 1 492-1 518 MHz |
44309 bytes |
2023-02-16 |
[1668]�Chapter 2 - Annex 2.24.7
- Detailed Work plan for ITU-R report on Advanced Antenna System (AAS) pattern for sharing studies between IMT-2020 systems and other services |
42837 bytes |
2023-02-16 |
[1668]�Chapter 2 - Annex 2.24.8
- Detailed Work plan for methods to assist administrations to mitigate in band interference from FSS earth stations operating in the frequency bands 24.65-25.25 GHz, 27-27.5 GHz, 42.5-43.5 GHz and 47.2-48.2 GHz into IMT stations |
44244 bytes |
2023-02-16 |
[1668]�Chapter 2 - Annex 2.24.9
- Detailed Work plan for the studies requested by WRC-19 in Document 550 |
41198 bytes |
2023-02-16 |
[1668]�Chapter 2 - Annex 2.24.10
- Detailed work plan for a draft "revision after year 2021" of Recommendation ITU-R M.2150 |
38577 bytes |
2023-02-16 |
[1668]�Chapter 2 - Annex 2.24.11
- Detailed Work plan for a draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.2012-5 |
35755 bytes |
2023-02-16 |
[1668]�Chapter 2 - Annex 2.24.12
- Detailed Work plan for the development of preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[IMT.Above 100 GHz] |
35284 bytes |
2023-02-16 |
[1668]�Chapter 2 - Annex 2.24.13
- Detailed work plan on the revision for "generic unwanted emission characteristics of base / mobile stations using the terrestrial radio interfaces of IMT advanced and IMT-2020" |
464517 bytes |
2023-04-12 |
[1668]�Chapter 1
- Chairman's Report 43rd meeting of Working Party 5D (31 January - 9 February 2023) |
Excel 2007
28149 bytes |
2023-03-10 |
[1668]�Chapter 1 - Annex 1.1
- Index of Chapters and Annexes of the Report of Working Party 5D Meeting #43 |