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Terrestrial Broadcasting Delivery

Results:26 total items.
Contributions �[�Source:�WP 5D�]���Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 580 ]
Note to Study Group 5 (copy to Study Groups 4, 6 and 7) - Coordination among Study Groups and Working Parties � WP 5D 2019-07-22
[ 579 ]
Reply liaison statement to Working Party 6A - Revision of Report ITU-R BT.2382 related to information on IMT systems � WP 5D 2019-07-22
[ 484 ]
Reply liaison statement to Working Party 4A (copy for information to Working Party 6A and Study Groups 4 and 5) - Preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[IMT&BSS COMPATIBILITY] � WP 5D 2019-03-05
[ 483 ]
Reply liaison statement to Working Party 1A (copy to ITU-T Study Group 15 and ITU-R Working Parties 5A, 5B, 5C, 6A, 7A, 7B, 7C and 7D) - Preliminary draft revision of Report ITU-R SM.2351-2 on smart grid utility management systems � WP 5D 2019-03-05
[ 468 ]
Reply liaison statement to ITU-R Working Pary 1A (copy for information to ITU-T Study Group 15 and ITU-R Working Parties 5A, 5B, 5C, 6A, 7A, 7B, 7C and 7D) - Preliminary draft revision of Report ITU-R SM.2351-2 on Smart grid utility management systems � WP 5D 2018-10-23
[ 463 ]
Draft liaison statement to Working Parties 6A, 6B and 6C - Draft Revision of Report ITU-R M.2373 "Audio-visual capabilities and applications supported by terrestrial IMT systems" � WP 5D 2018-10-16
[ 405 ]
Reply liaison statement to Working Parties 6A, 6B and 6C on revision of Report ITU-R M.2373 - Audio-visual capabilities and applications supported by terrestrial IMT systems � WP 5D 2018-06-27
[ 403 ]
Reply liaison statement to Working Party 7A (copy for information to Working Parties 4A, 4B, 4C, 5A, 5B, 5C, 6A, 6B, 6C, 7B, 7C, and 7D) - Study on Resolution 655 (WRC-15) "Definition of time scale and dissemination of time signals via radiocommunication systems" and UTC application in IMT systems � WP 5D 2018-06-21
[ 402 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 4A (copy for information to Working Party 6A) - Draft CPM text for agenda item 9.1, issue 9.1.2 � WP 5D 2018-06-21
[ 341 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 6A, 6B, 6C - Draft revision of Report ITU-R M.2373 � WP 5D 2018-02-13
[ 340 ]
Reply liaison statement to Working Party 4A (copy for information to Working Party 6A) - WRC-19 agenda item 9.1, issue 9.1.2 � WP 5D AI9.1 2018-02-13
[ 258 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 6A, 6B and 6C - Draft revision of Report ITU-R M.2373 � WP 5D 2017-06-29
[ 197 ]
Liaison statement to ITU-R Coordination Committee for Vocabulary (CCV) and ITU-T Standardization Committee for Vocabulary (SCV) on broadband definition (copy to ITU-D Study Group 1 Question 2/1, ITU-R Working Parties 4A, 4B, 4C, 5A, 5C and 6A) - Broadband access technologies, including IMT, for developing countries. What is the definition of Broadband? � WP 5D 2017-02-24
[ 196 ]
Reply liaison statement to ITU-R Working Party 1B (copy to Working Parties 1A, 1C, 4A, 4C, 5A, 5B, 5C, 6A, 7B, 7C, 7D and ITU-D/ITU-R Joint Group WTDC Resolution 9) - Working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R SM.[CRS SPECTRUM MANAGEMENT CHALLENGES] - Spectrum management principles, challenges and issues related to dynamic access to frequency bands by means... � WP 5D 2017-02-24
[ 152 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 4A (copied for information to Working Parties 3J, 3K, 3M, 4C, 5A, 6A, 7B and Task Group 5/1) - Modelling and simulation of IMT networks for use in sharing and compatibility studies � WP 5D 2016-10-17
[ 151 ]
Liaison statement to Study Group 6 and Working Party 6A (copy to Study Group 5) - Revisions to Report ITU-R BT.2337 - Sharing and compatibility studies between digital terrestrial television broadcasting and terrestrial mobile broadband applications, including IMT, in the frequency band 470-694/698 MHz � WP 5D 2016-10-17
[ 150 ]
Liaison statement to ITU-D Study Group 1 Question 2/1, to ITU-R Coordination Committee for Vocabulary (CCV), Working Parties 4A, 4B, 4C, 5A, 5B, 5C and 6A on broadband definition - Broadband access technologies, including IMT, for developing countries - What is the definition of Broadband � WP 5D 2016-10-17
[ 149 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 6A and 6B - Audio-visual capabilities and applications supported by terrestrial IMT systems � WP 5D 2016-10-17
[ 94 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 4A, 4C, 6A and 7B (copied to Working Parties 3J, 3K, 3M and Task Group 5/1 for information) - Modelling and simulation of IMT networks for use in sharing and compatibility studies � WP 5D 2016-06-28
[ 93 ]
Reply liaison statement to ITU-R /ITU-D Joint Group on WTDC Resolution 9 on the progress of ongoing work on WTDC Resolution 9 (Rev. Dubai, 2014) during the ITU-D Study period 2014-2017 (copied to ITU-R Working Parties 1A, 1B, 1C, 5A, 5B, 5C and 6A for information) � WP 5D 2016-06-28
[ 92 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 7B (copied to Working Parties 1A, 3M, 4A, 4B, 4C, 5B, 5C and 6A for information) - Technical and operational characteristics for the work under WRC-19 agenda item 1.7 � WP 5D AI1.7 2016-06-24
[ 91 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 7B (copied to Working Parties 3M, 4C, 5A, 5B, 5C and 6A for information) - Technical and operational characteristics for the work under WRC-19 agenda item 1.3 � WP 5D AI1.3 2016-06-23
[ 44 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 1A (copy for information to Working Parties 1B, 1C, 4A, 4C, 5A, 5B, 5C, 6A, 7B, 7C AND 7D) - Working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R SM.[CHAR-UNWANTED] � WP 5D 2016-03-09
[ 43 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 6A and 6B (copy to ITU-D/ITU-R Joint Rapporteur Group for Resolution 9 and ITU-D Study Group 1 Q8/1) - Television distribution using terrestrial International Mobile Telecommunication (IMT) networks � WP 5D 2016-03-08
[ 42 ]
Reply liaison statement to ITU-T Study Group 5, ITU-D Study Group 2, ITU-R Working Party 6A (copy for information to Working Parties 3L, 1B, 1C, 5A, 5B, 5C) on information about work that is being carried out within work under study in ITU-T Q7/5 (Human exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFS) due to radio systems and mobile equipment) � WP 5D 2016-03-08
[ 41 ]
Reply liaison statement to IRG-AVA (copy for information to ITU-R Working Parties 1B, 5A, 6A, Study Group 5, ITU-T Study Groups 9 and 16) - Barriers to wireless connections for hearing aids and medical devices � WP 5D 2016-03-08
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