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Task Group 5/1

Results:34 total items.
Contributions �[�Source:�France�]���Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 388 ]
Views on sharing and compatibility study between IMT systems and the non GSO satellites from FSS in the 42.5-43.5 GHz frequency range � France 2018-08-13
[ 387 ]
Views on sharing studies between ISS and IMT 2020 in 26 GHz � France 2018-08-13
[ 370 ]
CPM text for WRC-19 agenda item 1.13 � Austria , Croatia (Republic of) , Czech Republic , Denmark , Finland , France , Germany (Federal Republic of) , Hungary , Liechtenstein (Principality of) , Lithuania (Republic of) , Netherlands (Kingdom of the) , Norway , Poland (Republic of) , Romania , Slovak Republic , Slovenia (Republic of) , Sweden , Switzerland (Confederation of) , Ukraine , United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland AI1.13 2018-08-13
[ 369 ]
CPM text for WRC-19 agenda item 1.13: 66-71 GHz � France , United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland AI1.13 2018-08-13
[ 366 ]
CPM text for WRC-19 agenda item 1.13 (32 GHz and 50 GHz) � France 2018-08-13
[ 365 ]
Sharing study of the fixed-satellite service (space-to-Earth) and IMT systems in the 37.5-42.5 GHz frequency range � France 2018-08-13
[ 345 ]
Update of conclusion of Attachment 2 to Annex 3 to Task Group 5/1 Chairman's Report � France 2018-08-10
[ 344 ]
Update of study A Annex 2 (passive EESS) of Attachment 2 to Annex 3 to Task Group 5/1 Chairman's Report � France 2018-08-10
[ 324 ]
Protection criteria of systems in the fixed-satellite service � France , Luxembourg 2018-04-25
[ 288 ]
Sharing study of the fixed-satellite service (earth-to-space) and IMT systems in the 47.2-50.2 GHz and 50.4-51.4 GHz frequency range � France 2018-04-25
[ 287 ]
Sharing study of the fixed-satellite service (earth-to space) and IMT systems in the 42.5-43.5 GHz frequency range � France 2018-04-25
[ 286 ]
Sharing study of the fixed-satellite service (earth-to-space) and IMT systems in the 24.65-25.25 GHz and 27-27.5 GHz frequency range � France 2018-04-25
[ 228 ]
Sharing and compatibility of passive services in adjacent bands and IMT operating in the 24.25-27.5 GHz frequency range � France 2018-04-23
[ 227 ]
Review of the compatibility study between EESS (passive) and MS in band 23.6-24 GHz - Consideration of beamforming antenna in adjacent band � France 2018-04-23
[ 226 ]
Multi channel factor to be taken into account in the compatibility studies between IMT-2020 and EESS (passive) � France 2018-04-23
[ 222 ]
Proposal for the draft CPM text on agenda item 1.13 � France 2018-04-09
[ 191 ]
Sharing studies between fixed satellite service and IMT systems in 47.2-50.2 GHz and 50.4-51.4 GHz � France 2018-01-10
[ 190 ]
Sharing studies between fixed satellite service and IMT systems in 42.5-43.5 GHz � France 2018-01-10
[ 189 ]
Sharing studies between fixed satellite service and IMT systems in 24.65-25.25 GHz and 27-27.5 GHz � France 2018-01-10
[ 188 ]
Sharing study between radiolocation and IMT-2020 base station within 31 800-33 400 MHz � France 2018-01-10
[ 187 ]
Review of the compatibility study between EESS (passive) and MS in band 23.6-24 GHz � France 2018-01-10
[ 109 ]
Impact of IMT systems on to inter-satellite service in 25.25-27.5 GHz � France 2017-09-12
[ 94 ]
Sharing study between radiolocation and IMT-2020 base station within 31 800-33 400 MHz � France 2017-09-12
[ 91 ]
Sharing studies between fixed satellite service and IMT systems in 24.65-25.25 GHz and 27-27.5 GHz � France 2017-09-12
[ 90 ]
Compatibility study between EESS (passive) and MS in the frequency band 23.6-24 GHz � France 2017-09-12
[ 89 ]
Calculation of average IMT 2020 UE conducted power � France 2017-09-12
[ 88 ]
Consideration of total radiated gain for active antenna systems (AAS) in in-band & unwanted domains � France 2017-09-12
[ 56 ]
Polarization loss for aggregate studies � France 2017-07-21
[ 39 ]
Compatibility study between potential new MS systems in the band 24.25-33.4 GHz and the radio astronomy service in the passive band 23.6-24 GHz � France 2017-05-06
[ 38 ]
Compatibility study between EESS (passive) and MS in band 23.6-24 GHz � France 2017-05-06
[ 37 ]
Proposed liaison statement to Working Party 5D � France 2017-05-06
[ 36 ]
Considerations on IMT2020 systems beam pointing for use in sharing studies under agenda item 1.13 � France AI1.13 2017-05-06
[ 35 ]
Sharing studies between radionavigation and IMT systems in 31.8-33.4 GHZ � France 2017-05-06
[ 34 ]
Sharing studies between Inter-Satellite service and IMT systems in 25.25-27.5 GHz � France 2017-05-06
Results:34 total items.
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