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Joint Task Group 4-5-6-7

Results:13 total items.
Contributions �[�Source:�Broadcast Networks Europe�]���Documents / Contributions

Title Source Date
[ 476 ]
A method for deriving IMT UE OOB emissions, required to protect DTTB reception, based on IMT network changes (events) � Broadcast Networks Europe 2014-02-13
[ 475 ]
IMT UE OOB emissions required to protect DTTB reception � Broadcast Networks Europe 2014-02-13
[ 474 ]
Comparison of average power and number of UE operating at maximum power � Broadcast Networks Europe 2014-02-13
[ 473 ]
The effect of not including building entry standard deviation on interference probability � Broadcast Networks Europe 2014-02-13
[ 472 ]
Confidence in Monte Carlo simulations � Broadcast Networks Europe 2014-02-13
[ 471 ]
Determining power control settings for use in Monte Carlo simulations � Broadcast Networks Europe 2014-02-13
[ 304 ]
IMT UE to DTTB interference assessment based on real world examples � Broadcast Networks Europe 2013-10-10
[ 294 ]
Recognizing the importance of additional frequencies for RLAN services to support the growth in mobile data traffic � Broadcast Networks Europe 2013-10-10
[ 252 ]
MCL footprint � Broadcast Networks Europe 2013-10-10
[ 251 ]
IMT networks compatibility with DTTB must be based on regoznised specifications � Broadcast Networks Europe 2013-10-10
[ 250 ]
Agenda item 1.2: Monte Carlo simulations: Requirement for information on changes of state in an IMT network � Broadcast Networks Europe 2013-10-10
[ 249 ]
Monte Carlo compatibility calculation methodology � Broadcast Networks Europe 2013-10-10
[ 21 ]
Proposals for the working methods regarding WRC-15 Agenda items 1.1 and 1.2 � European Broadcasting Union (EBU) , Broadcast Networks Europe 2012-07-16
Results:13 total items.
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