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Terrestial broadcasting delivery

Results:10 total items.
Contributions �[�AI/Question:�69-1/6�]���Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 597 ]
Proposed revisions to preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[ETMM] - Error-correction, data framing, modulation and emission methods for terrestrial multimedia broadcasting for mobile reception using handheld receivers in VHF/UHF bands � Ukraine 69-1/6 2011-09-19
[ 596 ]
Proposed draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BT.1833-1 - Broadcasting of multimedia and data applications for mobile reception by handheld receivers � Ukraine 69-1/6 2011-09-19
[ 583 ]
Proposed revisions to preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[ETMM] - Error-correction, data framing, modulation and emission methods for terrestrial multimedia broadcasting for mobile reception using handheld receivers in VHF/UHF bands � France 69-1/6 2011-09-18
[ 438 ]
Proposal for a review of draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[WINTURB] and Recommendation ITU-R BT.805 - Assessment of impairment caused to television reception by a wind turbine � Australia 69-1/6 2010-10-11
[ 427 ]
Draft revisions to preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R BT.[WINTURB]- Assessment of impairment caused to digital television reception by a wind turbine � Spain 69-1/6 2010-10-08
[ 426 ]
Preliminary draft revision of Report ITU-R BT.2142 - The effect of the scattering of digital television signals from a wind turbine � Spain 69-1/6 2010-10-08
[ 425 ]
An empirical comparative study of prediction methods for estimating DTV signal scattering from wind turbines � Spain 69-1/6 2010-10-08
[ 353 ]
Modifications to preliminary draft new Recommendation ITU-R [xxx] - Assessment of impairment caused to digital television reception by a wind turbine � Spain 69-1/6 2010-04-13
[ 352 ]
Preliminary draft revision to Report ITU-R 2142 - The effect of the scattering of digital television signals from a wind turbine � Spain 69-1/6 2010-04-13
[ 267 ]
Proposed working document regarding a possible modification of Recommendation ITU-R BT.805 - Evaluation of the scattered signals from a wind turbine and their impact to terrestrial DTV reception in the UHF band. Preliminary results from field trials in Spain � Spain 69-1/6 2009-10-27
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