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[124]� Liaison to all WPs of ITU-R SG 6 and to ITU-T SG 15 - Call for proposal for a common file format for the exchange of video material in file format and for the availability of software to manage and display on a computer monitor the video part of a TV or multimedia signal






57344 bytes 0001-09-19 [124]� - [6S/124, 6/225, 6D/48, 6E/153, 6M/84, 6P/93, 6R/42, 6-7/26] Liaison to all WPs of ITU-R SG 6 and to ITU-T SG 15 - Call for proposal for a common file format for the exchange of video material in file format and for the availability of software to manage..

Document :

ITU-R�WP6S� Contribution� 124

Title :

Liaison to all WPs of ITU-R SG 6 and to ITU-T SG 15 - Call for proposal for a common file format for the exchange of video material in file format and for the availability of software to manage and display on a computer monitor the video part of a TV or multimedia signal

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