Format |
Size |
Posted |
English |
868352 bytes |
0001-10-1 |
[277]�Revision 1
- [6/277r1] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BR.469-6 - Analogue composite television tape recording - Standards for the international exchange of television programmes on magnetic tape |
135168 bytes |
0001-10-1 |
- [6/277] Draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BR.469-6 - Analogue composite television tape recording - Standars for the international exchange of television programmes on magnetic tape |
Espa�ol |
874496 bytes |
0001-10-1 |
[277]�Revision 1- [6/277r1] Proyecto de revisi�n de la Recomendaci�n UIT-R BR.469-6 - Grabaci�n en cinta magn�tica de programas de televisi�n anal�gica compuestos |
Fran�ais |
877056 bytes |
0001-10-1 |
[277]�Revision 1- [6/277r1] Projet de r�vision de la Recommandation UIT-R BR.469-6 - Enregistrement sur bande magn�tique de la t�l�vision analogique composite - Normes pour l'�change international de programmes de t�l�vision sur bande magn�tique |