Format |
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Posted |
English |
370176 bytes |
0001-10-1 |
[46]�Revision 1
- [6/46r1] Proposed draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BO.1130-3 - System description and selection for digital satellite broadcasting to vehicular, portable and fixed receivers in the bands allocated to BSS (sound) in the frequency range 1 400-2 700 MH |
377856 bytes |
0001-10-1 |
- [6/46] Proposed draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R BO.1130-3: "System description and selection for digital satellite broadcasting to vehicular, portable and fixed receivers in the bands allocated to BSS (sound) in the frequency range 1 400-2 700 MHz |
Espa�ol |
1300480 bytes |
0001-10-1 |
[46]�Revision 1- [6/46r1] Prop.de proy.de rev.de la Rec.UIT-R 1130-3 - Descripci�n y selecci�n de un sist.de radiodif.dig.por sat.para recept.instalados en veh�culos, port.y fijos en las bandas atrib.al serv.de radiodif.(sonora) por sat.en la gama de frec. 1 400-2 700 MHz |
Fran�ais |
1298944 bytes |
0001-10-1 |
[46]�Revision 1- [6/46r1] Projet de r�v.de la Rec.UIT-R BO.1130-3 - Description et choix de syst.de radiodif.sonore num.par sat.pour r�cepteurs portatifs, fixes ou de v�hicule, fonctionnant dans les bandes attribu�es au serv.de radiodif.par sat.entre 1 400 et 2 700 MHz |