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[57]� RI 5: "Development of infrastructure to promote innovation and partnerships in the implementation of new technologies - Internet of Things, including Industrial Internet, Smart cities and communities, communication networks 5G/IMT-2020 and next generations NET-2030, quantum technologies, artificial intelligence (AI), digital health, digital skills, environmental protection"






67802 bytes 2021-10-19 [57]�


87780 bytes 2021-10-19 [57]�

Document :

ITU-D�RPM IRM� Contribution� 57

Title :

RI 5: "Development of infrastructure to promote innovation and partnerships in the implementation of new technologies - Internet of Things, including Industrial Internet, Smart cities and communities, communication networks 5G/IMT-2020 and next generations NET-2030, quantum technologies, artificial intelligence (AI), digital health, digital skills, environmental protection"

Date :


Source :

Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications

Meeting :


Observation :

The English version is provided using automated translation.

Access :

Public Document

Abstract :

The 2017 World Telecommunication Development Conference adopted five regional initiatives for ITU Member States from the Eastern Europe and Central Asia region. Regional initiatives are targeted at specific priority telecommunication / ICT areas through partnerships and resource mobilization for specific projects. This regional initiative aims to develop telecommunication / ICT infrastructure and promote innovation and partnerships in the implementation of new technologies - the Internet of Things, including the Industrial Internet, Smart Cities and Communities, 5G / IMT-2020 communication networks and the next generation NET-2030, quantum technologies, artificial intelligence (AI), digital health, digital skills, environmental protection."

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Updated :�2021-10-19