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Regional Preparatory Meeting for the Arab Region

Results:11 total items.
Contributions �[�Source:�Egypt (Arab Republic of)�]���Documents / Contributions

Title Source Date
[ 23 ]
This document has been cancelled � Egypt (Arab Republic of) 2017-01-16
[ 22 ]
Proposal for new Regional initiative on capacity building for cybersecurity � Egypt (Arab Republic of) 2017-01-16
[ 21 ]
Proposal for an Arab regional initiative (2018-2021), entitled "Innovation and entrepreneurship" � Egypt (Arab Republic of) 2017-01-16
[ 20 ]
Draft revision of Resolution 9 - Participation of countries, particularly developing countries in spectrum management � Egypt (Arab Republic of) 2017-01-16
[ 19 ]
Proposal for an Arab Regional Initiative (2018-2021), entitled "Digital financial inclusion: connecting the unconnected and promoting social justice" � Egypt (Arab Republic of) 2017-01-16
[ 18 ]
Proposal for a Regional Arab initiative (2018-2021) entitled "Managing e-waste using ICT" � Egypt (Arab Republic of) 2017-01-16
[ 17 ]
Draft revision to Resolution 2 - Establishment of Study Groups � Egypt (Arab Republic of) 2017-01-03
[ 16 ]
Draft revision to Resolution 1 - Rules of procedure of the ITU Telecommunication Development Sector � Egypt (Arab Republic of) 2017-01-03
[ 15 ]
Draft revision of Resolution 62 - Measurement concerns related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields � Egypt (Arab Republic of) 2017-01-03
[ 14 ]
Draft revision of Resolution 47 - Enhancement of knowledge and effective application of ITU Recommendations in developing countries, including conformance and interoperability testing of systems manufactured on the basis of ITU Recommendations � Egypt (Arab Republic of) 2017-01-03
[ 13 ]
Draft new Resolution - Combating mobile telecommunication device theft (Buenos Aires, 2017) � Egypt (Arab Republic of) 2017-01-03
Results:11 total items.
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