Information Documents
[ 23 ]
� |
Measuring the social and economic impacts of ICTs using survey data in Zimbabwe
� |
ZIMSTAT, Zimbabwe
� |
2010-11-23 |
[ 22 ]
� |
Statistical Compilation of The ICT Sector and Policy Analysis: The Case of Egypt
� |
MCIT, Egypt
� |
2010-11-19 |
[ 21 ]
� |
� |
� |
2010-11-19 |
[ 20 ]
� |
Data collection and dissemination process of CRC
� |
CRC, Bulgaria
� |
2010-11-17 |
[ 19 ]
� |
On the system of indicators on the information society development across the RCC
� |
MITC, Moldova
� |
2010-11-17 |
[ 18 ]
� |
Development of Information Society and ICT sector in the Republic of Moldova
� |
MITC, Moldova
� |
2010-11-17 |
[ 17 ]
� |
Estad�sticas de Telecomunicaciones/TIC en M�xico
� |
Cofetel, Mexico
� |
2010-11-16 |
[ 16 ]
� |
Background Paper Describing the State of ICT Statistics Collection and Dissemination
in Sierra Leone
� |
Statistics Sierra Leone, Sierra Leone
� |
2010-11-17 |
[ 15 ]
� |
Information document
� |
INCM, Mozambique
� |
2010-11-16 |
[ 14 ]
� |
Malawi Country Report
� |
MACRA, Malawi
� |
2010-11-16 |
[ 13 ]
� |
Collection of ICT Statistics in Ireland
� |
ComReg, Ireland
� |
2010-11-16 |
[ 12 ]
� |
Indicadores de Telecomunicaciones en Costa Rica
� |
Sutel, Costa Rica
� |
2010-11-16 |
[ 11 ]
� |
ICT sector development policy and status of measuring the information society in Mongolia
� |
CRC, Mongolia
� |
2010-11-16 |
[ 10 ]
� |
ICT Sector Statistics in India - Current Status (as on September 2010)
� |
CSO, India
� |
2010-11-16 |
[ 9 ]
� |
Projet de la contribution � la huiti�me r�union sur les indicateurs de t�l�communications/TIC de l'UIT dans le monde
� |
ARPTC, R�p. D�m. du Congo
� |
2010-11-16 |
[ 8 ]
� |
Sistema de indicadores regional de telecomunicaciones (SIRTEL)
� |
Cofetel/Regulatel, Mexico
� |
2010-11-15 |
[ 7 ]
� |
Collecter les indicateurs pour mesurer l'impact socio-�conomique des t�l�communications/TIC
� |
ART&P, Togo
� |
2010-11-15 |
[ 6 ]
� |
Background Paper: The State of ICT Statistics Collection and Dissemination
� |
TRA, Oman
� |
2010-11-15 |
[ 5 ]
� |
Pr�sentation du secteur des T�l�communications/Tics au Niger et le processus des collecte de donn�es dans le secteur des t�l�communications/Tics
� |
Minist�re de la Communication, Niger
� |
2010-11-15 |
[ 4 ]
� |
ICT household statistics
� |
Ghana Statistical Service, Ghana
� |
2010-11-15 |
[ 3 ]
� |
Indicadores Estad�sticos de Telecomunicaciones en Rep�blica Dominicana
� |
INDOTEL, Rep. Dominicana
� |
2010-11-15 |
[ 2 ]
� |
Situation de la collecte et diffusion de statistiques sur les TIC en C�te d'Ivoire
� |
ATCI, C�te d'Ivoire
� |
2010-11-15 |
[ 1 ]
� |
Situation des statistiques des TIC en R�publique du Congo
� |
CNSEE, Congo (R�p. du)
� |
2010-11-15 |
Results:23 total items.
� |
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