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Home : ITU-D : CMDT-2014 : Meeting�2014-03-30�: Temporary Documents� Recently posted�-� Search Meeting Documents
ITU-D�CMDT-2014� TD�(2014-03-30)�


World Telecommunication Development Conference 2014

Meeting� from 2014-03-30 to 2014-04-10

held in United Arab Emirates [Dubai]

Other Meetings : [ 2014-03-30 ]�

Results:42 total items.
Temporary Documents �[�AI/Question:�COM3�]���Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 84 ]
New ITU-D Question: Policy, regulatory and technical aspects of the migration from existing networks to broadband networks in developing countries, including Next Generation Networks, OTT services and the implementation of IPv6 � COM3 COM3 2014-04-07
[ 83 ]
Question 9-3/2 - Identification of study topics in the ITU T and ITU-R study groups which are of particular interest to developing countries � COM3 COM3 2014-04-06
[ 82 ]
Proposed modifications to Resolution 9 - Participation of countries, particularly developing countries, in spectrum management � COM3 COM3 2014-04-06
[ 81 ]
Draft Dubai Action Plan for Objective 3 � COM3 COM3 2014-04-06
[ 80 ]
Draft New Resolution: Facilitating the development of trusted frameworks in developing countries to promote and encourage electronic information exchanges between economic partners � COM3 COM3 2014-04-06
[ 79 ]
Proposed revision to Resolution 69 � COM3 COM3 2014-04-06
[ 78 ]
Revision of Resolution 67 (Hyderabad, 2010) Role of the Telecommunication Development Sector in child online protection � COM3 COM3 2014-04-06
[ 76 ]
Proposed new Question on Access to "Cloud computing: Challenges and opportunities for developing countries" � COM3 COM3 2014-04-06
[ 75 ]
Draft new resolution on the role of telecommunications/ICTs in combating and dealing with counterfeit telecommunication/ICT devices � COM3 COM3 2014-04-06
[ 74 ]
Modification to Resolution 64 (Hyderabad, 2010) "Protecting and supporting users/consumers of telecommunication services/ information and communication technologies" � COM3 COM3 2014-04-06
[ 63 ]
Revision to the terms of reference for Question 22-1/1 � COM3 COM3 2014-04-06
[ 58 ]
Proposed New Resolution on Capacity building for countering misappropriation of Recommendation ITU-T E.164 telephone numbers � COM3 COM3 2014-04-06
[ 57 ]
Modification of Resolution 34 (Rev. Hyderabad, 2010) - The Role of Telecommunications/Information and Communication Technology in Disaster Preparedness, Early Warning, Rescue, Mitigation, Relief and Response � Ad hoc COM3 COM3 2014-04-05
[ 55 ]
Draft Dubai Action Plan for Objective 5 � COM3 COM3 2014-04-05
[ 53 ]
Draft Dubai Action Plan for Objective 4 � Ad hoc COM3 COM3 2014-04-06
[ 52 ]
Proposed revision to Resolution 45 � COM3 COM3 2014-04-05
[ 48 ]
Merger of Resolutions 54, Resolution 65 and Resolution 74 and New Resolution - The Role of ICTs in Education connectivity � COM3 COM3 2014-04-04
[ 47 ]
Proposal on Continuation of Question 25/2 � COM3 COM3 2014-04-04
[ 46 ]
Proposals of modification to Resolution 43 "Assistance for implementing IMT" � COM3 COM3 2014-04-04
[ 45 ]
New Question on Conformance and Interoperability � COM3 COM3 2014-04-04
[ 44 ]
Proposed modifications to Resolution 62 � COM3 COM3 2014-04-04
[ 43 ]
Draft New Resolution on Broadband Technology for greater growth and development of broadband connectivity � COM3 COM3 2014-04-04
[ 42 ]
Question 22-1/2: Utilization of telecommunications/ICTs for disaster preparedness, mitigation and response � Ad hoc COM3 COM3 2014-04-04
[ 41 ]
Question 24/1: Strategies and policies for the proper disposal or reuse of telecommunications/ICT waste material � Ad hoc COM3 COM3 2014-04-04
[ 39 ]
Draft new Recommendation on Bridging the Standardization Gap in Association with Regional Study Groups � COM3 COM3 2014-04-04
[ 38 ]
Modification to Resolution 23 (Rev. Hyderabad, 2010) "Internet access and availability for developing countries and charging principles for international internet connection" � COM3 COM3 2014-04-04
[ 37 ]
Question 20-1/1 Access to telecommunication/ICT services by persons with disabilities and with special needs � Ad hoc COM3 COM3 2014-04-04
[ 33 ]
Revised Draft New Resolution "Promoting ICTs to young women and men for social and economic empowerment" � COM3 COM3 2014-04-04
[ 32 ]
Proposal of modification to Resolution 55 (Doha, 2006) "Promoting gender equality towards all-inclusive information societies" � Ad hoc COM3 Ad hoc COM3 2014-04-03
[ 31 ]
Revision of Resolution 8 " Collection and dissemination of information and statistics" � COM3 COM3 2014-04-03
[ 30 ]
Note from the Chairman, Committee 4, to the Chairman, Committee 3 � COM4 COM3 2014-04-03
[ 29 ]
Proposed revision of Resolution 22 (Rev. Hyderabad, 2010) � COM3 COM3 2014-04-03
[ 28 ]
Revision to Resolution 73 - ITU Centres of Excellence � COM3 COM3 2014-04-02
[ 26 ]
Appendix to the Dubai Action Plan - Revised Regional Initiatives � COM3 COM3 2014-04-02
[ 25 ]
Revision to Resolution 17 � COM3 COM3 2014-04-04
[ 24 ]
Proposal of modification to Resolution 58 (Hyderabad, 2010) � COM3 COM3 2014-04-02
[ 23 ]
Revision to Resolution 40 - Group on capacity-building initiatives � COM3 COM3 2014-04-02
[ 22 ]
Capacity Building in Government Participation in Multistakeholder Internet Governance Institutions and Forums � COM3 COM3 2014-04-02
[ 17 ]
Objectives/Outputs working methods of Committee 3 � COM3 COM3 2014-03-31
[ 15 ]
Note from Chairman COM4 to Chairman COM3 on revised template for study groups Questions � COM4 COM3 2014-03-31
[ 11 ]
Draft allocation of documents to Committee 3 � COM3 COM3 2014-03-27
[ 10 ]
Draft time management plan of Committee 3 � COM3 COM3 2014-03-27
Results:42 total items.
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