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Home : ITU-D : DAP1.2.6 : Meeting�2009-11-23�: Contributions� Recently posted�-� Search Meeting Documents
ITU-D�DAP1.2.6� C�(2009-11-23)�



Meeting� from 2009-11-23 to 2009-11-25

held in Belarus [Minsk]

Other Meetings : 2009-11-16�

Results:40 total items.

Title Source Date
[ 40 ]
Final list of documents � Telecommunication Development Bureau 2009-11-26
[ 39 ]
Final list of participants � Telecommunication Development Bureau 2009-11-25
[ 38 ]
Report by the Chairman � Chairman 2009-11-26
[ 37 ]
Establishment of a regional consultative centre in Minsk on the introduction of digital television and sound broadcasting � Belarus (Republic of) 2009-11-23
[ 36 ]
Creation of national distributed "Electronic passport database for goods" systems and their interworking at the international level � Belarus (Republic of) 2009-11-23
[ 35 ]
Establishment of a regulatory basis and infrastructure for federative wireless broadband access for higher education institutions and scientific research centres in the CIS through integration in the Eduroam international research and education authentication system � Belarus (Republic of) 2009-11-23
[ 34 ]
Stimulating the creation of Internet resources of social value and establishing public access centres � Belarus (Republic of) 2009-11-23
[ 33 ]
Holding of a seminar on the theme "Analysis, forecasting and arrangements for implementing emergency preference schemes in the RCC participant countries" � Ukraine 2009-11-13
[ 32 ]
Holding of a seminar on the theme "Sharing by telecommunication operators of passive infrastructure elements in the telecommunication markets of the RCC participant countries" � Ukraine 2009-11-13
[ 31 ]
Cancelled � N/A � 2009-11-19
[ 30 ]
Draft WTDC-10 resolution "Improving access to healthcare services using information and communication technologies" � Azerbaijan, Russia, Tajikistan 2009-11-13
[ 29 ]
Regional initiative "Groundwork for the setting up and holding of electronic meetings" � Armenia, Russian Federation 2009-11-13
[ 28 ]
Assistance to RCC countries in the transition from analogue to digital broadcasting � Kazakhstan, Moldova, Russian Federation 2009-11-13
[ 27 ]
Third stage of development of the ITU project "Russian-language centre of excellence" � Russian Federation 2009-11-13
[ 26 ]
Training and internships for young people in regional ICT e-Centres � Russian Federation 2009-11-12
[ 25 ]
Establishment of a distributed Russian-language depository of metadata on infocommunication topics � Russian Federation 2009-11-13
[ 24 ]
Creation of a trial next-generation network (NGN) segment based on integrated telecommunication technology (UA-ITT) � Ukraine 2009-11-05
[ 23 ]
Establishment of a working model of a system, based on centralized logging of subscriber complaints, for controlling the quality of the telecommunication services provided by telecommunication administrations � Ukraine 2009-11-05
[ 22 ]
Establishment of a trial segment of a system for restricting access to inappropriate Internet content in schools in the CIS countries � Ukraine 2009-11-05
[ 21 ]
Merging Questions 18-1/2 "Implementation aspects of IMT-2000 and information-sharing on systems beyond IMT-2000 for developing countries" and 20-2/2 "Examination of access technologies for broadband telecommunications" � Republic of Uzbekistan 2009-11-12
[ 20 ]
Revision of Resolution 47 (Doha, 2006) "Enhancement of knowledge and effective application of ITU Recommendations in developing countries" � Republic of Uzbekistan 2009-11-12
[ 19 ]
Proposals for the establishment of procedures governing the appointment and maximum term of office of chairmen and vice-chairmen of ITU-D study groups � Republic of Uzbekistan 2009-11-12
[ 18 ]
Regional initiative: Provision of a stable electric power supply for telecommunication facilities in rural and remote areas � Republic of Uzbekistan 2009-11-12
[ 17 ]
Revision of Question 19-1/1 "Implementation of IP telephony in developing countries" � Republic of Uzbekistan 2009-11-12
[ 16 ]
Interactive multimedia digital broadcasting applications � Kyrgyz Republic 2009-11-12
[ 15 ]
Development of national mobile payment systems based on wireless telecommunication networks � Russian Federation 2009-11-13
[ 14 ]
Cancelled � N/A � 2009-11-19
[ 13 ]
Establishment of a virtual ITU laboratory for training specialists from developing countries in the testing and implementation of next-generation network (NGN) technologies � Russian Federation 2009-11-12
[ 12 ]
Cancelled � N/A � 2009-11-19
[ 11 ]
Draft new WTDC Resolution YY Strengthening coordination and cooperation among ITU-D, ITU-R and ITU-T on matters of mutual interest � Russian Federation 2009-11-12
[ 10 ]
Draft new WTDC Resolution XX Appointment and maximum term of office of chairmen and vice chairmen of ITU-D study groups and of TDAG � Russian Federation 2009-11-12
[ 9 ]
Comments on BDT's document entitled "A fresh look on ITU-D activities" � Russian Federation 2009-11-12
[ 8 ]
Information Society Statistical Profiles 2009 - CIS � Telecommunication Development Bureau 2009-09-22
[ 7 ]
Report on Implementation of WTDC-06 Resolutions (From 1 January to 31 December 2009) � Telecommunication Development Bureau 2009-09-23
[ 6 ]
A Fresh Look on ITU-D Activities � Telecommunication Development Bureau 2009-09-23
[ 5 ]
Summary of ITU-T Action Plan for WTSA-08 Resolutions (Johannesburg, 2008) which include reference to ITU-D/BDT � Telecommunication Development Bureau 2009-09-23
[ 4 ]
Report on Implementation of Doha Action Plan - WSIS Implementation � Telecommunication Development Bureau 2009-09-23
[ 3 ]
Report on Implementation of Doha Action Plan - Programmes, Study Groups, Activities and Initiatives in the CIS Region � Telecommunication Development Bureau 2009-09-23
[ 2 ]
Report on Implementation of Doha Action Plan (Resolution 17 - CIS Regional Initiatives) � Telecommunication Development Bureau 2009-09-23
[ 1 ]
Agenda of RPM-CIS, November 2009 � Telecommunication Development Bureau 2009-09-23
Results:40 total items.
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