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Telecommunication Standardization Sector

P�riode d'�tudes 2017

Resultats:38 documents
Circulaires �[�Destinataires:�T17-SG20�]�

Titre Source Destinataires Date
[ 380 ]
Creation of a new ITU-T Focus Group on "Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) for Digital Agriculture" (FG-AI4A), and its first meeting, Virtual, 30-31 March 2022 � TSB SG20 2022-02-09
[ 379 ]
S�rie de webinaires sur la transformation num�rique des villes et des communaut�s (Nouvel �pisode: acc�l�rer la transformation num�rique de l'agriculture au moyen de l'intelligence artificielle et de l'Internet des objets, 29 mars 2022) � TSB SG20 2022-02-09
[ 378 ]
Status of Recommendations ITU-T Y.4214 (ex Y.IoT-CEIHMon-Reqts) and Y.4215 (ex Y.IoT-UAS-Reqts) after the ITU-T Study Group 20 meeting (Virtual, 3 February 2022) � TSB SG20 2022-02-04
[ 376 ]
Questionnaire on text relay services � TSB SG02, SG03, SG05, SG09, SG11, SG12, SG13, SG15, SG16, SG17, SG20 2022-01-25
[ 359 ]
S�rie de webinaires sur la transformation num�rique des villes et des communaut�s (Nouvel �pisode: architecture du web des objets, 3 f�vrier 2022) � TSB SG20 2021-11-08
[ 355 ]
Member State consultation on Determined draft new Recommendations ITU-T Y.4214 (ex Y.IoT-CEIHMon-Reqts) and Y.4215 (ex Y.IoT-UAS-Reqts), proposed for approval at the meeting of ITU-T Study Group 20 (Virtual, 03 February 2022) � TSB SG20 2021-10-27
[ 354 ]
Status of Recommendations ITU-T Y.4421 (ex Y.UAV.arch) and Y.4809 (ex Y.IoT-ITS-ID) after the ITU-T Study Group 20 meeting (Virtual, 11-21 October 2021) � TSB SG20 2021-10-26
[ 352 ]
Sixi�me r�union de l'initiative "Tous unis pour des villes intelligentes et durables" (r�union virtuelle, 07 d�cembre 2021) � TSB SG20 2021-10-12
[ 336 ]
Digital Transformation for cities and communities Webinar Series ( Fully Virtual Meetings, 8 September - 8 December 2021) � TSB SG20 2021-08-03
[ 332 ]
Member State consultation on Determined draft new Recommendations ITU-T Y.4421 (ex Y.UAV.arch) and Y.4809 (ex Y.IoT-ITS-ID), proposed for approval at the meeting of ITU-T Study Group 20 (Virtual, 11-21 October 2021) � TSB SG20 2021-07-08
[ 330 ]
ITU/OiER Webinar on "Accelerating the Path to Cities' Digital Transformation" (8 September 2021) � TSB SG20 2021-06-24
[ 326 ]
Status of Recommendation ITU-T Y.4471 (ex Y.NDA-arch) after the ITU-T Study Group 20 meeting (Virtual, 17-27 May 2021) � TSB SG20 2021-06-07
[ 325 ]
IEC-ISO-ITU Joint Smart Cities Task Force (J-SCTF) Forum on "Strengthening IEC, ISO and ITU collaboration for Smart Cities" (Fully Virtual Meeting, 21 June 2021) � TSB SG20 2021-06-07
[ 295 ]
Entrance in force of the updated set of Questions for all study groups following TSAG endorsement (18 January 2021) �
The Corrigendum applies to the English version only
TSB SG02, SG03, SG05, SG09, SG11, SG12, SG13, SG15, SG16, SG17, SG20, TSAG 2021-01-21
[ 285 ]
Status of Recommendations ITU-T Y.4471 (ex Y.NDA-arch), Y.4559 (ex Y.UAV-BSI) and Y.4908 (ex Y.IoT-EH-PFE) after the ITU-T Study Group 20 meeting (Virtual, 16 December 2020) � TSB SG20 2020-12-16
[ 267 ]
Member State consultation on Determined draft new Recommendations ITU-T Y.4471 (ex Y.NDA-arch), Y.4559 (ex Y.UAV-BSI) and Y.4908 (ex Y.IoT-EH-PFE), proposed for approval at the meeting of ITU-T Study Group 20 meeting (Virtual, 16 December 2020) � TSB SG20 2020-09-01
[ 251 ]
Designation of focal points for the Alternative Approval Process (AAP) � TSB SG02, SG03, SG05, SG09, SG11, SG12, SG13, SG15, SG16, SG17, SG20, TSAG 2020-05-18
[ 213 ]
Status of Recommendation ITU-T Y.4556 at the ITU-T Study Group 20 meeting (Geneva, 25 November-6 December 2019) � TSB SG20 2019-11-26
[ 212 ]
Status of Recommendation ITU-T Y.4904 at the ITU-T Study Group 20 meeting (Geneva, 25 November-6 December 2019) � TSB SG20 2019-11-26
[ 172 ]
1�re semaine du num�rique en Afrique (Abuja, Nig�ria, 27-30 ao�t 2019) �
Corrigendum 1 applies to the English version only
TSB SG05, SG20 2019-05-28
[ 169 ]
Member State consultation on Determined draft ITU-T Y.4556 (ex.Y.SC-Residential), proposed for approval at the meeting of ITU-T Study Group 20, Geneva, 25 November-6 December 2019 � TSB SG20 2019-05-06
[ 150 ]
Atelier sur les ressources internationales de num�rotage de l'UIT pour les Am�riques et atelier interactif sur la r�duction de l'�cart en mati�re de normalisation relatif � l'efficacit� en mati�re de normalisation (Managua, Nicaragua, 25-27 mars 2019) � TSB SG02, SG03, SG05, SG09, SG11, SG12, SG13, SG15, SG16, SG17, SG20 2019-02-14
[ 144 ]
Forums de l'UIT sur les th�mes: "Utiliser les toutes nouvelles technologies pour rendre les villes plus intelligentes et durables" et "5G, champs �lectromagn�tiques et sant�, et formation sur les Recommandations de l'UIT-T relatives aux champs �lectromagn�tiques" Abuja (Nig�ria), 26-28 mars 2019 � TSB SG05, SG20 2019-01-22
[ 143 ]
ITU Forum on "Smart sustainable cities: technological trends, success stories and future prospects" and ITU Training on "Key performance indicators for smart sustainable cities to achieve the SDGs" (Minsk, Belarus, 26-27 February 2019) � TSB SG20 2019-01-16
[ 130 ]
S�ance d'information sur les activit�s de la Commission d'�tudes 5 de l'UIT-T ''Environnement, changements climatiques et �conomie circulaire'', Wuxi (Chine), 3 d�cembre 2018 � TSB SG05, SG20 2018-11-13
[ 118 ]
Possibilit� d'approbation automatique des demandes d'inscription aux r�unions statutaires de l'UIT-T � TSB SG02, SG03, SG05, SG09, SG11, SG12, SG13, SG15, SG16, SG17, SG20, TSAG 2018-09-28
[ 99 ]
Forum de l'UIT sur l'intelligence artificielle, l'Internet des objets et les villes intelligentes (Wuxi, Chine, 3 d�cembre 2018) � TSB SG20 2018-06-28
[ 91 ]
Status of Recommendation ITU-T Y.4500.2 at the ITU-T Study Group 20 meeting (Cairo, Egypt, 6 May 2018) � TSB SG20 2018-05-07
[ 78 ]
S�rie de manifestations parall�les � la r�union de la Commission d'�tudes 20 (Le Caire, Egypte, 6-16 mai 2018) � TSB SG20 2018-03-15
[ 72 ]
Member State consultation on Determined draft ITU-T Y.4500.2, proposed for approval at the meeting of ITU-T Study Group 20, Cairo, Egypt, 6-16 May 2018 � TSB SG20 2018-02-09
[ 68 ]
New registration system for meetings hosted by ITU-T � TSB SG02, SG03, SG05, SG09, SG11, SG12, SG13, SG15, SG16, SG17, SG20, TSAG 2018-01-15
[ 61 ]
Creation of a new ITU-T Focus Group on Machine Learning for Future Networks including 5G (FG-ML5G) and its first meeting: Geneva, Switzerland, 29 January to 2 February 2018. Workshop on Machine Learning for 5G and beyond: Geneva, Switzerland, 29 January 2018 � TSB SG13, SG20 2017-11-21
[ 41 ]
Deuxi�me r�union du Groupe sp�cialis� de l'UIT-T sur le traitement et la gestion des donn�es � l'appui de l'Internet des objets et des villes et communaut�s intelligentes (FG DPM); Gen�ve (Suisse), 20-25 octobre 2017 � TSB SG20 2017-07-21
[ 37 ]
Invitation � la quatri�me s�rie de tests UIT sur la compatibilit� des t�l�phones mobiles et des terminaux mains libres � bord de v�hicules qui aura lieu � l'occasion d'ITU Telecom World 2017 � Busan (R�publique de Cor�e), les 26 et 27 septembre 2017 � TSB SG02, SG03, SG05, SG09, SG11, SG12, SG13, SG15, SG16, SG17, SG20 2017-07-04
[ 24 ]
Invitation � participer au Programme Smart ABC � ITU Telecom World 2017, � Busan (R�publique de Cor�e) du 25 au 28 septembre 2017, � Busan (R�publique de Cor�e) du 25 au 28 septembre 2017 � TSB SG02, SG03, SG05, SG09, SG11, SG12, SG13, SG15, SG16, SG17, SG20 2017-05-03
[ 21 ]
Atelier sur le th�me "Villes intelligentes et durables" (Samarkand (Ouzb�kistan), 1er et 2 juin 2017) �
Please note that Corrigendum 1 applies only to the English version of TSB Circular 21
TSB SG20 2017-04-24
[ 19 ]
Creation of a new ITU-T Focus Group on Data Processing and Management to support IoT and Smart Cities & Communities (FG-DPM) and its first meeting (Geneva, Switzerland, 17-19 July 2017) � TSB SG20 2017-04-19
[ 9 ]
Forum sur le th�me "Gestion des donn�es: transformer les donn�es en valeur", Duba� (Emirats arabes unis), 12 mars 2017 � TSB SG20 2017-01-26
Resultats:38 documents
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