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Conf�rence de Pl�nipotentiaires

Resultats:165 documents
R�sultats :� 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 �-�Suivant Next
Contributions �[�Destinataires:�PL�]���Documents / Contributions

Titre Source Destinataires Date
[ 209 ]
Minutes of the nineteenth and last Plenary meeting � SG PL 2022-11-02
[ 208 ]
Minutes of the eighteenth Plenary meeting � SG PL 2022-11-02
[ 207 ]
Minutes of the seventeenth Plenary meeting � SG PL 2022-11-02
[ 206 ]
Minutes of the sixteenth Plenary meeting � SG PL 2022-10-27
[ 205 ]
Minutes of the fifteenth Plenary meeting � SG PL 2022-10-27
[ 204 ]
Minutes of the fourteenth Plenary meeting � SG PL 2022-10-27
[ 203 ]
Minutes of the thirteenth Plenary meeting � SG PL 2022-10-27
[ 202 ]
Provisional Final Acts of the 2022 Plenipotentiary Conference (PP-22) � SG PL 2022-10-14
[ 201 ]
Signing ceremony � SG PL 2022-10-13
[ 200 ]
Additional declarations � SG PL 2022-10-13
[ 199 ]
Declarations � SG PL 2022-10-13
[ 198 ]
Twenty eighth series of texts submitted by the Editorial Committee to the Plenary Meeting (Resolution 167) � COM4 PL 2022-10-13
[ 197 ]
Twenty seventh series of texts submitted by the Editorial Committee to the Plenary Meeting (Resolutions 130, 131 and 139) � COM4 PL 2022-10-13
[ 196 ]
Twenty sixth series of texts submitted by the Editorial Committee to the Plenary Meeting (Resolution 71) � COM4 PL 2022-10-12
[ 195 ]
Twenty fifth series of texts submitted by the Editorial Committee to the Plenary Meeting (Resolutions 2 and 77) � COM4 PL 2022-10-12
[ 194 ]
Twenty fourth series of texts submitted by the Editorial Committee to the Plenary Meeting (Resolutions 102 and 205) � COM4 PL 2022-10-12
[ 193 ]
Twenty third series of texts submitted by the Editorial Committee to the Plenary Meeting (Decision 5 and Resolution 11 (SUP)) � COM4 PL 2022-10-12
[ 189 ]
Report by the Chairman of Committee 5 to the Plenary � COM5 PL 2022-10-12
[ 188 ]
Report of the Chairman of the Working Group of the Plenary to the Plenary � WG-PL PL 2022-10-12
[ 184 ]
Twenty second series of texts submitted by the Editorial Committee to the Plenary Meeting (Resolutions 101, 133 and draft new Resolution [WGPL/2] ) �
Proposal of revision to Resolution 205 withdrawn on 12/10/22
COM4 PL 2022-10-11
[ 183 ]
Twenty first series of texts submitted by the Editorial Committee to the Plenary Meeting (Decision 11 and Resolution 191) � COM4 PL 2022-10-11
[ 179 ]
Twentieth series of texts submitted by the Editorial Committee to the Plenary Meeting (Resolutions 186, 188, 208 and draft new Resolutions [COM5/3] and [COM5/4]) � COM4 PL 2022-10-11
[ 178 ]
Preparation for the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly 2024 � Council PL 2022-10-11
[ 175 ]
Nineteenth series of texts submitted by the Editorial Committee to the Plenary Meeting (Resolutions 48 and 162) � COM4 PL 2022-10-10
[ 174 ]
Eighteenth series of texts submitted by the Editorial Committee to the Plenary Meeting (Resolutions 64, 131, 180 and 206) � COM4 PL 2022-10-10
[ 173 ]
Seventeenth series of texts submitted by the Editorial Committee to the Plenary Meeting (Resolution 182 and draft new Resolutions [COM5/1] and [COM5/2]) � COM4 PL 2022-10-10
[ 172 ]
Allocation of documents � SG PL 2022-10-10
[ 171 ]
Final days of the conference � SG PL 2022-10-10
[ 168 ]
Minutes of the twelfth Plenary meeting � SG PL 2022-10-12
[ 167 ]
Sixteenth series of texts submitted by the Editorial Committee to the Plenary Meeting (Resolutions 25, 148 and 212) � COM4 PL 2022-10-10
[ 166 ]
Fifteenth series of texts submitted by the Editorial Committee to the Plenary Meeting (Resolutions 137 and 203) � COM4 PL 2022-10-10
[ 165 ]
Report of the Budget Control Committee (COM 3) to the Plenary � COM3 PL 2022-10-10
[ 157 ]
Report by the Chairman of Committee 6 � COM6 PL 2022-10-10
[ 155 ]
Fourteenth series of texts submitted by the Editorial Committee to the Plenary Meeting (Resolutions 21, 119, 177, 189 and 196) � COM4 PL 2022-10-08
[ 154 ]
Thirteenth series of texts submitted by the Editorial Committee to the Plenary Meeting (Resolutions 70, 140, 179 and draft new Resolution [WG-PL/1]) � COM4 PL 2022-10-08
[ 153 ]
Twelfth series of texts submitted by the Editorial Committee to the Plenary Meeting (Resolutions 30 and 193) � COM4 PL 2022-10-08
[ 152 ]
Minutes of the eleventh Plenary meeting � SG PL 2022-10-12
[ 151 ]
Minutes of the tenth Plenary meeting � SG PL 2022-10-12
[ 145 ]
Eleventh series of texts submitted by the Editorial Committee to the Plenary Meeting (Resolution 154) � COM4 PL 2022-10-06
[ 144 ]
Tenth series of texts submitted by the Editorial Committee to the Plenary Meeting (Resolutions 170 and 176) � COM4 PL 2022-10-06
[ 143 ]
Ninth series of texts submitted by the Editorial Committee to the Plenary Meeting (Resolutions 123, 198 and 200) � COM4 PL 2022-10-06
[ 142 ]
Minutes of the ninth Plenary meeting � SG PL 2022-10-10
[ 141 ]
Minutes of the eighth Plenary meeting � SG PL 2022-10-10
[ 140 ]
Minutes of the seventh Plenary meeting � SG PL 2022-10-10
[ 139 ]
Minutes of the sixth Plenary meeting � SG PL 2022-10-10
[ 136 ]
Letter from the Government of Thailand concerning the 2025 World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC-25) � SG PL 2022-10-05
[ 134 ]
Eighth series of texts submitted by the Editorial Committee to the Plenary Meeting (Resolution 157) � COM4 PL 2022-10-05
[ 133 ]
Seventh series of texts submitted by the Editorial Committee to the Plenary Meeting (Resolutions 197 and 204) � COM4 PL 2022-10-05
[ 130 ]
Sixth series of texts submitted by the Editorial Committee to the Plenary Meeting (Resolution 66) � COM4 PL 2022-10-04
[ 129 ]
Fifth series of texts submitted by the Editorial Committee to the Plenary Meeting (Resolutions 136, 138 and 209) � COM4 PL 2022-10-04
Resultats:165 documents
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