Uni�n Internacional de Telecomunicaciones UIT
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P�gina principal : Oficina del Secretario General : PP : Documentos Administrativos� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n



Resultados :9 documentos
Documentos Administrativos �[�Destino:�COM5�]���Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen Destino Fecha
[ 64 ]
Agenda of the thirteenth meeting of Committee 5 � COM5 COM5 2010-10-18
[ 60 ]
Agenda of the twelfth meeting of Committee 5 � COM5 COM5 2010-10-16
[ 57 ]
Agenda of the tenth, eleventh and twelfth meetings of Commitee 5 � COM5 COM5 2010-10-15
[ 52 ]
Agenda of the eighth and ninth meetings of Committee 5 � COM5 COM5 2010-10-14
[ 50 ]
Agenda of the seventh meeting of Committee 5 � COM5 COM5 2010-10-13
[ 47 ]
Agenda of the third meeting of the Ad hoc group of Committee 5 on ITRs � Ad hoc C5 ITR COM5 2010-10-13
[ 46 ]
Agenda of the third meeting of Ad hoc Group of Committee 5 on Stable Instruments � Ad group group C5 Stable Instr. COM5 2010-10-12
[ 44 ]
Agenda of the second meeting of Working Group of Committee 5 on Stable Instruments � AHG C5 Stable Instrument COM5 2010-10-12
[ 42 ]
Agenda of the sixth meeting of Committee 5 � COM5 COM5 2010-10-12
Resultados :9 documentos
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