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2013 Session of the Council

Results:26 total items.
Contributions �[�Destination:�COM�]���Documents / Contributions

Title Source Destination Date
[ 86 ]
Note of 22 May 2013 from the Chair of United Nations Development Group on the review of funding modalities in support of the resident cooordinator system and ad-hoc cost-sharing contributions from participating UN agencies � SG COM 2013-06-07
[ 80 ]
Implementation of Resolution 170 (Guadalajara, 2010) � SG COM 2013-05-30
[ 76 ]
Contribution from the United States of America on Memorandums of Understanding � United States of America COM 2013-05-29
[ 75 ]
Contribution from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Italy, Kazakhstan, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Spain and Turkey on cost recovery treatment of satellite network filing submissions including the 21.4-22 GHz frequency band � Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands , Belarus, Kazakhstan , Spain, Turkey, Azerbaijan, COM 2013-05-28
[ 74 ]
Contribution from Thailand - Request for waiver of additional cost recovery charges to modified coordination request of Thaicom-LS2 (78.5E) and Thaicom-LS3 (119.5E) satellite network filings operating in the bands between 2500 and 2690 MHz � Thailand COM 2013-05-29
[ 68 ]
Contribution from the United States of America on the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC) in 2015 � United States of America COM 2013-05-29
[ 65 ]
Second annual Report of the Independent Management Advisory Committee (IMAC) � SG COM 2013-05-24
[ 61 ]
Contribution from the Russian Federation on changes to the procedures for dealing with debtors � Russian Federation COM 2013-05-29
[ 59 ]
Contribution from the Russian Federation on reviewing the interest rates levied on participants in respect of overdue contributions and other dues payable to the ITU budget � Russian Federation COM 2013-05-29
[ 58 ]
Contribution from the Russian Federation on the desirability of adopting Resolutions on the profit and loss accounts for ITU TELECOM World � Russian Federation COM 2013-05-29
[ 48 ]
Cost recovery for the processing of satellite network filings � SG COM 2013-05-01
[ 46 ]
Mandatory age of retirement and separation � SG COM 2013-04-05
[ 45 ]
Information and Communication Technologies Development Fund (ICT-DF) � SG COM 2013-04-02
[ 36 ]
Proposed amendments to the Financial Regulations and Financial Rules - Edition 2010 � SG COM 2013-03-13
[ 27 ]
Organization and holding of the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-15) and Radiocommunication Assembly (RA-15) in 2015 � SG COM 2013-03-08
[ 16 ]
Cost recovery for the processing of Satellite Network Filings � SG COM 2013-02-21
[ 14 ]
Improvement of management and follow-up of the defrayal of ITU expenses by Sector Members and Associates � SG COM 2013-02-21
[ 13 ]
Report by the Chairman of the Council Working Group on Financial and Human Resources � CWG COM 2013-02-21
[ 12 ]
Suspension/Removal of ITU Sector Members, Associates and Academic Institutions � SG COM 2013-02-21
[ 11 ]
Arrears and special arrears accounts � SG COM 2013-02-21
[ 10 ]
Draft Budget of the Union for 2014-2015 � SG COM 2013-02-19
[ 9 ]
Annual review of revenue and expenses � SG COM 2013-02-19
[ 8 ]
External Audit � SG COM 2013-02-19
[ 7 ]
Financial operating report for the financial year 2012 � SG COM 2013-02-19
[ 6 ]
External audit of the Union's accounts on ITU TELECOM World 2012 � SG COM 2013-02-19
[ 5 ]
Accounts of ITU TELECOM World 2012 � SG COM 2013-02-19
Results:26 total items.
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