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2017 Session of the Council

Results:14 total items.
Resolutions and Decisions �[�Class :� RD �]�

Title Source Date
[ 141 ]
Resolution 1380 (Modified 2017) - Place, dates and agenda of the World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-19) � SG 2017-05-30
[ 139 ]
Decision 603 - Renewal of the mandate of the External Auditor (Corte dei Conti) for a period of two years � SG 2017-05-25
[ 138 ]
Resolution 1389 - Financial operating report for the 2016 financial year � SG 2017-05-25
[ 137 ]
Resolution 1388 - Conditions of service of ITU Elected Officials � SG 2017-05-25
[ 136 ]
Decision 602 - Cancellation of interest on arrears and irrecoverable debts � SG 2017-05-25
[ 135 ]
Decision 482 (modified 2017) - Implementation of cost recovery for satellite network filings � SG 2017-05-25
[ 134 ]
Decision 601 - IIN Registration � SG 2017-05-25
[ 133 ]
Decision 600 - UIFN Registration � SG 2017-05-25
[ 132 ]
Resolution 1387 - Biennial budget of the International Telecommunication Union for 2018-2019 � SG 2017-05-25
[ 129 ]
Decision 599 - Dates and duration of the 2018, 2019 and 2020 sessions of the Council � SG 2017-05-25
[ 127 ]
Resolution 1386 - ITU Coordination Committee for Terminology (ITU CCT) � SG 2017-05-25
[ 126 ]
Decision 598 - Conclusion, on a provisional basis, of the Cooperation Agreement between ITU and Interpol � SG 2017-05-25
[ 125 ]
Resolution 1385 - Four-year rolling Operational Plans for the ITU-R, ITU-T, ITU-D and the General Secretariat for 2018-2021 � SG 2017-05-25
[ 117 ]
Resolution 1384 - Establishment of the Council Working Group for Strategic and Financial Plans for 2020-2023 � SG 2017-05-16
Results:14 total items.
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