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Study Period 2017

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Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 229 ]
Proposal for the 2nd revised text for X.ucstix, Use Cases for Structured Threat Information Expression (STIX) � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q4/17 2018-03-06
[ 228 ]
Proposal for the 3rd draft of X.eaasd � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. Q9/17, Q10/17 2018-03-06
[ 227 ]
Proposal for increasing new metrics in assessing composite vulnerabilities to X.1521 � Iran (Islamic Republic of) , Ministry of Information & Communication Technology (MICT) Q4/17, Q2/17 2018-03-06
[ 226 ]
Security Consideration of Migration to IPv6 with Tunneling Methodsi � Iran (Islamic Republic of) , Ministry of Information & Communication Technology (MICT) Q2/17 2018-03-06
[ 225 ]
Revised baseline text for ITU-T X.iotsec-2, security framework for Internet of Things � Ministry of Information & Communication Technology (MICT) Q6/17 2018-03-06
[ 224 ]
Proposal for the 2nd draft of X.sradlt � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. Q14/17 2018-03-06
[ 223 ]
Proposal for the 2nd draft of X.tfcas � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. Q5/17 2018-03-06
[ 222 ]
ITU-T X.orf-gs: Proposed modifications for architectures and procedures of resolution framework � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q11/17 2018-03-06
[ 221 ]
Proposed editorial revision of the draft recommendation X.GSBDaaS � China, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Q8/17 2018-03-06
[ 220 ]
Technology specification for data protection of Internet of Vehicle information service � China, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Q13/17 2018-03-06
[ 219 ]
Proposed new draft text for Recommendation X.ibc-iot � China Telecommunications Corporation , Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. , Shenzhen OLYM Information Security Technology Co. Ltd. Q6/17 2018-03-06
[ 218 ]
Proposed revisions for Question 8/17 text � China, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Q8/17 2018-03-06
[ 217 ]
Proposal for the first draft of X.ssc: Security Service Chain Architecture � China Mobile Communications Corporation , China Unicom , Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) , Nokia Shanghai Bell Co. Ltd. Q2/17 2018-03-06
[ 216 ]
Proposal to augment draft X.sup-myuc with best practice recommendations on information security controls based on ISO 27002 � Symantec Corporation Q3/17 2018-03-05
[ 215 ]
Proposed assessment methodology for Distributed Ledgers Technology Threat Landscape � Symantec Corporation QALL/17 2018-03-05
[ 214 ]
5G VoLTE media encryption � itk AVtobvS Sarl Q2/17 2018-03-05
[ 213 ]
Proposal for new work item: Best practice framework to build a Cyber Defence Center � Symantec Corporation Q3/17 2018-03-05
[ 212 ]
X.te Approval � Aetna Q10/17 2018-03-02
[ 211 ]
Revising X.1254 - Proposed direction for X.1254Rev � Aetna Q10/17 2018-02-28
[ 210 ]
Revising X.1254 - Status of ISO SC 27 WG 5 Study Period on Identity related standards landscape � Aetna Q10/17 2018-02-28
[ 209 ]
Revising X.1254 - Comparison between X.1254 and NIST � Aetna Q10/17 2018-02-28
[ 208 ]
Proposal to revise Recommendation ITU-T X.1252 Baseline identity management terms and definitions � Aetna Q10/17 2018-02-28
[ 207 ]
Proposed text for x.dlt-sec, Privacy and security considerations for using DLT data in Identity Management � Aetna Q14/17 2018-02-28
[ 206 ]
Roadmap for Q10 for current study period �
Contribution withdrawn - become TD1009
N/A � 2018-02-28
[ 205 ]

Contribution withdrawn - become TD1010
N/A 2018-02-28
[ 204 ]
Draft ITU-T X.te, Trust Elevation Protocol - Authentication Step-Up Protocol and Metadata Version 1.0 (for consent) � Aetna Q10/17 2018-02-28
[ 203 ]
Starting to Establishing Certification Unit at Ministry of Telecommunication and Information Technology � State of Palestine, Ministry of Telecommunications & Information Technology Q11/17 2018-02-05
[ 202 ]
cloud computing security � Senegal, Minist�re de la Communication, des T�l�communications, des Post Q8/17 2018-02-02
[ 201 ]

Contribution withdrawn due to duplication with C202
N/A 2018-02-01
[ 200 ]
Best Practices in Security in Developing Countries Report � National Telecommunications Corporation (NTC) , Sudan Q1/17 2018-01-31
[ 199 ]
Proposal to organize a workshop on "Information Security Management and its implementation in IP environment at the next SG17 meeting in 2019". � Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) Q3/17 2018-01-29
[ 198 ]
New work item proposal for telebiometrie authentification using voice biometrie � Mali Q9/17 2018-01-23
[ 197 ]
Protection of personal data and cybersecurity � Minist�re de la Communication, des T�l�communications, des Postes et de l'Economie Num�rique du S�n�gal (MCTPEN) Q4/17, Q3/17 2018-01-19
[ 196 ]
Passing of the law on digital code in Benin: New measures to promote cybersecurity and combat cybercrime � Benin, Minist�re de l'Economie Num�rique et de la Communication QALL/17, Q4/17 2018-01-18
[ 195 ]

Contribution withdrawn by author
N/A � 2018-01-18
[ 194 ]
Proposal for a revised Question on Countering spam by technical means (Q5/17) � Korea (Rep. of) QALL/17, Q5/17 2018-01-09
[ 193 ]
Proposal for a revised Question on CyberSecurity (Q4/17) � Korea (Rep. of) QALL/17, Q4/17 2018-01-09
[ 192 ]

Contribution withdrawn by author
N/A � 2018-01-02
[ 191 ]
Security of cloud computing services and ICN � Minist�re des Postes et T�l�communications (MPT): R�publique Centrafricaine (RCA) Q8/17 2018-01-17
[ 190 ]
Code of practice for Information security controls based on ITU-T X.1051 for Malaysian telecommunications organizations � Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission Q3/17 2017-08-18
[ 189 ]
Proposed new work item-Guidelines on SECaaS-CIDSaaS in the Cloud Environment � Iran University of Science & Technology Q8/17 2017-08-16
[ 188 ]
First draft amendment to Rec. ITU-TX.520(2016) | ISO/IEC 9594-6 (2017) � Danish Energy Agency Q11/17, Q10/17 2017-08-16
[ 187 ]
Proposal for new work item for Security requirements of Network Virtualization (NV) � China , China Mobile Communications Corporation , China Unicom Q2/17 2017-08-16
[ 186 ]
Revised baseline text for X.dsms � China , China Unicom , Nokia Shanghai Bell Co. Ltd. Q8/17 2017-08-16
[ 185 ]
Revised baseline text for X.SRNaaS � China Mobile Communications Corporation , China Unicom , Nokia Shanghai Bell Co. Ltd. Q8/17 2017-08-16
[ 184 ]
Proposal to terminate draft Recommendation x.pki-prof and move its content to draft Recommendation x.pki-em. � Danish Energy Agency Q11/17, Q10/17 2017-08-16
[ 183 ]
Proposal to start a new work item ITU-T X.DLT_security "Secure reference DLT-systems architecture" � Russian Federation QALL/17 2017-08-16
[ 182 ]
The 3rd draft of X.SRCaaS � China Mobile Communications Corporation , Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Q8/17 2017-08-16
[ 181 ]
Proposal for new work item on "Product tracing and identity management mechanism of civil unmanned aerial vehicle" � Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Q11/17 2017-08-16
[ 180 ]
Proposal of new study on secure communication based on Quantum Cryptography � KT Corporation QALL/17, Q2/17 2017-08-16
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