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UIT-T�SG 16� C�


Codage, syst�mes et applications multim�dias

P�riode d'�tudes 2009

Resultats:954 documents
R�sultats :� Pr�c�dent�-� 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 �-�Suivant Next
Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 154 ]
Test results of second order prediction (SOP) � Huawei Technologies Q6/16 2009-01-19
[ 153 ]
Processing plan for GSAD � Huawei Technologies Q8/16 2009-01-19
[ 152 ]
Test and Performance evaluation plan for GSAD � Huawei Technologies Q8/16 2009-01-19
[ 151 ]
Proposal for the finalization of row 3 of the GSAD ToR � Huawei Technologies Q8/16 2009-01-19
[ 150 ]
Objective evaluation and submission of G.718 floating point Annex �
Note from TSB: The content of this contribution is the same as COM16-C.48
LM Ericsson , France Telecom , Huawei , Motorola , Panasonic , Texas Instruments Q9/16 2009-01-19
[ 149 ]
Maintenance of G.718 �
Note from TSB: The content of this contribution is the same as COM16-C.49
Panasonic , France Telecom , Huawei , LM Ericsson , Motorola Q9/16 2009-01-19
[ 148 ]
Option of SWB/Stereo extension to G.718 core to be applied at Layer 4 �
Note from TSB: The content of this contribution is the same as COM16-C.45
LM Ericsson , Motorola , Panasonic Q9/16, Q10/16 2009-01-19
[ 147 ]
Proposal of modification policy in draft Rec. H.IRP � SCAT Q22/16, Q21/16 2009-01-19
[ 146 ]
Proposal of modification policy in draft Rec. H.IDscheme � SCAT Q22/16, Q21/16 2009-01-19
[ 145 ]
Toward a H.265 low complexity profile � Tandberg , Nokia Q6/16 2009-01-19
[ 144 ]
Proposal of a skeleton for a draft new Rec. F.SA&TCFC Service "Awareness and Traffic Control Functional Component" � MIIT, P.R. China Q24/16, Q22/16 2009-01-19
[ 143 ]
Proposal to create a WI for a new F-series Recommendation on "Service Awareness and Traffic Control Functional Component" � MIIT, P.R. China Q24/16, Q22/16 2009-01-19
[ 142 ]
Discussion on some user cases of the equivalent cooperation model between the services network and bearer network � MIIT, P.R. China Q24/16 2009-01-19
[ 141 ]
Discussion on some public components in the equivalent cooperation model between the bearer network and the service network � MIIT, P.R. China Q24/16 2009-01-19
[ 140 ]
Discussion on multimedia functions based on the equivalent cooperation of the bearer network and service network � MIIT, P.R. China Q24/16 2009-01-19
[ 139 ]
Comments on "Toolbox for content coding" � MIIT, P.R. China Q6/16 2009-01-19
[ 138 ]
Proposal on draft Recommendation H.IPTV-TDES.3 � China Telecom Q13/16 2009-01-19
[ 137 ]
Proposed on draft Recommendation H.IPTV-WBTM � China Telecom Q13/16 2009-01-19
[ 136 ]
Proposal on ECMAScript requirement � China Telecom Q13/16 2009-01-19
[ 135 ]
Proposal of end-system source retransmission for Content Delivery Error Recovery Architecture � China Telecom Q13/16 2009-01-19
[ 134 ]
Delivery mechanism of Audience Measurement � ZTE Corporation Q13/16 2009-01-19
[ 133 ]
Proposed new definitions for F.VSreqs � ZTE Corporation Q22/16, Q21/16 2009-01-19
[ 132 ]
Proposed to reactive the study of IPTV Service Navigation System standard � ZTE Corporation Q13/16 2009-01-19
[ 131 ]
Clarification of web-based service discovery � ZTE Corporation Q13/16 2009-01-19
[ 130 ]
Performance of KTA � LM Ericsson Q6/16 2009-01-19
[ 129 ]
Intra frame coding of adaptive loop filter coefficients � LM Ericsson Q6/16 2009-01-19
[ 128 ]
Post-filter with reduced delay requirements � Qualcomm Inc. Q6/16 2009-01-19
[ 127 ]
Proposal for updated and harmonized joint G.729.1/G.718 SWB/Stereo Characterization Phase I conditions � LM Ericsson Q10/16 2009-01-19
[ 126 ]
Experimental Results on the Combination of High Precision Filters � Qualcomm Inc. , Nokia , Tandberg Q6/16 2009-01-19
[ 125 ]
Improvements on Enhanced Directional Adaptive Filtering (EDAIF-2) � Nokia , Qualcomm Inc. Q6/16 2009-01-19
[ 124 ]
Software platform for next generation video codec � Qualcomm Inc. Q6/16 2009-01-19
[ 123 ]
Video Coding Using Extended Block Sizes � Qualcomm Inc. Q6/16 2009-01-19
[ 122 ]
Improved Motion Vector Coding with Optimal PMV Selection � SK Telecom Q6/16 2009-01-19
[ 121 ]
Comments on draft new H.IDscheme "ID schemes for multimedia access triggered by tag-based identification" � France Telecom Q22/16, Q21/16 2009-01-19
[ 120 ]
Service discovery supporting universal multimedia access � ETRI Q13/16 2009-01-19
[ 119 ]
Proposed Modifications to Draft Recommendation H.codec.qoe � ETRI Q4/16 2009-01-19
[ 118 ]
Proposed Modifications to TP.IPTV-CMA � ETRI Q13/16 2009-01-19
[ 117 ]
Proposal for USN standardization roadmap of Q25/16 � ETRI Q25/16 2009-01-19
[ 116 ]
Proposed modification of H.IDscheme � ETRI Q22/16, Q21/16 2009-01-19
[ 115 ]
Issues list and proposed modification of H.IRP � ETRI Q22/16, Q21/16 2009-01-19
[ 114 ]
The destination Info field in Q.931 messages � Israel Q2/16 2009-01-19
[ 113 ]
The conference list feature in H.323 � Israel Q2/16 2009-01-19
[ 112 ]
Comments on the ToR for the SWB and stereo extension to G.711.1 and G.722 � Fraunhofer GFF , Dolby Sweden Q10/16 2009-01-19
[ 111 ]
Maintenance of G.718 - decoder verification of the default value of reserved bits � LM Ericsson Q9/16 2009-01-19
[ 110 ]
On requirements for next generation video coding standard � Nokia Q6/16 2009-01-19
[ 109 ]
Testing of G.718 & G.729.1 stereo annexes (WB & SWB) � Nokia Q10/16 2009-01-19
[ 108 ]
Corrections to the bitrate switching algorithm in G.729.1 DTX/CNG Annex C and D � Siemens Enterprise Communications Q10/16 2009-01-19
[ 107 ]
Draft technical papers collecting ITU-T G.71x and G.72x performance � France Telecom Q10/16 2009-01-19
[ 106 ]
Proposed stereo Terms of References for the superwideband/stereo extension to G.722 and G.711.1 � France Telecom Q10/16 2009-01-19
[ 105 ]
Pre- and post processing for G.711: test results with G.711.1 noise shaper and postfilter in French language � France Telecom Q10/16 2009-01-19
Resultats:954 documents
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