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Study Period 2017

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Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 379 ]
Identification mechanism for unmanned aerial vehicles using object identifiers � Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Q11/17 2018-08-15
[ 378 ]
Proposed editorial revision of the draft recommendation X.GSBDaaS � Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Q8/17 2018-08-15
[ 377 ]
The 1st base text of X.srcd, Security Requirements of Categorized Data in V2X Communication � Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Q13/17 2018-08-15
[ 376 ]
Proposal for a new work item, Requirements of security information sharing and analysis for connected vehicles � Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Q13/17 2018-08-15
[ 375 ]
Security-related misbehaviour detection mechanisms for certificate audit based on distributed ledger technology � Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Q14/17 2018-08-15
[ 374 ]
Proposal for a new work item, Security considerations for smart asset management based on distributed ledger technology � Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Q14/17 2018-08-15
[ 373 ]
Proposal for new work item on "Trust model for 5G ecosystem" � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q6/17 2018-08-14
[ 372 ]
Clarifying about X.ssc: Security Service Chain Architecture � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q2/17 2018-08-14
[ 371 ]
Adding contents into X.SDSec: Guideline on Software-defined Security in Software-defined Networking/Network Function Virtualization Network � China Mobile Communications Corporation , Nokia Shanghai Bell Co. Ltd. Q2/17 2018-08-14
[ 370 ]
Editorial revision for draft Recommendation ITU-T X.sdnsec-3: Security guideline of service function chain based on software defined network � China Mobile Communications Corporation , Cisco Systems, Inc. Q2/17 2018-08-14
[ 369 ]
Proposed Modification on Basic Text of draft Recommendation ITU-T X.sdnsec-3: Security guideline of Service Function Chain based on software defined network � China Mobile Communications Corporation , Nokia Shanghai Bell Co. Ltd. Q2/17 2018-08-14
[ 368 ]
Proposed new text for X.srnv: Security Requirements of Network Virtualization � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q2/17 2018-08-14
[ 367 ]
Proposal for the second draft text of ITU-T Recommendation X.sfop, Security framework of open platform for FinTech services � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) , Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) (Korea (Rep. of)) Q7/17 2018-08-14
[ 366 ]
Proposed text for additional use cases for X.itssec-5, Security guidelines for vehicular edge computing � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q13/17 2018-08-14
[ 365 ]
Proposed additional security requirements for X.itssec-3, Security requirements for vehicle accessible external devices � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q13/17 2018-08-14
[ 364 ]
Proposal of second baseline text of X.itssec-5, Security guidelines for vehicular edge computing. � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q13/17 2018-08-14
[ 363 ]
Proposal of baseline text for X.itssec-2, Security guidelines for V2X communication systems, regarding use cases of the V2X communication system � Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Q13/17 2018-08-14
[ 362 ]
Proposed new text for X.fgati: Framework and Guidelines for Applying Threat Intelligence in Telecom Network Operation � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q4/17 2018-08-14
[ 361 ]
Proposed H(e)NB use case for Security Services based on Distributed Ledger Technology � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q14/17 2018-08-14
[ 360 ]
Proposed new threats for X.sct-dlt: Security capabilities of, and threats to Distributed Ledger Technology � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q14/17 2018-08-14
[ 359 ]
Proposal for the 1st revised text for draft Recommendation X.5Gsec-q: Security guidelines for applying quantum-safe algorithms in 5G systems � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q6/17 2018-08-14
[ 358 ]
Proposal on modification for draft Recommendation ITU-T X.sgtBD: Security guidelines of data lifecycle management for telecom Big Data � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q8/17 2018-08-14
[ 357 ]
Proposal for updating the draft text of X.secup-iot (IoT Software Update Procedure) � National Institute of Information and Communications Technology Q6/17 2018-08-14
[ 356 ]
A new draft of X.grm � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q3/17 2018-08-14
[ 355 ]
Proposed text for x.dlt-sec � Aetna , Aetna (United States) Q14/17 2018-08-13
[ 354 ]
X.1252 Baseline identity � Aetna , Aetna (United States) Q10/17 2018-08-13
[ 353 ]
The 2nd base text of X.mdcv, Security-related misbehaviour detection mechanism based on big data analysis for connected vehicles � 360 Technology Co, Ltd. (China) Q13/17 2018-08-10
[ 352 ]
Some Security Risks for DLT � 360 Technology Co, Ltd. (China) Q14/17 2018-08-10
[ 351 ]
Proposed revisions for X.stov � 360 Technology Co, Ltd. (China) Q14/17 2018-08-10
[ 350 ]
Proposed revisions for X.str-dlt � 360 Technology Co, Ltd. (China) Q14/17 2018-08-10
[ 349 ]
Proposed revisions for X.sradlt � 360 Technology Co, Ltd. (China) Q14/17 2018-08-10
[ 348 ]
Proposed revisions for X.sct-dlt � 360 Technology Co, Ltd. (China) Q14/17 2018-08-10
[ 347 ]
ITU-T Rec. Z.151 (10/2012) User Requirements Notation (URN) - Language definition � Canada Q12/17 2018-08-09
[ 346 ]
Proposed first working draft for a new Recommendation ITU-T X.pqsym; Post-quantum symmetric encryption algorithms � Danish Energy Agency (Denmark) , itk AVtobvS Sarl Q11/17 2018-08-05
[ 345 ]
Enhanced AES symmetric key algorithms � Danish Energy Agency (Denmark) , itk AVtobvS Sarl Q11/17 2018-08-03
[ 344 ]

Contribution withdrawn by contributor, replaced by LS/i from FIDO
N/A � 2018-07-31
[ 343 ]

Contribution withdrawn by contributor, replaced by LS/i from FIDO
N/A � 2018-07-30
[ 342 ]

Contribution withdrawn by contributor, replaced by LS/i from FIDO
N/A � 2018-07-30
[ 341 ]

Contribution withdrawn by contributor, replaced by LS/i from FIDO
N/A � 2018-07-30
[ 340 ]

Contribution withdrawn by contributor, replaced by LS/i from FIDO
N/A � 2018-07-30
[ 339 ]

Contribution withdrawn by contributor, replaced by LS/i from FIDO
N/A � 2018-07-30
[ 338 ]
Security of cloud computing services and ICN � Central African Rep., Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications Q8/17 2018-07-25
[ 337 ]
Request to create a new question: "Security aspects of Mobile Money Services" � Rwanda , Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority (RURA) QALL/17 2018-07-22
[ 336 ]
A proposed way forward for the Rec. ITU-T 1080.x telebiometrics standardization � Danish Energy Agency Q9/17 2018-07-15
[ 335 ]
Security aspects of the Internet of Things � Senegal, Minist�re de la Communication, des T�l�communications, des Postes Q8/17, Q6/17 2018-07-09
[ 334 ]
Proposed defect report on X.509 for correcting discrepancy between the AVL definition in X.509 and in a referencing standards. � Danish Energy Agency Q11/17 2018-07-03
[ 333 ]
Cybersecurity and Cybercrime Forms in Africa � Benin , Minist�re de l'Economie Num�rique et de la Communication QALL/17, Q4/17 2018-06-28
[ 332 ]
Proposed draft amendment x to Rec. ITU-T X.509 (20xx) | ISO/IEC 9594-8 (20xx) on limiting certificate sizes to support Distributed PKI � Danish Energy Agency Q11/17, Q10/17 2018-06-20
[ 331 ]
Proposed text for the new part Rec. ITU-T X.x509Prot | ISO/IEC 9594-11 to the ITU-T X.500 Series of Recommendations | ISO/IEC 9594-all parts � Danish Energy Agency Q11/17 2018-06-11
[ 330 ]
Proposed draft integrated text for the ninth edition of Rec. ITU-T X.525 | ISO/IEC 9594-9 � Danish Energy Agency Q11/17 2018-06-11
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