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Study Period 2017

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Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 429 ]
Proposal for the 1st revised text for X.gcpie, Guidelines for Collection and Preservation of Cyber Security Incident Evidence � Korea (Rep. of) Q4/17 2018-08-16
[ 428 ]
Comment on the Standardisation roadmap for Q14 � Korea (Rep. of) Q14/17 2018-08-16
[ 427 ]
Proposal on the revised text for X.strdlt � Korea (Rep. of) Q14/17 2018-08-16
[ 426 ]
Proposal for an additional STIX 2.0 use case for X.ucstix, Use Cases for Structured Threat Information Expression (STIX) � Korea (Rep. of) Q4/17 2018-08-16
[ 425 ]
Proposal for suggested texts for the X.sct-dlt: Security capabilities of, and threats to Distributed Ledger Technology � Korea (Rep. of) Q14/17 2018-08-16
[ 424 ]
Comments on revision of Recommendation X.1373 � Hyundai Motors Q13/17 2018-08-16
[ 423 ]
Proposal for the 2nd revised text for ITU-T, Security assurance for distributed ledger technology � Korea (Rep. of) Q14/17 2018-08-16
[ 422 ]
Proposed modifications for X.itssec-4, Methodologies for intrusion detection system on in-vehicle system � Hyundai Motors Q13/17 2018-08-16
[ 421 ]
Proposed way forward for the incubation function to address new emerging areas in SG17 � Korea (Rep. of) QALL/17, Q4/17 2018-08-16
[ 420 ]
Proposal for updated terms and definitions on ITU-T X.fdip, Framework of de-identification processing service for telecommunication service providers � Korea (Rep. of) Q7/17 2018-08-16
[ 419 ]
Revised baseline text for X.itssec-3: Security requirements for vehicle accessible external devices � Hyundai Motors Q13/17 2018-08-16
[ 418 ]
Proposal for the 1st revised text for ITU-T X.das-mgt, Security framework for the data access and sharing management system based on the distributed ledger technology � Korea (Rep. of) Q14/17 2018-08-16
[ 417 ]
Proposed direction for the collaboration of ITU-T X.1254 Rev and ISO/IEC 29115Rev � Korea (Rep. of) Q10/17 2018-08-16
[ 416 ]
ITU-T X.orf-gs: proposal of draft updates for Consent � Korea (Rep. of) Q11/17 2018-08-16
[ 415 ]
Proposal of new work item, security guidelines for cloud-based event data recorders in ITS context � Korea (Rep. of) Q13/17 2018-08-16
[ 414 ]
Proposal of new work item, security guideline for automotive Ethernet in In-Vehicle networks � Korea (Rep. of) Q13/17 2018-08-16
[ 413 ]
Information of gap analysis for proposed new work item, security aspects of cloud-based EDR in ITS context � Hyundai Motors Q13/17 2018-08-16
[ 412 ]
Proposal for the 4th revised text for draft recommendation ITU-T Telebiometric authentication using biosignals � Korea (Rep. of) Q9/17 2018-08-16
[ 411 ]
Proposal for increasing new metrics in assessing composite vulnerabilities to X.1521 � Ministry of Information & Communication Technology (MICT) (Iran (Islamic Republic of)) Q4/17, Q2/17 2018-08-16
[ 410 ]
Proposal for new work item X.tfcmms: Technical framework for countering Multimedia Messaging Service spam � China Unicom Q5/17 2018-08-16
[ 409 ]
Security Consideration of Migration to IPv6 with Tunneling Methods � Ministry of Information & Communication Technology (MICT) (Iran (Islamic Republic of)) Q2/17 2018-08-16
[ 408 ]
Revised baseline text for X.srnv � China Unicom Q2/17 2018-08-16
[ 407 ]
Proposed development schedule for X.1254Rev � Aetna (United States) Q10/17 2018-08-15
[ 406 ]
Proposed revisions for X.1254Rev � Aetna (United States) Q10/17 2018-08-15
[ 405 ]
The proposed content of the work item X.tecwes � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q5/17 2018-08-15
[ 404 ]
Proposal for the 4th draft of X.sradlt � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. Q14/17 2018-08-15
[ 403 ]
Proposed 4th draft of X.eaasd � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. Q9/17, Q10/17 2018-08-15
[ 402 ]
Proposal for the 3rd draft of X.tfcas � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. Q5/17 2018-08-15
[ 401 ]
Proposal for new baseline text for X.sup-1254rev: Supplement to X.1254rev on use cases and high level abstract implementations � China Unicom Q10/17 2018-08-15
[ 400 ]
Proposal for the new base text for the draft recommendation ITU-T X.tsfpp, Technical security framework for the protection of users' personal information while countering mobile messaging spam � China Unicom Q5/17 2018-08-15
[ 399 ]
The 2rd revised text for ITU-T X.iotsec-3, (Technical framework of PII (Personally Identifiable Information) handling system in IoT environment) � Ministry of Information & Communication Technology (MICT) (Iran (Islamic Republic of)) Q6/17 2018-08-15
[ 398 ]
Proposal to augment draft X.sup-myuc with best practice recommendations based on the Critical Security Controls � Symantec Corporation Q3/17 2018-08-15
[ 397 ]
New work item proposal: Technical framework of risk control for authentication based on big data analysis � Alibaba China Co. Ltd. Q7/17 2018-08-15
[ 396 ]
Improvement for X.srfb for consent at this meeting � China Unicom Q7/17 2018-08-15
[ 395 ]
Proposal for X.tfspd-dlt: add new content � China Unicom Q14/17 2018-08-15
[ 394 ]
Proposal for X.tfss: add new content � China Unicom Q7/17 2018-08-15
[ 393 ]
New baseline text of X.sup-ctss � China Unicom Q5/17 2018-08-15
[ 392 ]
Proposal for X.nb-iot: add new content � China Unicom Q6/17 2018-08-15
[ 391 ]
The first baseline text for X.framcdc: Framework for the creation and operation of a Cyber Defense Center � Symantec Corporation Q3/17 2018-08-15
[ 390 ]
Update proposal for draft text X.iotsec-3 (Technical framework of PII (Personally Identifiable Information) handling system in IoT environment) � KDDI Corporation Q6/17 2018-08-15
[ 389 ]
Proposal on quantum-safe cryptographic algorithms in Clause 9 for the draft of X.5Gsec-q � China Mobile Communications Corporation , Nokia Shanghai Bell Co. Ltd. Q6/17, Q2/17 2018-08-15
[ 388 ]
Proposal of some improvements on the implementation of SDN-based SFC in Clause 6 and Clause 7 for the draft of X.sdnsec-3 � China Mobile Communications Corporation , Nokia Shanghai Bell Co. Ltd. Q6/17, Q2/17 2018-08-15
[ 387 ]
Proposal for the third draft of X.ssc: Security Service Chain Architecture � China Mobile Communications Corporation , China Unicom , Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) , Nokia Shanghai Bell Co. Ltd. Q2/17 2018-08-15
[ 386 ]
Proposed new draft text for Recommendation ITU-T X.nb-iot: Security Requirements and Framework for Narrow Band Internet of Things � China Telecommunications Corporation , China Unicom Q6/17 2018-08-15
[ 385 ]
1st Draft of ITU-T X.ssp-iot: Security Requirements and Framework for IoT Service Platform � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q6/17 2018-08-15
[ 384 ]
2nd�Draft�of X.1052-rev: Organization�information�security�management�guideline � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q3/17 2018-08-15
[ 383 ]
2nd�Draft�of X.sgos: Security�Guidelines�of�Web-based�Online�Customer�Service � China Mobile Communications Corporation Q7/17 2018-08-15
[ 382 ]
Proposed new draft text for Recommendation X.ibc-iot � China Telecommunications Corporation , Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (China) , Shenzhen OLYM Information Security Technology Co. Ltd. (China) Q6/17 2018-08-15
[ 381 ]
Proposed comments on X.1054-rev � Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Q3/17 2018-08-15
[ 380 ]
Proposed comments on ISO/IEC 1st CD 27102 � Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Q3/17 2018-08-15
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