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Transport network structures

P�riode d'�tudes 2009

Resultats:2390 documents
R�sultats :� Pr�c�dent�-� 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30 - 31 - 32 - 33 - 34 - 35 - 36 - 37 - 38 - 39 - 40 - 41 - 42 - 43 - 44 - 45 - 46 - 47 - 48 �-�Suivant Next
Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 1690 ]
Proposal to study the convergence of PON and transport network in the next study period � ZTE Corporation Q2/15, Q14/15, Q13/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q10/15, Q1/15 2011-11-21
[ 1689 ]
Proposal to study the convergence of optical and packet in the next study period � ZTE Corporation Q9/15, Q3/15, Q14/15, Q13/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q10/15 2011-11-21
[ 1688 ]
Proposal for joint discussion about flexible grid network � ZTE Corporation Q9/15, Q6/15, Q14/15, Q12/15, Q11/15 2011-11-21
[ 1687 ]
Propose update G.8031/G.8032 to support Multipoint Ethernet connection protection � Alcatel-Lucent Bell N.V. Q9/15 2011-11-21
[ 1686 ]
Comments and proposal on revision of G.654 � Communication Line Products Association of Japan , Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) Q8/15, Q5/15 2011-11-21
[ 1685 ]
G.8273.2: Discussion on text for Sections 6 through 9. � Calnex Solutions Limited Q13/15 2011-11-21
[ 1684 ]
Comments on draft G.8260, Section I.5 'PDV Metrics studying minimum floor delay packet population.' � Calnex Solutions Limited Q13/15 2011-11-21
[ 1683 ]
Including Normative references to IETF RFCs in G.8113.2 � Nokia Siemens Networks GmbH & Co. KG QALL/15, Q10/15, Q1/15 2011-11-21
[ 1682 ]
Proposal of supported functions in the first version of G.873.2 � Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG Q9/15 2011-11-21
[ 1681 ]
Updated definition of EVM for G.698.2 � Ciena Corporation Q6/15 2011-11-21
[ 1680 ]
G.798 proposal for dealing with incoming frame slips (LL Study point 2) � Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland AG Q9/15 2011-11-21
[ 1679 ]
Considerations for an OTU5/ODU5 definition � ITEK Q11/15 2011-11-21
[ 1678 ]
G.798 MSI processing � ITEK Q9/15 2011-11-21
[ 1677 ]
Draft contents of new Recommendation G.odusmp � Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. , Infinera Corporation Q9/15 2011-11-21
[ 1676 ]
Noises Introduced by Boundary Clocks � ZTE Corporation Q13/15 2011-11-21
[ 1675 ]
Consideration on client signal mapping for ODU5/OTU5 � Fujitsu Limited Q11/15 2011-11-21
[ 1674 ]
G.8265 and G.8265.1 Editorial change � ZTE Corporation Q13/15 2011-11-21
[ 1673 ]
Time transient build out and time offset response � China Mobile Communications Corporation , ZTE Corporation Q13/15 2011-11-21
[ 1672 ]
The mixed SSM_PTP application for frequency synchronization � China , China Mobile Communications Corporation , ZTE Corporation Q13/15 2011-11-21
[ 1671 ]
Consideration for G.8012.1 (updates to cd02) � Fujitsu Limited Q10/15 2011-11-21
[ 1670 ]
Consideration on SP#23 in Y.1731 Living List � Fujitsu Limited Q10/15 2011-11-21
[ 1669 ]
Consideration on counter wrapping issues in Ethernet OAM functions � Fujitsu Limited Q10/15 2011-11-21
[ 1668 ]
Proposed clarification of the timer behaviour in SLR reception � Fujitsu Limited Q10/15 2011-11-21
[ 1667 ]
Proposal of the combination of jumping and sliding window � ZTE Corporation Q13/15 2011-11-21
[ 1666 ]
Proposed mechanism and format for 1SL � Fujitsu Limited Q9/15, Q10/15 2011-11-21
[ 1665 ]
Proposed input for progressing Distributed Network Protection (DNP) with interworking � Fujitsu Limited Q9/15 2011-11-21
[ 1664 ]
Comments and proposal on the clause 8 in draft G.873.2 � Fujitsu Limited Q9/15 2011-11-21
[ 1663 ]
Proposed the use of PCC for constructing a ringmap � Fujitsu Limited Q9/15 2011-11-21
[ 1662 ]
Comments on G.8260 latest draft � ZTE Corporation Q13/15 2011-11-21
[ 1661 ]
Comments on cd01 G.798 draft Amendment 2 for consent � Fujitsu Limited Q9/15 2011-11-21
[ 1660 ]
Proposal of 1pps as an external interface of PEC � China Mobile Communications Corporation , ZTE Corporation Q13/15 2011-11-21
[ 1659 ]
Proposals on the validation of the PTP master � China , China Mobile Communications Corporation , ZTE Corporation Q13/15 2011-11-21
[ 1658 ]
G.inp: Proposed text for intra-DTU interleaver � Broadcom Corporation , Metanoia Technologies, Inc. Q4/15 2011-11-21
[ 1657 ]
Proposals on the factors used for the master selection of time/phase sync � China , China Mobile Communications Corporation , ZTE Corporation Q13/15 2011-11-21
[ 1656 ]
G.fast: Vectoring complexity assessment � Broadcom Corporation Q4/15 2011-11-21
[ 1655 ]
Analysis of selection window and oscillator � China , ZTE Corporation Q13/15 2011-11-21
[ 1654 ]
Analysis about timestamp process of PTP event packet � ZTE Corporation Q13/15 2011-11-21
[ 1653 ]
Proposal to emphasize the clarification for CBR40G jitter generation for STM-256 case in OTN equipment � China Unicom Q9/15, Q13/15 2011-11-21
[ 1652 ]
Proposal for Signalling-based Path-Segment Protection(PSP) in Packet Transportation Networks � China Unicom Q9/15 2011-11-21
[ 1651 ]
Requirement of application scenarios for packet switching based OTN in metro network � China Unicom Q9/15 2011-11-21
[ 1650 ]
Consideration on the application scenario of OTN with packet switching function in backbone layer � China Unicom Q9/15 2011-11-21
[ 1649 ]
Switching priority in SMP that one working entity with two or more protection resources � China Unicom Q9/15 2011-11-21
[ 1648 ]
A novel operation type derived from non-revertive operation of SMP � China Unicom Q9/15 2011-11-21
[ 1647 ]
Proposed modification for the interconnection between two different bridge types in G.808.1 � NEC Corporation Q9/15 2011-11-21
[ 1646 ]
Consideration of the accuracy for ETH-CC based dDEG mechanism � NEC Corporation Q9/15 2011-11-21
[ 1645 ]
One working entity with two or more shared protection resources in SMP � China Unicom Q9/15 2011-11-21
[ 1644 ]
Proposed modification of CCM-based proactive LM process in G.8021 � NEC Corporation Q9/15 2011-11-21
[ 1643 ]
Proposed definition for MEP and MIP compound functions in G.8021 � NEC Corporation Q9/15 2011-11-21
[ 1642 ]
Proposed enhancement of proactive performance monitoring to G.8021 ETHG_FT function � NEC Corporation Q9/15 2011-11-21
[ 1641 ]
Proposed text for CSF process in G.8021 ETH adaptation functions � NEC Corporation Q9/15 2011-11-21
Resultats:2390 documents
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