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UIT-T�SG 16� C�


Codificaci�n, sistemas y aplicaciones multimedios

Periodo de estudios 2009

Resultados :954 documentos
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Contribuciones��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 304 ]
Technical Paper on ITU-T G.718 performance � VoiceAge Q9/16 2009-10-16
[ 303 ]
Maintenance of G.718 � VoiceAge Q9/16 2009-10-16
[ 302 ]
IPR Declaration for G.MDCSPNE � Nortel Networks (Canada) Q18/16 2009-10-16
[ 301 ]
G.MDCSPNE: Proposed editorial changes � Nortel Networks (Canada) Q18/16 2009-10-16
[ 300 ]
G.IP2IP: Proposal to add missing references to clause 2 � Nortel Networks (Canada) Q15/16 2009-10-16
[ 299 ]
G.IP2IP: Proposal to add missing abbreviations � Nortel Networks (Canada) Q15/16 2009-10-16
[ 298 ]
Second survey report on ID schemes for H.IDscheme � ETRI , SCAT Q22/16 2009-10-16
[ 297 ]
Proposed modification of H.IRP � ETRI Q22/16 2009-10-16
[ 296 ]
F.usn-mw: proposed revised draft (Service description and requirements for USN services) � ETRI Q25/16 2009-10-16
[ 295 ]
Proposed modification of Section 5 in draft Rec. F.usn-mw � ETRI Q25/16 2009-10-16
[ 294 ]
Terminology alignments of draft Rec. F.usn-mw with Consented draft Y.2221 � ETRI Q25/16 2009-10-16
[ 293 ]
Adding support for H.264 SVC in H.241 � Vidyo Q1/16 2009-10-16
[ 292 ]
Proposal of a new Recommendation F.USN-SDR on service description and requirements for USN services �
ETRI Q25/16 2009-10-16
[ 291 ]
Signalling between terminal and RACF for codec-based QoS control � ETRI Q4/16 2009-10-16
[ 290 ]
Proposal for a new Technical Paper HSTP.IPTV-RIA on rich internet applications for IPTV services � ETRI Q13/16 2009-10-16
[ 289 ]
Proposed bug correction of the G.729.1/.718-SWB fixed point code � ETRI Q10/16 2009-10-16
[ 288 ]
Use of Hierarchical P Picture Coding for EPVC Anchor 2 � Vidyo Q6/16 2009-10-16
[ 287 ]
Proposal on a new Annex to G.711.1: use of lossless compression for core bitstream � NTT Q10/16 2009-10-16
[ 286 ]
NTT's IPR declaration for audio quality enhancement toolbox of G.711 � NTT Q10/16 2009-10-16
[ 285 ]
MS stereo capability of the super wideband extension to G.722 and G.711.1 � NTT Q10/16 2009-10-16
[ 284 ]
H.IPTV-AM: Proposed elements of interactive service in metadata � ZTE Q13/16 2009-10-16
[ 283 ]
H.IPTV-AM: Proposed list of possible protocols to be used � ZTE Q13/16 2009-10-16
[ 282 ]
H.IPTV-AM: Proposal to add a diagram of AM metadata in clause 12.2 � ZTE Q13/16 2009-10-16
[ 281 ]
H.IPTV-AM: Comments to relationships of potential scopes � ZTE Q13/16 2009-10-16
[ 280 ]
H.IPTV-AM: Proposed AM reference point in IPTV terminal function � ZTE Q13/16 2009-10-16
[ 279 ]
H.IPTV-AM: Proposed AM reference point in IPTV network function � ZTE Q13/16 2009-10-16
[ 278 ]
H.IPTV-TDES.3: Proposed to add a new text relative to PIP � ZTE Q13/16 2009-10-16
[ 277 ]
H.IPTV-TDES.3: Proposed new PIP definition � ZTE Q13/16 2009-10-16
[ 276 ]
H.IPTV-MDSD: Suggestion on metadata schema development for IPTV service discovery � ZTE Q13/16 2009-10-16
[ 275 ]
HSTP.IPTV-WBSD: Proposal on web-based service discovery � ZTE Q13/16 2009-10-16
[ 274 ]
H.IPTV-MDSD: Proposal on service provider discovery metadata schema � ZTE Q13/16 2009-10-16
[ 273 ]
HSTP.IPTV-SNV: Proposal to modify descriptive text of clause 5.4 � ZTE Q13/16 2009-10-16
[ 272 ]
HSTP.IPTV-PITD: Proposal on a DVB RTSP profile for VoD � ZTE Q13/16 2009-10-16
[ 271 ]
H.IPTV-MAFR.6: Proposal to add an example of MediaPlayer Object � ZTE Q13/16 2009-10-16
[ 270 ]
HSTP.IPTV-PITD: Comments on TISPAN RTSP profile for VoD � ZTE Q13/16 2009-10-16
[ 269 ]
HSTP.IPTV-SBSD: Clarification of SIP push/pull mode � ZTE Q13/16 2009-10-16
[ 268 ]
H.VSarch: Proposed additional clause on Unified Network Management System � ZTE Q21/16 2009-10-16
[ 267 ]
Proposal on interworking with videoconferencing to H.VSarch � ZTE Q21/16 2009-10-16
[ 266 ]
H.VSarch: Proposal to add text on hierarchy model for deployment � ZTE Q21/16 2009-10-16
[ 265 ]
Proposed service control flow of PTZ Control to H.VSarch � ZTE Q21/16 2009-10-16
[ 264 ]
H.VSarch: Proposed service control flow of voice (audio) communication � ZTE Q21/16 2009-10-16
[ 263 ]
H.VSarch: Proposed service control flow of real-time video surveillance � ZTE Q21/16 2009-10-16
[ 262 ]
H.VSarch: Proposed service control flow for playback � ZTE Q21/16 2009-10-16
[ 261 ]
H.VSarch: Proposed service control flow for recording � ZTE Q21/16 2009-10-16
[ 260 ]
H.VSarch: Proposed service control flow of instant image snapshot � ZTE Q21/16 2009-10-16
[ 259 ]
H.VSarch: Proposed service control flow of audio acquisition � ZTE Q21/16 2009-10-16
[ 258 ]
H.VSarch: Proposed service control flow of alarming and linkage action � ZTE Q21/16 2009-10-16
[ 257 ]
H.VSarch: Proposed additional text on CU component � ZTE Q21/16 2009-10-16
[ 256 ]
H.VSarch: Proposed additional text on PU Component � ZTE Q21/16 2009-10-16
[ 255 ]
H.VSarch: Proposed modification concerning decomposed components � ZTE Q21/16 2009-10-16
Resultados :954 documentos
Resultados :� Anterior�-� 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 �-�Siguiente Next
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