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Optical and other transport network infrastructures

Study Period 2005

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Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 263 ] On the home network topology � Infineon Technologies Q4/15 2006-10-20
[ 262 ]
G.VDSL2: Correction to the formula for computing received virtual noise from TXREFVN parameter � Infineon Technologies Q4/15 2006-10-20
[ 261 ]
Proposal of a generic Home Network architecture on the transport stratum � NTT Q1/15 2006-10-20
[ 260 ]
Channel/senders/receivers complex model � Alcatel Q12/15 2006-10-20
[ 259 ]
Unifying G.805 and G.809 � Lucent Technologies UK , KPN Q12/15 2006-10-20
[ 258 ]
Discussion on macrobending loss specification for G.mmx � Draka Comteq Q5/15, Q10/15 2006-10-20
[ 257 ]
G.vdsl: VDSL2 Impulse Noise Monitor Performance/Accuracy Requirements � Alcatel Bell Q4/15 2006-10-20
[ 256 ]
G.gen: G.vdsl: G.ploam: Full Proposed Text for VDSL2 Impulse Noise Monitor � Alcatel Bell Q4/15 2006-10-20
[ 255 ]
G.vdsl: VDSL2 Initialization Success/Failure Code DRAFT � Alcatel Bell Q4/15 2006-10-20
[ 254 ]
G.gen: G.vdsl: G.ploam: VDSL2 Reporting of Actual Impulse Noise Protection � Alcatel Bell Q4/15 2006-10-20
[ 253 ]
Clock bandwidth considerations for G.paclock � Israel MOC Q13/15 2006-10-20
[ 252 ]
Text changes for Appendix VIII of Recommendation G.8261 � Israel MOC Q13/15 2006-10-20
[ 251 ]
Appendix VI/Test Case 8: Can G.8261 masks be met � Israel MOC Q13/15 2006-10-20
[ 250 ]
Clarifications and text changes for Appendix VI of G.8621 � Israel MOC Q13/15 2006-10-20
[ 249 ]
WDM interface with a total capacity of 100 Gbit/s � Deutsche Telekom Q6/15 2006-10-20
[ 248 ]
Synchronisation Modelling Components - Time � BT Q13/15 2006-10-20
[ 247 ]
Synchronous Ethernet Equipment Clock - Selection Function � BT Q13/15 2006-10-20
[ 246 ]
Synchronisation Modelling - Frequency and Time Converging � BT Q13/15 2006-10-20
[ 245 ]
Synchronous Ethernet - Synchronisation Status Message (SSM) Delay Analysis � BT Q13/15 2006-10-20
[ 244 ]
Ethernet Ring Protection � Siemens Q9/15 2006-10-20
[ 243 ]
Proposal to continue work on 10GbE bit rates � Cisco Systems Q14/15, Q12/15, Q11/15 2006-10-20
[ 242 ]
Impact of T-MPLS on a carrier operations group � Cisco Systems Q14/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15 2006-10-20
[ 241 ]
Two customer needs of 10GbE LAN PHY transport: one can be fulfilled by using existing standards and the other needs new standards � Japan Q11/15 2006-10-20
[ 240 ]
Engagement of ITU-T SG15 with IEEE 802.3 Higher Speed Study Group (802.3 HSSG) in consideration of current 802.3 HSSG efforts to define objectives for Higher Speed Ethernet � AT&T , Sprint Nextel , Verizon Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15, Q6/15 2006-10-20
[ 239 ]
Proposal of wavelength-selective-switch-based photonic cross-connect for transparent optical network systems in G.otf � NTT Q6/15 2006-10-20
[ 238 ]
Proposals for Definitions and Appendix to support revision of G.666 (ex G.PMDC) � Alcatel Q7/15 2006-10-20
[ 237 ]
Proposal to discuss on OSNR sensitivity data at applications for narrow spectral excursion at new G.dapp2 � Alcatel Q6/15 2006-10-20
[ 236 ]
Proposals for application code with wide spectral excursion at G.dapp2 � Alcatel Q6/15 2006-10-20
[ 235 ]
Ethernet protection and physical constraints � BT Q9/15 2006-10-20
[ 234 ]
All-Japan interoperability trial of full-transparent 10GbE LAN PHY transport �
Rev1: Correction of a template issue causing the seventh contact not to appear
Japan Q11/15 2006-10-20
[ 233 ]
Proposal for T-MPLS MIP Identification � Alcatel Q12/15, Q9/15 2006-10-20
[ 232 ]
100 Gbit/s interface � Alcatel Q11/15, Q9/15 2006-10-20
[ 231 ]
Multi-layer T-MPLS network architecture and layer network signal formats � Alcatel Q12/15, Q11/15 2006-10-20
[ 230 ]
Comments on and proposals for G.650.2 � Deutsche Telekom Q5/15 2006-10-20
[ 229 ]
Definitions in G.666 � Deutsche Telekom Q7/15 2006-10-20
[ 228 ]
Work Load of Q12/15 - Proposal for advanced working methods � Alcatel Q12/15 2006-10-20
[ 227 ]
Protocol extension for automatic discovery in OTN networks � ETRI Q14/15 2006-10-20
[ 226 ]
Time distribution in synchronization networks � Nortel Networks (USA) Q13/15 2006-10-20
[ 225 ]
SSM behaviour for packet networks � Nortel Networks (USA) Q13/15 2006-10-20
[ 224 ]
Network limits for 1544 kbit/s interface description in G.8261 � USA Q13/15 2006-10-20
[ 223 ]
Additional Information on Virtual Synchronous Ethernet Method � Adtran Q13/15 2006-10-20
[ 222 ]
SBS measurement: Proposal for text in G.650.2, Appendix II.5 � Corning Incorporated Q5/15 2006-10-20
[ 221 ]
Relationship of bend radius to reliability � Corning Incorporated Q10/15 2006-10-20
[ 220 ]
G.VDSL2: Proposal on INM functionality for G.993.2 Amendment 1 � Ikanos Communications , Conexant Systems Q4/15 2006-10-20
[ 219 ]
Supporting Time synchronization (time-of-day) across a transmission network � Tellabs Oy Q13/15 2006-10-20
[ 218 ]
Proposed mechanisms of Loop Free Ethernet Rings Protection � NTT Q9/15 2006-10-20
[ 217 ]
The influence of loops on frame forwarding � NTT Q9/15 2006-10-20
[ 216 ]
Comparison of Y.1731with IEEE802.1ag � NTT Q9/15 2006-10-20
[ 215 ]
Proposal for Initial Draft of Ethernet Rings Protection � NTT Q9/15 2006-10-20
[ 214 ]
Proposal of operation scenarios for VCAT and LCAS management in ASON � NTT Q12/15 2006-10-20
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