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UIT-T�SG 12� C�


Performance, QoS and QoE

P�riode d'�tudes 2017

Resultats:608 documents
R�sultats :� Pr�c�dent�-� 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 �-�Suivant Next
Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 58 ]
Proposal for IP based Service Availability � AT&T, Inc. Q17/12 2016-12-22
[ 57 ]
Division of work areas for Virtualized Deployment of QoS and QoE Assessment � AT&T, Inc. Q8/12 2016-12-22
[ 56 ]
Proposal for a Device Categorization Scheme Hands-free/Conference Terminals � HEAD Acoustics GmbH Q6/12 2016-12-22
[ 55 ]
Proposal of a New Background Noise Simulation Method for P.1100/P.1110/PcarSFS � HEAD Acoustics GmbH Q4/12 2016-12-22
[ 54 ]
Caution and proposals regarding the C&I testing � Sony Corporation Q1/12 2016-12-22
[ 53 ]
Y. INADF: Framework for Intelligent Network Analytics and Diagnostics � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Q16/12 2016-12-22
[ 52 ]
Proposal to extend P.381 for super-wideband and fullband speech � Sony Corporation Q3/12 2016-12-22
[ 51 ]
P.SPELQ progress and comments for future work � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Q9/12 2016-12-22
[ 50 ]
Proposed Amendment to Annex D to P.501 - International speech samples � China Telecommunications Corporation , Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG Q6/12 2016-12-22
[ 49 ]
Proposal on research for UDP-based objective model focussing on VBR encoding mode � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Q14/12 2016-12-22
[ 48 ]
Proposal for adding audio codec of EVS in G.1070 extension project � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Q15/12, Q13/12 2016-12-22
[ 47 ]
Discussion on impact of initial buffering on end user experience of streaming video � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Q14/12 2016-12-22
[ 46 ]
Proposal for a new work item on a model to map network performance indicators to QoE metrics � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Q14/12, Q13/12 2016-12-22
[ 45 ]
Y. FMIPQoS: Framework for Monitoring the QoS of IP network services � Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority (RURA) Q12/12 2016-12-22
[ 44 ]
Auditory and Instrumental Loudness Assessment of Handset and Hands-free Devices � HEAD Acoustics GmbH Q5/12 2016-12-22
[ 43 ]
First possible P.SAMD indicators for the estimation of Noisiness � Deutsche Telekom AG Q9/12 2016-12-22
[ 42 ]
First possible P.SAMD indicators for the estimation of Coloration � Deutsche Telekom AG Q9/12 2016-12-22
[ 41 ]
Updates on the first draft of "Influence Factors in Gaming Quality of Experience (QoE)" � Deutsche Telekom AG Q7/12, Q13/12 2016-12-22
[ 40 ]
Modelling Speech Service Quality: From Conversational Phases to Communication Quality and Service Quality � Deutsche Telekom AG Q15/12 2016-12-22
[ 39 ]
Speech quality assessment in crowdsourcing: Comparison with laboratory and recommendations on task design � Deutsche Telekom AG Q7/12 2016-12-22
[ 38 ]
Speech Intelligibility Measurements over VoIP Channels based on a Logatome Listening Test � Deutsche Telekom AG Q7/12 2016-12-22
[ 37 ]
First test results and interrater agreement for P.CQS � Deutsche Telekom AG Q7/12, Q15/12 2016-12-22
[ 36 ]
Proposed draft texts for P.DHIP � Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) Q3/12 2016-12-22
[ 35 ]
Proposed P.OLQA Implementer's Guide for Bandwidth Extension � Qualcomm, Inc. Q9/12 2016-12-22
[ 34 ]
Training Databases for P.AMD Set B Multidimensional Predictor � Qualcomm, Inc. Q9/12 2016-12-22
[ 33 ]
Draft test plan for G.1070 extension � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Q13/12 2016-12-22
[ 32 ]
Proposed New Work Item P.ICC In Car Communication Audio Specification � Qualcomm, Inc. Q4/12 2016-12-22
[ 31 ]
Proposed updates of requirement specification for G.1070 extension � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Q13/12 2016-12-22
[ 30 ]
Proposed updates of Terms of Reference (ToR) for G.1070 extension � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Q13/12 2016-12-22
[ 29 ]
New work item for Requirements and factors of assessing VR quality � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Q13/12 2016-12-22
[ 28 ]
Proposal for a new work item on Parametric Non-intrusive Bitstream Assessment of High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) and 4K UDP Media Streaming Quality � Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. Q14/12 2016-12-22
[ 27 ]
Evaluation of Conference Phones in Background Noise � HEAD Acoustics GmbH Q6/12 2016-12-21
[ 26 ]
Evaluation and Discussion of Conference Terminal Investigation as proposed in SG12/13 - Contribution 315 � HEAD Acoustics GmbH Q6/12 2016-12-21
[ 25 ]
Proposed corrections for ITU-T P.1100 and ITU-T P.1110 � HEAD Acoustics GmbH Q4/12 2016-12-21
[ 24 ]
First results from the POLQA P.AMD degradation decomposition approach using Noisiness, Discontinuity, Coloration and Loudness indicators � Opticom GmbH , Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG Q9/12 2016-12-21
[ 23 ]
Update on POLQA Development � Opticom GmbH , Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG Q9/12 2016-12-21
[ 22 ]
A subjective ACR LOT testing fullband speech coding and prediction by P.863 � Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG Q9/12 2016-12-21
[ 21 ]
Proposed corrections for ITU-T P.381 � HEAD Acoustics GmbH Q3/12 2016-12-21
[ 20 ]
Proposal for P.1100 / P.1110 Chapter 12 Test Adaptations � HEAD Acoustics GmbH Q4/12 2016-12-21
[ 19 ]
Harmonisation de la cr�ation des observatoires de la qualit� de service � Burkina Faso Q12/12 2016-12-21
[ 18 ]
Speech Quality in the Presence of Background Noise: Discussion of S-, N- and G-MOS Results Measured at Various Car Types � HEAD Acoustics GmbH Q4/12 2016-12-21
[ 17 ]
Update on the Proposal for a Draft New Recommendation on Subjective Evaluation Methods for Gaming Quality (P.GAME) � Deutsche Telekom AG Q7/12, Q13/12 2016-12-21
[ 16 ]
Proposed Base Text for P.ICC In Car Communication Audio Specification � Qualcomm, Inc. Q4/12 2016-12-21
[ 15 ]
A Proposed Statistical Framework for QoE Centric Benchmarking Scoring and Ranking � Ascom (Switzerland) Ltd. Q12/12 2016-12-20
[ 14 ]
Validation results for a proposed objective method to measure performance of conference phones using real speech signals for multiple talker scenarios � Knowles Electronics, LLC Q6/12 2016-12-20
[ 13 ]
Proposed baseline text for Draft New Recommendation, G.ViLTE: End-to-end QoS for Video Telephony over 4G mobile networks � Ghana Q11/12 2016-12-20
[ 12 ]
Aggregated Performance statistics for AVHD-AS/P.NATS phase 2 � Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG Q14/12 2016-12-20
[ 11 ]
Voice and data Service Key Performance indicator for Mobile services � Gambia Q2/12, Q12/12 2016-12-20
[ 10 ]
Proposed corrections to ITU-T P.501 Section � HEAD Acoustics GmbH Q6/12 2016-12-20
[ 9 ]
Guideline on a subjective loudness experiment in relation to P.Loudness � Br�el & Kjaer Sound & Vibration Measurements A/S , Orange Q5/12 2016-12-20
Resultats:608 documents
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