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UIT-T�SG 11� C�


Protocols and test specifications

P�riode d'�tudes 2017

Resultats:684 documents
R�sultats :� Pr�c�dent�-� 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 �-�Suivant Next
Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 185 ]
Withdrawn � N/A � 2018-07-03
[ 184 ]
Determination of ITU-T Q.FW_CCF "Framework for solution to combat counterfeit ICT Devices" � Ag�ncia Nacional de Telecomunica��es - ANATEL , Brazil Q15/11 2018-07-02
[ 183 ]
Amendments to ITU-T Q.FW_CCF "Framework for solution to combat counterfeit ICT Devices" � Ag�ncia Nacional de Telecomunica��es - ANATEL , Brazil Q15/11 2018-07-02
[ 182 ]
Q.vs-iop-reqts: Propose to identify the tasks and provide future work schedule for Q.vs-iop-reqts. � China Telecommunications Corporation Q14/11 2018-07-02
[ 181 ]
Q.vs-iop-reqt: Proposal on document structure of clause 7 of Q.vs-iop-reqts � China Telecommunications Corporation Q14/11 2018-07-02
[ 180 ]
Propose to add protocol procedures in Q.NS-LCMP � China Telecommunications Corporation Q6/11 2018-07-02
[ 179 ]
Q.vs-iop-reqts: Proposal on overview of virtual switch and its interoperability testing � China Telecommunications Corporation Q14/11 2018-07-02
[ 178 ]
Propose to initiate a new work item on procedures for vBNG acceleration by programmable acceleration card � China Telecommunications Corporation , China Unicom Q5/11 2018-07-02
[ 177 ]
Proposal to update section3,6,7 of Q.WA-IOP � China Telecommunications Corporation Q14/11 2018-07-02
[ 176 ]
Proposal for approval process of Q.731.3 amendment � China , China Telecommunications Corporation , China Unicom Q2/11 2018-07-02
[ 175 ]
Proposals for the modification of chapter number of reference document in the Q.731.3 amendment � China Telecommunications Corporation Q2/11 2018-07-02
[ 174 ]
Considerations about LTE, 3G/2G user equipment/mobile stations (UE/MS) over-the-air antenna performance testing � Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG Q15/11, Q10/11 2018-06-27
[ 173 ]
Proposal for adding message examples for interfaces supporting reference point V(or-vim) of Q.VCNSA � China Telecommunications Corporation Q1/11 2018-06-26
[ 172 ]
Proposal for adding message format for interfaces supporting reference point V(or-vim) of Q.VCNSA � China Telecommunications Corporation Q1/11 2018-06-26
[ 171 ]
Proposal for adding definitions of Q.suppl_Multi_Device_ETS � China Telecommunications Corporation Q3/11 2018-06-26
[ 170 ]
Withdrawn due to duplication � N/A � 2018-06-26
[ 169 ]
Proposal on consenting draft Supplement Q.suppl.VoLTE_ETS_Interconnection at July 2018 SG11 meeting � China Telecommunications Corporation Q3/11 2018-06-26
[ 168 ]
Proposal to consent the draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.Interop_IMS_Rel_11 "IMS references to Release 11 for communication between IMS and NGN Networks in order to support the end-to-end service interoperability" (18-27 July 2018) � A1 Telekom Austria AG Q2/11 2018-06-25
[ 167 ]
Corrigendum to the Appendix IV of the Recommendation ITU-T Q.1912.5 "Interworking between session initiation protocol (SIP) and bearer independent call control protocol or ISDN user part" � A1 Telekom Austria AG Q2/11 2018-06-25
[ 166 ]
Proposal to revise Recommendation ITU-T Q.850 "Usage of cause and location in the Digital Subscriber Signalling System No. 1 and the Signalling System No. 7 ISDN User Part" � A1 Telekom Austria AG Q2/11 2018-06-25
[ 165 ]
A new work item on Signalling requirements for Service Function's discovery � China Telecommunications Corporation Q4/11 2018-06-25
[ 164 ]
Modification of Q.SD-WAN � China Telecommunications Corporation Q4/11 2018-06-25
[ 163 ]
Combattre les �quipements TIC contrefaits et vol�s � Minist�re des Postes, T�l�communications et Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication (Dem. Rep. of the Congo) Q15/11 2018-06-15
[ 162 ]
Proposal to advance current work item ITU-T Q.TI-TEST "Framework of model network for Tactile Internet testing" � Azerbaijan , BELTELECOM (RUE) (Belarus) , Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan , PJSC �Rostelecom� (Russian Federation) , Russian Federation , The Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications (Russian Federation) Q11/11 2018-06-12
[ 161 ]
Proposal to advance current work item ITU-T Q.QMP-TCA "QoS management protocol for time constraint applications over SDN" � Azerbaijan , BELTELECOM (RUE) (Belarus) , Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan , PJSC �Rostelecom� (Russian Federation) , Russian Federation , The Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications (Russian Federation) Q7/11 2018-06-12
[ 160 ]
Proposal to advance current work item ITU-T Q.Het_IoT_Gateway_Test "The structure of the testing of heterogeneous Internet of Things gateways in a laboratory environment" � Azerbaijan , BELTELECOM (RUE) (Belarus) , Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan , PJSC �Rostelecom� (Russian Federation) , Russian Federation , The Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications (Russian Federation) Q12/11 2018-06-12
[ 159 ]
Proposal to advance current work item ITU-T Q.ETN-DS "Signalling architecture of the fast deployment emergency telecommunication network to be used in a natural disaster" � Azerbaijan , BELTELECOM (RUE) (Belarus) , Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan , PJSC �Rostelecom� (Russian Federation) , Russian Federation , The Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications (Russian Federation) Q3/11 2018-06-12
[ 158 ]
Proposal to advance current work item ITU-T Q.D2D-EECP "Energy efficient device-to-device communication protocol for IMT 2020 network" � Azerbaijan , BELTELECOM (RUE) (Belarus) , Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan , PJSC �Rostelecom� (Russian Federation) , Russian Federation , The Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications (Russian Federation) Q6/11 2018-06-12
[ 157 ]
Proposal to start a new work item ITU-T Q.TP_AR "Testing procedures of Augmented Reality applications" � Azerbaijan , BELTELECOM (RUE) (Belarus) , Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan , PJSC �Rostelecom� (Russian Federation) , Russian Federation , The Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications (Russian Federation) Q10/11 2018-06-12
[ 156 ]
Proposal to start a new work item Q.SDN-OFT "The compatibility testing of SDN-based equipment using different versions of OpenFlow protocol" � Azerbaijan , BELTELECOM (RUE) (Belarus) , Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan , PJSC �Rostelecom� (Russian Federation) , Russian Federation , The Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications (Russian Federation) Q10/11 2018-06-12
[ 155 ]
Proposal to start a new work item Q.HET-GW "Signaling protocol for Heterogeneous IoT gateways" � Azerbaijan , BELTELECOM (RUE) (Belarus) , Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan , PJSC �Rostelecom� (Russian Federation) , Russian Federation , The Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications (Russian Federation) Q5/11 2018-06-12
[ 154 ]
Proposal for baseline text of the new work item Q.TP_AR "Testing procedures of Augmented Reality applications" � Azerbaijan , BELTELECOM (RUE) (Belarus) , Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan , PJSC �Rostelecom� (Russian Federation) , Russian Federation , The Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications (Russian Federation) Q10/11 2018-06-12
[ 153 ]
Proposal for baseline text of the new work item Q.HET-GW "Signaling protocol for Heterogeneous IoT gateways" � Azerbaijan , BELTELECOM (RUE) (Belarus) , Kazakhstan , Kyrgyzstan , PJSC �Rostelecom� (Russian Federation) , Russian Federation , The Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications (Russian Federation) Q5/11 2018-06-12
[ 152 ]
NGN-e, NGN-multim�dia et ICN, suppl�ment aux recommandations de la s�rie Q � Central African Rep. Q8/11, Q7/11 2018-05-24
[ 151 ]
Rapport d'enqu�te sur la contrefa�on des produits tic en Guin�e / strat�gies de lutte contre ce fl�au. � Guinea Q15/11 2018-05-24
[ 150 ]
Proposal to start a new work item "Technical report: Guidelines on Solutions for Combating counterfeit and/or non-conforming ICT Devices in the African Region" � CERT , Burkina Faso , Ghana , Malawi , Nigeria , Sudan , Tunisia Q15/11 2018-04-27
[ 149 ]
Baseline text of a new work item "Technical report: Guidelines on Solutions for Combating counterfeit and/or non-conforming ICT Devices in the African Region" � CERT , Burkina Faso , Ghana , Malawi , Nigeria , Sudan , Tunisia Q15/11 2018-04-27
[ 147 ]
Proposal for a baseline text of the new work item Q.IN-DS "Identification of network elements using digital signature" � Rostelecom Q2/11 2017-10-27
[ 146 ]
Proposal to start a new work item Q.IN-DS "Identification of network elements using digital signature" � Rostelecom Q2/11 2017-10-27
[ 145 ]
Proposed additional text to draft recommendation Q.FW_CCF � Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) , United Kingdom Q15/11 2017-10-26
[ 144 ]
Proposal to advance and consent draft ITU-T Q.39_IoT_MN_test "The architecture and facilities of Model network for IoT testing" � Russian Federation , Rostelecom , SPbSUT Q12/11 2017-10-26
[ 143 ]
Proposal for a baseline text of the a new work item Q.ETN-DS "Signalling architecture of the moveable emergency telecommunication network to be used in a natural disaster" � Russian Federation , Rostelecom , SPbSUT Q3/11 2017-10-26
[ 142 ]
Proposal to start a new work item Q.ETN-DS "Signalling architecture of the moveable emergency telecommunication network to be used in a natural disaster" � Russian Federation , Rostelecom , SPbSUT Q3/11 2017-10-26
[ 141 ]
Baseline text of the proposed to start a new work item Q.PR-MSA "Protocol for managing services and applications with requested network parameters in IMT-2020 networks" � Russian Federation , Rostelecom , SPbSUT Q7/11 2017-10-26
[ 140 ]
Proposal to start a new work item Q.PR-MSA "Protocol for managing services and applications with requested network parameters in IMT-2020 networks" � Russian Federation , Rostelecom , SPbSUT Q7/11 2017-10-26
[ 139 ]
Baseline text of the proposed to start a new work item Y.SDN-CT "Framework of SDN controller testing" � Russian Federation , Rostelecom , SPbSUT Q10/11 2017-10-26
[ 138 ]
Proposal to start a new work item Y.SDN-CT "Framework of SDN controller testing" � Russian Federation , Rostelecom , SPbSUT Q10/11 2017-10-26
[ 137 ]
Proposal for a baseline text of the new work item Q.TI-TEST "Framework of model network for Tactile Internet testing" � Russian Federation , Rostelecom , SPbSUT Q11/11 2017-10-26
[ 136 ]
Proposal to start a new work item Q.TI-TEST "Framework of model network for Tactile Internet testing" � Russian Federation , Rostelecom , SPbSUT Q11/11 2017-10-26
[ 135 ]
Proposal for a baseline text of a new work item Q.HEE_D2D_CP "Hybrid energy efficient D2D communication protocol for IMT 2020" � Russian Federation , Rostelecom , SPbSUT Q6/11 2017-10-26
Resultats:684 documents
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