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Efficient Orbit/Spectrum Utilization for FSS and BSS

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Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Title Source AI/Question
[ 415 ]
Proposed modifications to the preliminary draft CPM Report on agenda item 7 Issue D � Canada AI7 2017-10-06
[ 414 ]
Proposed preliminary CPM Report for Issue H under agenda item 7 � Canada AI7 2017-10-06
[ 413 ]
Study of mitigation techniques between non-GSO FSS systems in the bands 36-37 GHz and 50.2-50.4 GHz � Canada AI1.6 2017-10-06
[ 412 ]
Study between non-Geostationary FSS systems and EESS (passive) systems in the bands 50.2-50.4 GHz � Canada AI1.6 2017-10-06
[ 411 ]
Proposed updates to working document [TOWARDS A PRELIMINARY DRAFT NEW REPORT] on spectrum needs - WRC-19 agenda item 9.1, issue 9.1.9 � Canada AI9.1 2017-10-06
[ 410 ]
WRC-19 agenda item 9.1 issue 9.1.9 - Compatibility of fixed-satellite service with IMT-2020 applications of the mobile service in 51.4-52.5 GHz � Australia AI9.1 2017-10-06
[ 409 ]
Draft new Report ITU-R S.[INTRF MGMT VSAT IN 27.5-30 GHZ] - Uplink interference issues associated with closely separated GSO FSS VSAT networks in the 27.5-30 GHz frequency band � Australia 2017-10-06
[ 408 ]
Cost recovery for non-GSO satellite networks � Director, BR 2017-10-05
[ 407 ]
Consideration of the difficulties for examination under � 6.21 of RR Appendix 30B - Agenda item 7 � Director, BR AI7 2017-10-04
[ 406 ]
Consideration of definitive service areas of affected networks during the process of entering an assignment into the RR Appendix 30B list - Agenda item 7 � Director, BR AI7 2017-10-04
[ 405 ]
WRC-19 agenda item 7 - Issue F - Concerns with the lack of implementation of certain provisions of the Radio Regulations that can lead to difficulties during the process of entering an assignment into the RR Appendix 30B List � Director, BR AI7 2017-10-03
[ 404 ]
Polarization loss for aggregate studies � France AI1.13 2017-10-03
[ 403 ]
Proposed revision to working document - Validation of the minimum and maximum emission parameters contained within submissions of FSS satellite networks not subject to RR Appendices 30, 30A and 30B � Japan 2017-10-03
[ 402 ]
Proposal on the compatibility study between IMT systems and BSS (sound) systems in the band 1 452-1 492 MHz under WRC-19 agenda item 9.1 (issues 9.1.2) � Japan AI9.1 2017-10-03
[ 401 ]
Proposal on the mitigation measures for sharing and compatibility studies between Earth stations in motion operating with geostationary FSS networks and current and planned stations of the FS and MS in the frequency band 27.5-29.5 GHz under WRC-19 agenda item 1.5 � Japan AI1.5 2017-10-03
[ 400 ]
Proposal on the calculation method of separation distance between earth stations in motion operating with geostationary FSS networks and current and planned stations of the FS in the frequency band 27.5-29.5 GHz under WRC-19 agenda item 1.5 � Japan AI1.5 2017-10-03
[ 399 ]
Consideration on the reference EPM - In relation to issue G under agenda item 7 � Japan AI7 2017-10-03
[ 398 ]
Proposal for inclusion of an issue under WRC-19 agenda item 7 - Modification of Section 1, Annex 1 of RR Appendix 30 � Japan AI7 2017-10-03
[ 397 ]
Proposal for the modification to working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R S.[NGSO_FSS_BIU] - Studies relating to the bringing into use of frequency assignments to non-GSO satellite systems, and consideration of a milestone-based deployment approach for non-GSO FSS satellite systems in certain bands � Japan AI7 2017-10-03
[ 396 ]
Working document on WRC-19 agenda item 1.5 - Sharing and compatibility between maritime earth stations in motion operating with geostationary FSS networks and current and planned stations of MS in the frequency band 27.5-29.5 GHz � Korea (Republic of) AI1.5 2017-09-29
[ 395 ]
Working document on WRC-19 agenda item 1.5 - Sharing study between aeronautical earth stations in motion operating with geostationary FSS networks and current and planned stations of MS in the frequency band 27.5-29.5 GHz � Korea (Republic of) AI1.5 2017-09-29
[ 394 ]
Practical usefulness of the Annex 7 to Appendix 30 orbital ARC limitations revision � France AI1.4 2017-09-28
[ 393 ]
Agenda item 1.6 - Clarification and information requested by Working Party 4A to progress sharing and compatibility studies between FSS and RAS operations near 50 GHz � Scientific Committee on Frequency Allocations for Radio Astronomy and Space Science AI1.6 2017-09-26
[ 392 ]
WRC-19 agenda item 7 Issue B, clarifications and regulatory text � Spain AI7 2017-09-20
[ 391 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 4A - Propagation inputs needed to verify the compliance with maximum permissible levels of interference in a satellite network (GSO/FSS, non-GSO/FSS, non-GSO/MSS feeder links) in the fixed satellite service � WP 3M 2017-09-12
[ 390 ]
Report of the thirteenth meeting of the Joint IMO/ITU Experts Group on maritime radiocommunication matters � International Maritime Organization 2017-09-11
[ 389 ]
Liaison statement from ITU-D Study Group 2 Question 5/2 to ITU-T, ITU-R, ASTAP and CITEL on disaster relief use cases - Utilization of telecommunications/ICTs for disaster preparedness, mitigation and response � ITU-D SG 2 2017-08-28
[ 388 ]
Recommendation ITU-R SA.1155-2 - Protection criteria related to the operation of data relay satellite systems � SG 7 2017-08-28
[ 387 ]
Liaison statement to ITU-T Study Group 5, ITU-R Study Groups 1, 4, 5, 6 and their relevant Working Parties on ongoing collaboration � ITU-D SG 2 2017-08-28
[ 386 ]
Agenda items with overlapping frequency bands � Chairmen, WPs 4A, 5C and TG 5/1 2017-07-20
[ 385 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 4A, 4C, 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D, 7B and 7C - System parameter tables in Recommendation ITU-R SM.1448 and Appendix 7 (Rev. WRC-15) of the Radio Regulations � WP 1A 2017-07-10
[ 384 ]
Reply liaison statement to Working Party 7D (copy for information to Working Parties 1B, 4A, 4C, 5A, 5B, 6A, 7B, and 7C) - Proposed modification to the working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R SM.[SHARING-METHODS] - Methods for sharing between radiocommunication services � WP 1A 2017-07-10
[ 383 ]
Liaison statement to ITU-R Working Parties 4A, 4B, 4C, 5A, 5B, 5C, 6A, 7A, 7B, 7C & 7D on Resolution 63 (Rev. WRC-12) � WP 1A 2017-07-10
[ 382 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 4A (WRC-19 agenda item 9.1, issue 9.1.7) - Studies on managing uplink transmissions of terminals to be limited to authorized terminals � WP 1B AI9.1 2017-07-10
[ 381 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 4A, 4C, 5A and 5D - New Report ITU-R SM.2404-0 (ex. [REGULATORY TOOLS]) - Regulatory tools to support enhanced shared use of the spectrum � WP 1B Q208/1 2017-07-10
[ 380 ]
Liaison statement to ITU-D Study Group 2, ITU-T Study Group 5 and ITU-R Working Parties 4A, 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D on a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R SM.[EMF-MON] - Electromagnetic field measurements to assess human exposure � WP 1C 2017-07-07
[ 379 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 4A - Compatibility studies between IMT systems and BSS (sound) systems in the band 1 452-1 492 MHz in different countries in Regions 1 and 3 � WP 5D 2017-06-29
[ 378 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 4A - Technical and operational measures regarding adjacent band compatibility between IMT systems and FSS earth stations � WP 5D 2017-06-27
[ 377 ]
Liaison statement on information about work being carried out under study in ITU-T Question 3/5 � ITU-T SG 5 2017-06-23
[ 376 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 5A (copy Working Party 4A) - Technical and operational characteristics for aeronautical mobile service systems limited to aircraft transmissions of telemetry for flight testing in the band 5 150-5 250 MHz � WP 5B 2017-06-19
[ 375 ]
Reply liaison statement to Working Party 4A - Progress towards a preliminary draft new [Recommendation /Report] ITU-R S.[GUIDELINES_14.5-14.8 GHz] � WP 5B 2017-06-05
[ 374 ]
Reply liaison statement to Working Party 1B on the progress towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R SM.[REGULATORY TOOLS] (copy to Working Parties 4A, 4C, 5C and 5D) - Regulatory tools to support enhanced shared use of the spectrum � WP 5A 2017-06-05
[ 373 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 4A (copy for information to Working Party 5C) - Operation of earth stations in motion (ESIM) communicating with geostationary space stations in the fixed-satellite service allocations at 17.7-19.7 GHz and 27.5-29.5 GHz � WP 5A 2017-06-05
[ 372 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 4A - Inconsistency between field RR Appendix 4 C/N objectives and other technical parameters � WP 5A 2017-06-05
[ 371 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 4A (copy for information to Working Party 4C) - Sharing and compatibility studies regarding WRC-19 agenda item 1.16 � WP 5A AI1.16 2017-06-05
[ 370 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 4A - WRC-19 agenda item 9.1, issue 9.1.3 � WP 5A AI9.1 2017-06-05
[ 369 ]
Liaison statement to Woking Party 4A - Modifications to RR Appendix 4 data elements to be provided or non-geostationary satellite networks/systems � WP 5A 2017-06-05
[ 368 ]
Liaison statement to ITU-R Working Parties 3J, 3K, 3M, 4A, 4C, 5A, 5B, 5D, 7B,7C, 7D and Task Group 5/1 - WRC-19 agenda item 1.14 � WP 5C AI1.14 2017-06-05
[ 367 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 4A (copy for information to Working Party 5A) - Fixed service technical and operational characteristics and protection criteria for use in sharing studies under WRC-19 agenda item 1.5 � WP 5C AI1.5 2017-06-02
[ 366 ]
Reply liaison statement to Working Party 4A - WRC-19 agenda item 9.1, issue 9.1.9 � WP 5B AI9.1 2017-05-30
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