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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG17 : R�union�2024-09-02�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG17� TD-PLEN�(2024-09-02)�



P�riode d'�tudes 2022

R�union� du 2024-09-02 au 2024-09-06

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : [ 2024-09-02 ]� 2024-07-112024-02-202023-08-292023-05-082023-02-212022-08-232022-05-10

Resultats:362 documents
R�sultats :� Pr�c�dent�-� 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 �-�Suivant Next
Documents Temporaires �(PLEN) ��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 2464-PLEN ]
LS/o/r on OpenID Connect Core 1.0 - Errata Set 2 as candidate ITU-T Recommendations (reply Open ID Foundation-LS2) [to OpenID Foundation] � ITU-T Study Group 17 Q10/17 2024-09-04
[ 2463-PLEN ]
Future works for X.Suppl.livestock_auth: Entity authentication for livestock animals � Editors Q10/17 2024-09-04
[ 2462-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for TR.fcnsc: Framework for cloud native based security collaboration mechanism among cloud service providers � Editors Q8/17 2024-09-04
[ 2461-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for ITU-T X.1819 (X.5Gsec-netec): Security capabilities of network layer for IMT-2020/5G edge computing � Editors Q2/17 2024-09-04
[ 2460-PLEN ]
3rd Revised text for X.SecaaS: Security threats to be identified in the domain of security as a service � Editors Q1/17 2024-09-04
[ 2459-PLEN ]
1st Revised baseline text for X.pg-cla: Procedural guideline for continual learning to actively respond to network attacks � Editors Q1/17 2024-09-04
[ 2458-PLEN ]
LS/o on activities related to IoT security [to ITU-T SG20] � ITU-T Study Group 17 Q6/17 2024-09-04
[ 2457-PLEN ]
Stable baseline text for X.1250rev: Baseline capabilities for enhanced identity management and interoperability � Editors Q10/17 2024-09-04
[ 2456-PLEN ]
Revised text for X.qsdlt-ca: Guidelines for building crypto-agility and migration for quantum-safe DLT systems � Editors Q14/17 2024-09-04
[ 2455-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for TR.sec-int-cpc: Security considerations for interconnection of computing power centers � Editors Q2/17 2024-09-04
[ 2454-PLEN ]
2nd revised baseline text for TR.divs: Rationale and initial approach of decentralized identity verification system (DIVS) based on verifiable data � Editors Q10/17 2024-09-04
[ 2453-PLEN ]
Proposal for new work item on Recommendation ITU-T X.vctp, "Verifiable credential-based trust propagation framework in the decentralized identity" � Rapporteur, 10/17 Q10/17 2024-09-04
[ 2452-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.af-sec: Evaluation methodologies for anonymization techniques using face images in autonomous vehicles � Editors Q13/17 2024-09-04
[ 2451-PLEN ]
OpenID Connect Core 1.0 incorporating errata set 2 � Editor Q10/17 2024-09-04
[ 2450-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.oob-pacs: Framework for out-of-band physical access control systems using beacon-initiated mutual authentication � Editors Q10/17 2024-09-04
[ 2449-PLEN ]
1st revised baseline text for X.1400rev: Terms and definitions for distributed ledger technology � Editors Q14/17 2024-09-04
[ 2448-PLEN ]
4th Revised baseline text for X.mt-integrity: Security guidelines for mobile terminal integrity protection � Editors Q6/17 2024-09-04
[ 2447-PLEN ]
3rd revised baseline text for Supplement to X.1352 (X.suppl.tig-iotsec): Technical implementation guidelines for IoT devices and gateway � Editors Q6/17 2024-09-04
[ 2446-PLEN ]
4th Revised baseline text for X.mt-feature: Security features for assessment of mobile terminal security � Editors Q6/17 2024-09-04
[ 2445-PLEN ]
Final baseline text for X.smdtsc: Security Measures for Digital Twin System of Smart Cities (for consent) � Editors Q7/17 2024-09-04
[ 2444-PLEN ]
New revised baseline text for X.arch-design � Editors Q1/17 2024-09-04
[ 2443-PLEN ]
Updated Terms of Reference for CG-SECAPA for the inter-regnum � Convenor, CG-SECAPA QALL/17 2024-09-04
[ 2442-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.sgGenAI "Security Guidelines for Generative Artificial Intelligence Application Service" � Editors Q1/17 2024-09-04
[ 2441-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.gdsml: Guidelines for data security using machine learning in big data infrastructure � Editors Q8/17 2024-09-04
[ 2440-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.gapci: Guidelines on Anti-DDoS protection for cloud infrastructure � Editors Q8/17 2024-09-04
[ 2439-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.sup-ekyc-dfs: e-KYC use cases in digital financial services (for agreement) � Editors Q10/17 2024-09-04
[ 2438-PLEN ]
2nd Revised baseline text for X.sr-ai: Security requirements for AI systems � Editors Q1/17 2024-09-04
[ 2437-PLEN ]
LS/o on new work item of X.sreai-ec: Security requirements of delivering edge AI on edge computing [to ITU-T SG13] � ITU-T Study Group 17 Q8/17 2024-09-04
[ 2436-PLEN ]
1st Revised baseline text for X.FR-MSP :Functional Requirements of Microsegmentation Platform in a cloud-based environment � Editors Q8/17 2024-09-04
[ 2435-PLEN ]
1st revised baseline text for X.mbaas-cs-sec: Security requirements and framework of collaboration service for multiple blockchain as a service platforms � Editors Q8/17 2024-09-04
[ 2434-PLEN ]
4th Revised baseline text for X.DLT-ccs-fr: Security requirements and framework of cross-chain service for DLT systems � Editors Q14/17 2024-09-04
[ 2433-PLEN ]
Proposal for a new work item TR.dpama: A landscape analysis for data protection of avatars in metaverse applications � Editors Q7/17 2024-09-04
[ 2432-PLEN ]
LS/o/r on SG17 activities related to the Joint Coordination Activity on Digital COVID-19 Certificates (JCA-DCC-LS6) [to JCA-DCC] � ITU-T Study Group 17 Q7/17 2024-09-04
[ 2431-PLEN ]
1st Revised baseline text for X.sr-da-gai, Security threats and requirements for data annotation service of generative artificial intelligence � Editors Q1/17 2024-09-04
[ 2430-PLEN ]
1st Revised text for X.ckrp: Framework of cryptographic key resource pool for cloud computing � Editors Q8/17 2024-09-04
[ 2429-PLEN ]
4th Revised baseline text for X.evpnc-sec: Security guidelines for electric vehicle plug and charge (PnC) services using vehicle identity (VID) � Editors Q13/17 2024-09-04
[ 2428-PLEN ]
3rd revised baseline text for X.st-ssc: Security threats of software supply chain � Editors Q4/17 2024-09-04
[ 2427-PLEN ]
1st revised baseline text for ITU-T X.ztmc: Guidelines for high-level Zero trust model and its security capabilities in telecommunication networks � Editors Q2/17 2024-09-04
[ 2426-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.sup-sat-dfs: Implementation of secure authentication technologies for digital financial services (for agreement) � Editors Q10/17 2024-09-04
[ 2425-PLEN ]
LS/o on ITS security works in SG17 [to ITU-T SG16 and CITS] � ITU-T Study Group 17 Q13/17 2024-09-04
[ 2424-PLEN ]
LS/o/r on the establishment of the Working Group on "Requirements for merging automatically into congested lanes" [to CITS EG-ComAD] � ITU-T Study Group 17 Q13/17 2024-09-04
[ 2423-PLEN ]
LS/o/r on initiation of draft new Technical Report TR.SP-UAV "Signalling requirements and protocols between unmanned aerial vehicles and unmanned aerial vehicle controllers using IMT-2020 networks and beyond" [to ITU-T SG11] � ITU-T Study Group 17 Q13/17 2024-09-04
[ 2422-PLEN ]
LS/o on security work for UAM/AAM service in SG17 [to ITU-R WP 5B, ISO TC20 SC16] � ITU-T Study Group 17 Q13/17 2024-09-04
[ 2421-PLEN ]
LS/o/r on the Validation of English terms and definitions (25 June meeting) [to CCT] � ITU-T Study Group 17 Q13/17 2024-09-04
[ 2420-PLEN ]
2nd revised baseline text for TR.cs-uc: Use cases for extracting the security requirements for cyber security reference architecture � Editors Q1/17 2024-09-04
[ 2419-PLEN ]
LS/o/r on Invitation to update the information in the ML roadmap and glossary (reply to JCA-ML-LS7 and JCA-ML-LS8) [to JCA-ML] � ITU-T Study Group 17 Q7/17 2024-09-04
[ 2418-PLEN ]
Proposal for a new work item: Security requirements for DLT-based invoices � Rapporteur, Q14/17 Q14/17 2024-09-03
[ 2417-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.sg-dcs: Security guidelines for DLT-based digital collection services � Editors Q14/17 2024-09-03
[ 2416-PLEN ]
Revised baseline text for X.sr-dpts: Security requirements for DLT data on permissioned DLT-based distributed power trading systems � Editors Q14/17 2024-09-03
[ 2415-PLEN ]
Proposal for a new work item: Security requirements for industrial IoT data of smart manufacturing using blockchain � Rapporteur, Q6/17 Q6/17 2024-09-03
Resultats:362 documents
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