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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : TSAG : R�union�2012-07-02�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�TSAG� TD�(2012-07-02)�


Groupe Consultatif de la Normalisation des T�l�communications

P�riode d'�tudes 2009

R�union� du 2012-07-02 au 2012-07-04

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : [ 2012-07-02 ]� 2012-01-102011-02-082010-02-082009-04-28

Resultats:104 documents
R�sultats :� Pr�c�dent�-� 1 - 2 - 3 �-�Suivant Next
Documents Temporaires �(GEN) ��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 0413 ]
Proposed modifications to Resolution 71 - Admission of academia, universities and their associated research establishments to participate in the work of ITU T [pending] � Convener, Correspondence Group on Working Methods 2012-06-20
[ 0412 ]
Updates to Resolution 68 - Implementation of Resolution 122 (Rev. Antalya, 2006) on the evolving role of the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly � Convener, Correspondence Group on Working Methods 2012-06-20
[ 0411 ]
Modifications to Resolution 31 - Admission of entities or organizations to participate as Associates in the work of ITU-T � Convener, Correspondence Group on Working Methods 2012-06-20
[ 0410 ]
Modifications to Resolution 1 : Rules of procedure of the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) � Convener, Correspondence Group on Working Methods 2012-06-20
[ 0409 ]
Updates to Recommendation ITU-T A.6 "Cooperation and exchange of information between ITU-T and national and regional standards development organizations" � Convener, Correspondence Group on Working Methods 2012-06-20
[ 0408 ]
Updates to Recommendation ITU-T A.4 "Communication process between ITU T and Forums and Consortia" � Convener, Correspondence Group on Working Methods 2012-06-20
[ 0407 ]
Updates to Recommendation ITU-T A.2 "Presentation of contributions to ITU-T" � Convener, Correspondence Group on Working Methods 2012-06-20
[ 0406 ]
Updates to Recommendation ITU-T A.1 Work methods for study groups of the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) � Convener, Correspondence Group on Working Methods 2012-06-20
[ 0405 ]
Draft Revised A.supp3 for Agreement, "IETF and ITU-T collaboration guidelines" � Co-conveners, ad hoc group A.supp3 2012-06-20
[ 0404 ]
Working Methods Correspondence � Convener, Correspondence Group on Working Methods 2012-06-20
[ 0403 ]
Confirmed Report on the Eleventh meeting of the IEC/ISO/ITU World Standards Cooperation (WSC) � Director, TSB 2012-06-19
[ 0402 ]
Report on Collaboration on ITS Communication Standards � Chairman, CICS 2012-06-19
[ 0401 ]
Report on the activities of the JCA on ICT and Climate Change � Chairmen, JCA 2012-06-19
[ 0400 ]
Electronic working methods services and database applications � Director, TSB 2012-06-19
[ 0399 ]
Questions proposed by ITU-T SG 16 to WTSA-12 for the next study period � ITU-T SG16 2012-06-15
[ 0398 ]
Draft four-year Rolling Operational Plan for the 2013 to 2016 timeframe � Director, TSB 2012-06-14
[ 0397 ]
Update on items of common relevance to ITU-T and ISO/IEC JTC 1 � ITU-T Liaison Officer to JTC 1 2012-06-12
[ 0396 ]
Questions proposed for study during the next study period (2013-2016) � ITU-T SG5 2012-06-12
[ 0395 ]
Report and Proposed Revision of ITU-T Recommendation A.7 (Focus Groups) � Editor & Correspondence Group Convener, A7 2012-06-11
[ 0394 ]
Kaleidoscope 2013 � Director, TSB 2012-06-08
[ 0393 ]
First draft of a proposed Supplement to the ITU-T A-series Recommendations: "Guidelines on the appointment and operations of registration authorities" � Convenor, correspondence group 2012-06-06
[ 0392 ]
Revision to Rec. ITU-T A.23, Annex A: Synchronized nomination of a Registration Authority by ITU-T and ISO/IEC JTC 1 � Convenor, correspondence group 2012-06-06
[ 0391 ]
Report of the correspondence group on the synchronized appointment of a registration authority by ITU-T and JTC 1 � Convenor, correspondence group 2012-06-06
[ 0390 ]
Report to the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA-12): Part I - General � ITU-T SG3 2012-06-05
[ 0389 ]
Report to the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA-12): Part II - Questions proposed for study during the next study period (2013-2016) � ITU-T SG2 2012-06-05
[ 0388 ]
Report to the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA-12): Part I - General � ITU-T SG2 2012-06-05
[ 0387 ]
Proposed ITU-T Study Group 15 responsibility and mandates for the 2013-2016 Study Period � ITU-T SG15 2012-06-01
[ 0386 ]
iLS-LS to JCA-SG&HN on liaison representative of SG 9 � ITU-T SG9 2012-05-14
[ 0385 ]
iLS-LS to JCA-Cloud on liaison representative of SG 9 � ITU-T SG9 2012-05-14
[ 0384 ]
iLS-Reply LS to JCA-CIT on draft document on Conformance and Interoperability Testing needs � ITU-T SG9 2012-05-14
[ 0383 ]
iLS-Reply LS to TSAG on contributions by Study Groups to CWG-WCIT12 � ITU-T SG9 2012-05-14
[ 0382 ]
iLS-SG2, Lead Study Group on Service Definition, Numbering, and Routing; Lead Study Group for Telecommunication for Disaster Relief/Early Warning: Lead Study Group for Network Management � ITU-T SG2 2012-05-08
[ 0381 ]
KPMG's Business Plan on Conformance and Interoperability � Chairman 2012-05-09
[ 0380 ]
iLS-Updates to Resolution 2 given the change in the title and mandate of SG5 since WTSA-08 � ITU-T SG5 2012-04-30
[ 0379 ]
iLS-Report to TSAG from SG 17 as the lead study group on languages and description techniques � ITU-T SG17 2012-04-20
[ 0378 ]
iLS-Liaison to TSAG on Study Group 17 proposal for Questions for the next study period � ITU-T SG17 2012-04-20
[ 0377 ]
iLS-Report to TSAG from SG 17 as the lead study group on identity management (IdM) � ITU-T SG17 2012-04-20
[ 0376 ]
iLS-Report to TSAG from SG 17 as the lead study group on telecommunication security � ITU-T SG17 2012-04-20
[ 0375 ]
iLS-Reply to Ref: COM 15 - LS 371 regarding JCA-CIT draft document on Conformance and Interoperability Testing (CIT) needs � JCA-CIT 2012-04-04
[ 0374 ]
iLS-Reply to Ref: COM 16 - LS 281 regarding JCA-CIT draft document on Conformance and Interoperability Testing (CIT) needs � JCA-CIT 2012-04-04
[ 0373 ]
iLS-Reply to Ref: COM 16 - LS 264 regarding JCA-CIT draft document on Conformance and Interoperability Testing (CIT) needs � JCA-CIT 2012-04-04
[ 0372 ]
iLS-Reply to Ref: COM 9 - LS 128 regarding JCA-CIT draft document on Conformance and Interoperability Testing (CIT) needs � JCA-CIT 2012-04-04
[ 0371 ]
iLS-Reply to Ref: COM 11 - LS 75 regarding JCA-CIT draft document on Conformance and Interoperability Testing (CIT) needs � JCA-CIT 2012-04-04
[ 0370 ]
iLS-SG2 Contribution to CWG-WCIT12 � ITU-T SG2 2012-04-03
[ 0369 ]
iLS-SG2 work on conformance and interoperability (Response to JCA-CIT on JCA-CIT-LS6) � ITU-T SG2 2012-04-03
[ 0368 ]
iLS-New SG 13 Questions � ITU-T SG13 2012-04-03
[ 0367 ]
iLS-Support and harmonization of International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) activities � ITU-R SG5 2012-04-03
[ 0366 ]
iLS-Proposal on the differentiation of the study areas of SG2 from ones of FG-DR&NRR regarding Disaster Relief Systems � ITU-T SG2 N/A 2012-04-03
[ 0365 ]
iLS-Liaison on revised Q8/17 text on cloud computing security � ITU-T SG17 N/A 2012-03-22
[ 0364 ]
iLS-Smart Grid related issues (representative and deliverables) � Convener, JCA-SG&HN N/A 2012-03-22
Resultats:104 documents
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