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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : NGN-GSI : R�union�2010-09-06�: Contributions� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�NGN-GSI� C�(2010-09-06)�


Initiative "Normes mondiales sur les r�seaux NGN"

P�riode d'�tudes 2009

R�union� du 2010-09-06 au 2010-09-16

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2012-12-03� 2012-06-04� 2012-02-06� 2011-10-10� 2011-05-09� 2011-01-17� 2010-04-19� 2010-01-18� 2009-09-02� 2009-05-11� 2009-01-12�

Resultats:300 documents
R�sultats :� Pr�c�dent�-� 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 �-�Suivant Next
Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 830 ]
Proposed value propositions of cloud computing for the Guideline document � KT Q23/13 2010-08-27
[ 829 ]
Proposed descriptions of Web based TS-IVR services in NGN � KT Q3/11, Q2/11 2010-08-27
[ 828 ]
Proposed descriptions of Video Call based TS-IVR services in NGN � KT Q3/11, Q2/11 2010-08-27
[ 827 ]
Proposal of flows for contents distribution scenario(Annex A) � ETRI Q19/13 2010-08-27
[ 826 ]
Proposal of whitewashing and IP spoofing in Y.dsn_sec_req � ETRI Q19/13 2010-08-27
[ 825 ]
Proposed text for reference point of Y.dsnarch for Sept. 2010 NGN-GSI meeting � ETRI Q19/13 2010-08-27
[ 824 ]
Proposal of CDF/RF report and usage collection for Y.dsnarch for Sept. 2010 NGN-GSI meeting � ETRI Q19/13 2010-08-27
[ 823 ]
Revised Draft Recommendation Y.NGN-vehicle (Framework of networked vehicle using NGN) � ETRI Q12/13 2010-08-27
[ 822 ]
Discussion on architecture for object-to-object communication in Y.UbiNet-hn � ETRI Q12/13 2010-08-27
[ 821 ]
Proposed modifications for Appendix II in Y.NGN-Web � ETRI Q12/13 2010-08-27
[ 820 ]
Clarification for VoD related classification in Y.iptvintwVoD � ETRI Q12/13 2010-08-27
[ 819 ]
Proposed comments for further progress of Y.ipev � ETRI Q12/13 2010-08-27
[ 818 ]
Discussion on key issues for "Web of Things" using NGN of Y.WoT � ETRI Q12/13 2010-08-27
[ 817 ]
Proposal for living list on energy saving using smart object � ETRI Q12/13 2010-08-27
[ 816 ]
Revised Draft Recommendation Y.UbiNet-hn (Framework of object-to-object communication for ubiquitous networking) � ETRI Q12/13 2010-08-27
[ 815 ]
Revised Draft Recommendation Y.NGN-Web (Functional Requirements and Architecture of Web Service Component in NGN) � ETRI Q12/13 2010-08-27
[ 814 ]
Revised Draft Recommendation Y.ipv6-object (Framework of Object Mapping using IPv6 in NGN) for consent � ETRI Q7/13 2010-08-27
[ 813 ]
The need for a Q.13/11 work plan � Industry Canada Q13/11 2010-08-27
[ 812 ]
Proposed modifications to enhance Draft TRQ.ETS-Overview � Industry Canada Q13/11 2010-08-27
[ 811 ]
Proposed updates for functional requirements of Y.MMC � ETRI Q22/13 2010-08-27
[ 810 ]
Proposed Modification of Y.MMC, "Mobility Management Framework for Multicast Communications in NGN" � ETRI Q22/13 2010-08-27
[ 809 ]
Proposed texts for the section 8 (Web-based IPTV brokering service requirements) in Y.iptvbs � Korea Telecom Q14/13 2010-08-27
[ 808 ]
Proposal for modification on use cases in the draft Recommendation, "Web-based IPTV brokering service models and scenarios" � Korea Telecom Q14/13 2010-08-27
[ 807 ]
Proposed modification on section 8 for Y.ipv6-vmh � ETRI Q7/13 2010-08-27
[ 806 ]
Revised draft of Y.ipv6-vmh in 2010 September meeting � ETRI Q7/13 2010-08-27
[ 805 ]
Proposed modification on section 9 for Y.ipv6-vmh � ETRI Q7/13 2010-08-27
[ 804 ]
Y.NGN-SIDE-Proposal to clean-up Appendix II � ZTE Corporation Q3/13 2010-08-27
[ 803 ]
Y.NGN-SIDE-Proposal to clarify M2M & USN with use case and harmonize all related text � ZTE Corporation Q3/13 2010-08-27
[ 802 ]
Y.NGN-SIDE-Proposal to align Appendix V with normative text � ZTE Corporation Q3/13 2010-08-27
[ 801 ]
Y.NGN-SIDE-Proposal to add cloud requirements, use case and harmonize all related text � ZTE Corporation Q3/13 2010-08-27
[ 800 ]
Y.NGN-SIDE-Proposal to add acronyms and references � ZTE Corporation Q3/13 2010-08-27
[ 799 ]
Proposal for adding description of SCE redundancy procedure in Y.iSCP-arch � ZTE Corporation Q20/13 2010-08-27
[ 798 ]
Proposal for adding CE election procedure in Y.iSCP-arch � ZTE Corporation Q20/13 2010-08-27
[ 797 ]
Proposal for adding CE dynamic registration procedure in Y.iSCP-arch � ZTE Corporation Q20/13 2010-08-27
[ 796 ]
Corrections in chapter 10, chapter 11 and chapter 12 in Y.mobsec � ZTE Corporation Q16/13 2010-08-27
[ 795 ]
Corrections in chapter 8 and chapter 9 in Y.mobsec � ZTE Corporation Q16/13 2010-08-27
[ 794 ]
Corrections in chapter 7 in Y.mobsec � ZTE Corporation Q16/13 2010-08-27
[ 793 ]
Corrections in chapter 5 and chapter 6 in Y.mobsec � ZTE Corporation Q16/13 2010-08-27
[ 792 ]
Security analysis for Multimedia telephony (MMTel) service scenario � ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2010-08-27
[ 791 ]
Security analysis for content storage and distribution service scenario � ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2010-08-27
[ 790 ]
Proposal to enhancement of Y.FAid-loc-split � ZTE Corporation Q5/13 2010-08-27
[ 789 ]
Proposal for the QoS enhancement related parameters in NACF � ZTE Corporation Q5/13 2010-08-27
[ 788 ]
Proposal for the interface between RACF and MMCF � ZTE Corporation Q4/13 2010-08-27
[ 787 ]
Proposal for support of free service in RACF � ZTE Corporation Q4/13 2010-08-27
[ 786 ]
Proposal for security considerations in Y.dsnrf � ZTE Corporation Q19/13 2010-08-27
[ 785 ]
Proposal for resource restoration indication over Rs interface � ZTE Corporation Q5/11 2010-08-27
[ 784 ]
Proposal for resource restoration indication over Ri interface � ZTE Corporation Q5/11 2010-08-27
[ 783 ]
Proposal for resource restoration indication in RACF � ZTE Corporation Q4/13 2010-08-27
[ 782 ]
Proposal for new work item of Y.xyz, 'Interworking Architectures between NGN and 3GPP' � ZTE Corporation Q5/13 2010-08-27
[ 781 ]
Proposal for modification for figure 6-1 in Y.ngnncescen � ZTE Corporation Q13/13 2010-08-27
Resultats:300 documents
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