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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG17 : R�union�2006-12-06�: Documents Temporaires� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG17� TD-WP2�(2006-12-06)�


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P�riode d'�tudes 2005

R�union� du 2006-12-06 au 2006-12-15

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2009-09-16� 2009-02-11� 2008-09-152008-04-072007-12-102007-09-192007-04-202007-04-182007-04-16� [ 2006-12-06 ]� 2006-04-192006-01-162005-10-052005-03-30

Resultats:190 documents
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Documents Temporaires �(WP2) ��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 2509-WP2 ]
Action Plan for Q.9/17 � Rapporteur Q9/17 2006-12-14
[ 2508-WP2 ]
Q.17/17 Summary of draft recommendations on countering spam by technical means � Rapporteur Q17/17 2006-12-14
[ 2507-WP2 ]
ITU-T First Draft Reommendation on X.sap-1: Guideline on secure password-based authentication protocol with key exchange � Editor Q9/17 2006-12-14
[ 2506-WP2 ]
Liaison Statement to Q.15/13 on development of the draft Recommendation X.akm (formerly known as X.ngn-akm) � Rapporteur Q5/17 2006-12-14
[ 2505-WP2 ]
Updated summaries of Q.5/17 draft Recommendations � Rapporteur, Q.5/17 Q5/17 2006-12-14
[ 2504-WP2 ]
Q.5/17 Action plan � Rapporteur Q5/17 2006-12-14
[ 2503-WP2 ]
Q.5/17 Meeting Report � Rapporteur Q5/17 2006-12-14
[ 2502-WP2 ]
Security Experts Network Plan � Rapporteur Q4/17 2006-12-13
[ 2501-WP2 ]
LS Response to SG 13 on NGN Terminology � Rapporteur Q4/17 2006-12-13
[ 2500-WP2 ]
Revised draft Recommendation X.gcs - Guideline on countering e-mail spam (Ver. 0.6) � Editors Q17/17 2006-12-13
[ 2499-WP2 ]
Draft Recommendation X.ocsip - Overview of countering spam for IP multimedia applications (Ver. 0.4) � Editors Q17/17 2006-12-13
[ 2498-WP2 ]
Baseline document of Framework of Countering IP Multimedia Spam � Editor Q17/17 2006-12-13
[ 2497-WP2 ]
Baseline document of X.tcs-1: Interactive Countering Spam System � Editor Q17/17 2006-12-13
[ 2496-WP2 ]
Draft--Requirements on countering spam(X.csreq) � Editors Q17/17 2006-12-13
[ 2495-WP2 ]
Draft-Technical framework for countering email spam (X.fcs) � Editors Q17/17 2006-12-13
[ 2494-WP2 ]
Update draft Rec. X.1051 � Rapporteur Q7/17 2006-12-15
[ 2493-WP2 ]
LS to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27/WG 4 on Incident management for telecommunications � Rapporteur Q7/17 2006-12-14
[ 2492-WP2 ]
LS to ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27/WG 1 on ISMS collaboration � Rapporteur Q7/17 2006-12-14
[ 2491-WP2 ]
Summary of Q.7/17 Recommendations � Rapporteur Q7/17 2006-12-14
[ 2490-WP2 ]
Q.7/17 Action plan � Rapporteur Q7/17 2006-12-14
[ 2489-WP2 ]
Q.7/17 Report � Rapporteur Q7/17 2006-12-14
[ 2488-WP2 ]
LS on Collaboration between Q.6/17 and JCA-NID in the IdM area � Rapporteur Q6/17 2006-12-13
[ 2487-WP2 ]
X.bip - BioAPI Interworking Protocol � Editors Q8/17 2006-12-13
[ 2486-WP2 ]
LS to ISO on Update on Identity Management work in Q6/17, ITU-T SG17 � Rapporteur Q6/17 2006-12-13
[ 2485-WP2 ]
Update on Identity Management work in Q6/17, ITU-T SG17 � Rapporteur Q6/17 2006-12-13
[ 2484-WP2 ]
LS to ISO on Q.6/17 Cybersecurity update � Rapporteur Q6/17 2006-12-13
[ 2483-WP2 ]
LS to SGs 2 and 4 on update on OASIS CAP � Rapporteur Q6/17 2006-12-13
[ 2482-WP2 ]
Response to SG 2 Liaison on working definition of Cybersecurity � Rapporteur Q6/17 2006-12-13
[ 2481-WP2 ]
LS to OASIS on update on OASIS CAP � Rapporteur Q6/17 2006-12-13
[ 2480-WP2 ]
Q.6/17 Action plan � Rapporteur Q6/17 2006-12-13
[ 2479-WP2 ]
SG 17 Focus Group "Security Baseline for Network Operators" proposals for a new ITU-T Recommendation X.sbno � SG 17 Vice-Chairman Q4/17 2006-12-12
[ 2478-WP2 ]

Withdrawn (see TD 0229)
N/A � 2006-12-12
[ 2477-WP2 ]
Draft Recommendation X.pak, Password-Authenticated Key Exchange (PAK) Protocol � Editor Q5/17 2006-12-12
[ 2476-WP2 ]
Security Experts Network Plan � Rapporteur Q4/17 2006-12-12
[ 2475-WP2 ]
Revised Text of ITU-T Draft Rec. X.gcs (Ottawa, September 2006) � Editors Q17/17 2006-12-12
[ 2474-WP2 ]
Revised Text of ITU-T Draft Rec. X.ocsip (Ottawa, September 2006) � Editor Q17/17 2006-12-12
[ 2473-WP2 ]
Draft of Corrigendum 1 to ITU-T Rec. X.1081 � Editor Q8/17 2006-12-11
[ 2472-WP2 ]
LS on SG 17 Focus Group "Security Baseline for Network Operators" report � SG 17 Vice-Chairman Q4/17 2006-12-11
[ 2471-WP2 ]
SG 17 Focus Group "Security Baseline for Network Operators" Updated terms of reference � SG 17 Vice-Chairman Q4/17 2006-12-11
[ 2470-WP2 ]

N/A � Q5/17 2006-12-08
[ 2469-WP2 ]
Draft agenda for Q.17/17 � Rapporteur Q17/17 2006-12-08
[ 2468-WP2 ]
Draft X.CAP � Editor Q6/17 2006-12-08
[ 2467-WP2 ]
Draft text on X.rfpg : Guideline on Protection of Personal Information and Privacy for RFID � Editor Q6/17 2006-12-08
[ 2466-WP2 ]
Liaison statement on collaborative work ISMS standards � ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27/WG 1 Q7/17 2006-12-08
[ 2465-WP2 ]
X.idmf (Identity Management Framework) � Editors Q6/17 2006-12-07
[ 2464-WP2 ]
Updated ITU-T Candidate Recommendation X.cso - Overview of Cybersecurity � Editor Q6/17 2006-12-07
[ 2463-WP2 ]
Draft Agenda for Question 7/17 � Rapporteur Q7/17 2006-12-07
[ 2462-WP2 ]
Comments on proposed Security Experts Network � Rapporteur Q4/17 2006-12-07
[ 2461-WP2 ]
Draft agenda for the meetings of Q.5/17 � Rapporteur Q5/17 2006-12-07
[ 2460-WP2 ]
Question 8/17 Agenda � Rapporteur Q8/17 2006-12-07
Resultats:190 documents
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