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Page d'accueil : UIT-T : SG11 : R�union�2002-02-18�: Contributions Tardives� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union
UIT-T�SG11� D�(2002-02-18)�


Sp�cifications et protocoles de signalisation

P�riode d'�tudes 2001

R�union� du 2002-02-18 au 2002-03-01

Lieu : Suisse [Gen�ve]

Autres r�unions : 2004-03-012003-09-012002-11-11� [ 2002-02-18 ]� 2001-07-022001-05-14� 2001-03-21� 2000-11-27

Resultats:75 documents
R�sultats :� Pr�c�dent�-� 1 - 2
Contributions Tardives��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 258 ]
Question to cover development of protocol solutions for AAL type 2 /IP interworking � Australia QALL/11 2002-02-06
[ 257 ]
Functionality to operate through a SIP/BICC interworking point � Australia Q11/11, Q9/11, Q6/11 2002-02-06
[ 256 ]
Consideration of CLIR override in SIP/BICC interworking � Australia Q9/11, Q6/11 2002-02-06
[ 255 ]
Support of higher speed data services in AAL type 2 � Australia Q9/11 2002-02-06
[ 254 ]
SIP / BICC interworking "Trust model" � Australia Q9/11, Q6/11 2002-02-06
[ 253 ]
Support for clearmode codec in Q.765.5 � Australia Q11/11 2002-02-06
[ 252 ]
Security considerations for ITU EDH guidelines � Cisco Systems, Inc. QEDH/11, QALL/11 2002-02-06
[ 251 ]
Multiplexing voice calls onto MPLS label switched paths (LSP) � USA Q8/11 2002-02-06
[ 250 ]
Compatibility mechanism for BICC access network � USA Q11/11 2002-02-06
[ 249 ]
SIP-ISUP/BICC interworking - Release and error procedures � USA Q12/11, Q11/11 2002-02-06
[ 248 ]
SIP-to-ISUP/BICC interworking - Proposed changes to baseline text � USA Q12/11, Q11/11 2002-02-06
[ 247 ]
Requirements for interworking between SIP/SIP-T and ISUP/BICC - Alternative text-encoding of ISUP/BICC data carried in SIP-T mime body parts � USA Q11/11, Q9/11, Q6/11 2002-02-06
[ 246 ]
Modification to ITU-T Recommendation Q.765.5 to convey SDP in BICC � USA Q9/11, Q6/11, Q11/11 2002-02-06
[ 245 ]
BICC CS3 - Requirements to support an SDP tunnel in BICC � USA Q11/11, Q9/11, Q6/11 2002-02-06
[ 244 ]
BICC CS3 requirements documentation methodology � USA Q11/11, Q9/11 2002-02-06
[ 243 ]
BICC access network protocol - Annexes A, B, C, and D � USA Q11/11 2002-02-06
[ 242 ]
Coding of BICC access network identifiers � USA Q11/11 2002-02-06
[ 241 ]
BICC access network - Timers � USA Q11/11 2002-02-06
[ 240 ]
Extension of packages in ITU-T Q.1950 for BICC access network � USA Q11/11 2002-02-06
[ 239 ]
Reservation of code points for identifiers in Q.765.5 for BICC access networks � USA Q11/11 2002-02-06
[ 238 ]
Reservation of code points for action indicators in Q.765.5 for BICC access networks � USA Q11/11 2002-02-06
[ 237 ]
BICC access network - Operation of addressing for common header � USA Q11/11 2002-02-06
[ 236 ]
Assignment of code point for emergency telecommunications service calling party's category in ISUP and BICC � USA Q12/11, Q11/11 2002-02-06
[ 235 ]
The generic transparency descriptor - An alternative text-encoding of ISUP/BICC data � Cisco Systems Q9/11, Q6/11, Q11/11 2002-02-06
[ 234 ]
Requirements for overlap support at SIP/ISUP and SIP/BICC interworking nodes � Deutsche Telekom, Alcatel SEL AG Q11/11, Q9/11, Q6/11 2002-02-06
Resultats:75 documents
R�sultats :� Pr�c�dent�-� 1 - 2
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