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Disposition des canaux radio�lectriques, caract�ristiques des syst�mes radio�lectriques, interconnexion, maintenance et applications diverses

Resultats:258 documents
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Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 208 ]
Recommendation to be brought to the attention of Working Parties 9B and 9D � BR Study Group Department 2006-09-14
[ 207 ]
Liaison statement to WPs 9B & 9D - Frequency-related matters for IMT-2000 and IMT-Advanced related to WRC-07 Agenda item 1.4 � WP 8F 2006-09-08
[ 206 ]
Liaison statement to ITU-D SG2 Q.18/2 & ITU-R Working Parties 7C, 8A, 8D and 9B - Use of IMT systems in case of natural disasters � WP 8F 2006-09-05
[ 205 ]
Liaison statement to ITU-T Study Group 15 on ANTS (copy for information to ITU-R WP 8A and WP 9B) � WP 8F 2006-09-05
[ 204 ]
Liaison statement to WP's 6J, 4B, 6E, 7C, 7D, 8A, 8B, 8D, 8F, 9B, JTG 6-8-9 and ITU-T SG9 - System characteristics for use in sharing studies with television outside broadcast (TVOB), electronic news gathering (ENG) and electronic field production (EFP) in the fixed service � WP 9D 2006-07-19
[ 203 ]
Report on the meeting of Working Party 9B (Kobe, Japan, 27 June - 5 July 2006) � Chairman, WP 9B 2006-08-02
[ 202 ]
Liste finale des participants � Director, BR 2006-07-10
[ 201 ]
Liaison statement to BDT SG 2 Q.18/2 & Working Parties 7C, 8A, 8D and 9B - Use of IMT systems in case of natural disasters � WP 8F 2006-06-29
[ 200 ]
Preliminary draft new Report F.[BWA-REQ] - Technical and operational requirements for broadband wireless access in the fixed service � Brazil (Federative Republic of) 236/9 2006-06-20
[ 199 ]
Proposed edits to Annex 9 - 9B/167-E of Chairman's Report � United States of America 236/9 2006-06-19
[ 198 ]
Considerations related to potential suppression of Recommendation ITU-R F.1244 - Radio local area networks � United States of America 2006-06-19
[ 197 ]
Proposed draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R F.386-6 - Radio-frequency channel arrangements for fixed wireless systems operating in the 8 GHz band � Korea (Republic of) 2006-06-20
[ 196 ]
Improving the international spectrum regulatory framework � United States of America 2006-06-19
[ 195 ]
Software defined radio � United States of America 2006-06-19
[ 194 ]
Wireless access systems in the fixed service � Canada 236/9 2006-06-20
[ 193 ]
Consideration on preliminary draft CPM text developed by Working Party 4-9S for agenda item 1.8 � Japan 2006-06-16
[ 192 ]
PDRR ITU-R F.386-6 - Radio-frequency channel arrangements for medium and high capacity analogue or digital radio relay systems operating in the 8 GHz band � France 136/9 2006-06-19
[ 191 ]
Proposed revision of working document towards a new Report on technical and operational requirements for broadband wireless access in the fixed service contained in Annex 9 to Document 9B/167 � Japan 236/9 2006-06-16
[ 190 ]
Preliminary draft revision of Recommendation ITU-R F.1607 - Interference mitigation techniques for use by high altitude platform stations in the 27.5-28.35 GHz and 31.0-31.3 GHz bands � Japan 2006-06-16
[ 189 ]
Review of old Recommendations within Working Party 9B � Japan 2006-06-16
[ 188 ]
Proposal for suppression of Recommendation ITU-R F.1244 on RLANs and draft elements for liaison statement to Working Party 8A � Japan 2006-06-16
[ 187 ]
Revision of working document towards a PDN Report F.[BWA_REQ] on technical and operational requirements for broadband wireless access in the fixed service � China Mobile Communications Corp. 236/9 2006-06-16
[ 186 ]
Proposed modifications to preliminary Draft new Report on fixed service applications using frequency Bands above 3 000 GHz � Japan 237/9 2006-06-16
[ 185 ]
Review of the status and content of preliminary Draft new Report on applications of fixed wireless systems operating in bands above 57 GHz � Japan 234/9 2006-06-16
[ 184 ]
Fixed service applications using frequency bands above 3 000 GHz � France 2006-06-16
[ 183 ]
PDRR ITU-R F.386-6 - Radio-frequency channel arrangements for medium and high capacity analogue or digital radio relay systems operating in the 8 GHz band � Canada 136/9 2006-06-16
[ 182 ]
Proposed revision of Recommendation ITU-R F.386-6 - Radio-frequency channel arrangements for fixed wireless systems operating in the 8 GHz band � Siemens S.p.A. 136/9 2006-06-12
[ 181 ]
Requested course of action when revising existing Recommendations, developing new Recommendations or new Reports � SG 9 Rapporteur on Vocabulary 2006-06-08
[ 180 ]
ITU-R study Group 8 Question to be brought to the attention of Working Parties 4A, 7D, 9B, 9C and 9D � BR Study Group Department 2006-05-11
[ 179 ]
ITU-R Study Group 8 Question to be brought to the attention of Working Parties 4A, 9B and 9C � BR Study Group Department 2006-05-10
[ 178 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 9B and 9D - Compatibility analysis between the earth exploration-satellite (Passive) service systems operating in the 1 400-1 427 MHz Band and the fixed service systems operating in the 1 350-1 400 MHz and the 1 427-1 452 MHz Band � TG 1/9 2006-05-10
[ 177 ]
ITU-R Study Group 8 Question to be brought to the attention of Working Party 9B � BR Study Group Department 2006-05-10
[ 176 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 9B - (For information to ITU-T Study Group 9) - Wireless access systems in the mobile service � WP 8A 2006-04-24
[ 175 ]
Liaison statement - Result of the study under Recommendation 723 (WRC-03) � WP 8A 2006-04-21
[ 174 ]
Preliminary WMO position on World Radiocommunication Conference 2007 agenda � WMO 2006-03-22
[ 173 ]
Liaison statement to WPs 4B, 6E, 7C, 7D, 8A, 8D, 8F, 9B, 9D, JTG 6-8-9 and ITU-T SG 9 - Spectrum usage and operational characteristics of terrestrial electronic news gathering systems (ENG), television outside broadcast (TVOB) and electronic field production (EFP) � WP 6J 2006-03-16
[ 172 ]
Liaison statement to WPs 4B, 8F and 9B - New versions of the Access Network Transport (ANT) Standaradization Plan and Work Plan � ITU-T SG 15 2006-02-23
[ 171 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 9B - Reply on ANTS � ITU-T SG 15 2006-02-23
[ 170 ]
Preliminary draft new Report - Technical and operational requirements for broadband wireless access in the fixed service � ETSI 2006-02-21
[ 169 ]
Liaison statement to WP 8F - Information to WPs 8A and 9B and copy to JTG 6-8-9 for information � WP 9D 2005-12-21
[ 168 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 6P, 4B, 6E, 8A, 8D, 8F, 9B, and JTG 6-8-9 - Agenda item 7.1 - Recommendation 723 (WRC-03) � WP 9D 2005-12-21
[ 167 ]
Chairman's report - 22-30 November meeting � Chairman, WP 9B 2005-12-05
[ 166 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 9B and 9D - Sharing studies in the 2 500-2 690 MHz band � WP 8F 2005-11-29
[ 165 ]
Final List of Participants - Working Party 9B � Director, BR 2005-11-29
[ 164 ]
List of documents issued � BR Study Group Department 2005-11-21
[ 163 ]
Liaison statement to Working Party 6P with copies to 4B, 6E, 8A, 8D, 8F, 9B and JTG 6-8-9 - Terrestrial electronic news gathering systems and radio astronomy � WP 7D 2005-11-18
[ 162 ]
Guidelines for the work of the November 2005 meeting � Chairman, WP 9B 2005-11-18
[ 161 ]
Impact of the results of the 13th RAG meeting on the work of Working Party 9B � Chairman, WP 9B 2005-11-17
[ 160 ]
Proposed revision of Recommendation ITU-R F.746-7 - Radio-frequency arrangements for fixed service systems � Italy 136/9, 108/9 2005-11-16
[ 159 ]
Proposed revision of Recommendation ITU-R F.386-6 - Radio-frequency channel arrangements for medium and high capacity analogue or digital radio-relay systems operating in the 8 GHz band � Korea (Republic of) 136/9 2005-11-16
Resultats:258 documents
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