Documents Administratifs�� |
[ 362 ]
� |
Agenda for meeting # 3 of Technology SWG "M.1457 & Q.223"
� |
Acting Chairman, Technology SWG M.1457 & Q.223
� |
2007-01-23 |
[ 361 ]
� |
Agenda for the third meeting of services Sub-working group (SWG-IMT.SERV)
� |
Chairman, Services SWG IMT.SERV
� |
2007-01-23 |
[ 360 ]
� |
Agenda for the fifth meeting of AH Circular Letter
� |
Chairman, AH Circular Letter
� |
2007-01-23 |
[ 359 ]
� |
Agenda for the fourth meeting - AH-Circular Letter
� |
AH-Circular Letter
� |
2007-01-23 |
[ 358 ]
� |
Agenda for the third meeting of Technology Sub-working group Radio Aspects (IMT.TECH)
� |
� |
2007-01-23 |
[ 357 ]
� |
Agenda for the second meeting of Services Sub-Working Group (SWG IMT.SERV)
� |
Chairman, Services SWG IMT.SERV
� |
2007-01-22 |
[ 356 ]
� |
Agenda for the Ad Hoc Workplan
� |
AH Workplan
� |
2007-01-22 |
[ 355 ]
� |
Agenda for the first meeting of rafting group spectrum Circular Letter
� |
DG Chairman, CL Spectrum Requirements
� |
2007-01-22 |
[ 354 ]
� |
Schedule from Monday, 22 January to Thursday, 25 January 2007
� |
� |
2007-01-22 |
[ 353 ]
� |
Agenda for the third meeting of AH-CIRCULAR LETTER
� |
Chairman, AH-Circular Letter
� |
2007-01-22 |
[ 352 ]
� |
Agenda for the first meeting of DG IP_CHAR
� |
Chairman, DG IP_CHAR
� |
2007-01-22 |
[ 351 ]
� |
Provisional list of participants
� |
� |
2007-01-22 |
[ 350 ]
� |
Agenda for the first meeting of Services Sub-Working Group (SWG-IMT.SERV)
� |
Chairman, Services SWG IMT.SERV
� |
2007-01-19 |
[ 349 ]
� |
Agenda for the first meeting WG Services (Common Text)
� |
Chairman, SWG Common Text
� |
2007-01-19 |
[ 348 ]
(Rev.1)� |
Agenda for the first meeting of the Working Group Developing
� |
Chairman, WG DEV
� |
2007-01-19 |
[ 347 ]
� |
Agenda for the second meeting of Technology SWG "M.1457 & Q.223" - Friday, 19 January at 10:45-12:00 and 14:00-15:15 hours
� |
� |
2007-01-19 |
[ 346 ]
� |
Agenda for DG-Sharing DVB - Friday 19 January 2007 at 9:00 hours
� |
� |
2007-01-19 |
[ 345 ]
� |
Agenda for the second meeting of AH-Circular letter - Friday, 19 January 2007 at 09:00-10:15 hours
� |
� |
2007-01-19 |
[ 344 ]
� |
Agenda for the first meeting of DG-Sharing (450 MHz) - Friday 19 January 2007, from 10:45 to 12:00 hours
� |
� |
2007-01-19 |
[ 343 ]
� |
Agenda for the first meeting of AH Working Group Terminology
� |
Chairman, AH WG Terminology
� |
2007-01-18 |
[ 342 ]
(Rev.1-2)� |
Chairmen of Working Groups and Drafting groups
� |
Chairman, WP 8F
� |
2007-01-18 |
[ 341 ]
� |
Agenda for the first meeting of technology Sub-Working Group Radio Aspects (IMT.TECH)
� |
Chairman, SWG Radio Aspects
� |
2007-01-18 |
[ 340 ]
� |
Agenda for the first meeting of Services and Market Aspect Working Group
� |
Chairman, Services and Market Aspect Working Group
� |
2007-01-18 |
[ 339 ]
� |
Agenda for the first meeting of AH-CIRCULAR Letter
� |
Chairman, AH-Circular Letter
� |
2007-01-18 |
[ 338 ]
� |
Agenda for the first meeting of Technology Working Group M.1457 and Q.223 - Thursday, 18 January 2007 at 10:45-12:00 and 14:00-15:15 hours
� |
� |
2007-01-18 |
[ 337 ]
� |
Agenda for the first meeting of Sub-Working Group Sharing - Thursday, 18 January 2007 at 9:00 hours
� |
� |
2007-01-18 |
[ 336 ]
� |
Agenda for the first meeting of Working Group Developing - Thursday, 18 January 2007 from 15:45 to 17:00 hours
� |
� |
2007-01-18 |
[ 335 ]
� |
Agenda for the first meeting of Working Group Spectrum - Wednesday, 17 January 2007 from 15:45 to 17:00 hours
� |
� |
2007-01-18 |
[ 334 ]
� |
Agenda for Working Group Technology
� |
Acting Chairman, WG Technology
� |
2007-01-17 |
[ 333 ]
� |
Schedule from Wednesday, 17 January to Friday, 19 January 2007
� |
� |
2007-01-17 |
[ 332 ]
� |
Agenda for the opening Plenary of Working Party 8F - Wednesday, 17 January from 10:00 to 12:30 hours
� |
Chairman, WP 8F
� |
2007-01-17 |
[ 331 ]
(Rev.1)� |
Assignment of input documents
� |
� |
2007-01-17 |
[ 330 ]
� |
Registration for WP 8F Temp Documents
� |
� |
2006-08-30 |
[ 329 ]
� |
Agenda for the closing plenary
� |
Chairman, WP 8F
� |
2006-08-29 |
[ 328 ]
� |
Agenda for WG Technology
� |
Chairman, WG Technology
� |
2006-08-30 |
[ 327 ]
� |
Agenda for the second meeting of WG Spectrum
� |
Chairman, WG Spectrum
� |
2006-08-30 |
[ 326 ]
� |
Agenda for the second meeting of WG Developing
� |
Chairman, WG Developing
� |
2006-08-30 |
[ 325 ]
� |
Agenda for the second and third meetings of AH-Circular Letter
� |
Chairman, AH-Circular Letter
� |
2006-08-30 |
[ 324 ]
� |
Agenda for the third meeting of SWG Services
� |
Chairman, SWG Services
� |
2006-08-30 |
[ 323 ]
� |
Agenda for the third meeting of SWG IMT.SRVC
� |
Chairman, SWG IMT.SRVC
� |
2006-08-30 |
[ 322 ]
� |
Agenda for the fourth meeting of SWG Spectrum Bands
� |
Chairman, SWG Spectrum Bands
� |
2006-08-30 |
[ 321 ]
� |
Agenda for the second meeting of Services Working Group
� |
Chairman, Service Working Group
� |
2006-08-30 |
[ 320 ]
� |
Agenda for the first and second meetings of Working Group AH-Circular letter
� |
Chairman, WG AH-Circular letter
� |
2006-08-30 |
[ 319 ]
� |
Agenda for the sixth meeting of SWG WRC
� |
Chairman, SWG WRC
� |
2006-08-30 |
[ 318 ]
� |
Agenda for the second plenary meeting of Working Party 8F
� |
Chairman, WP 8F
� |
2006-08-30 |
[ 317 ]
� |
Agenda for the second meeting of Working Group Spectrum
� |
Chairman, WG SPEC
� |
2006-08-30 |
[ 316 ]
� |
Ad Hoc Workplan
� |
AH Workplan
� |
2006-08-25 |
[ 315 ]
� |
Agenda for the first and second meeting of the Services Sub-Working Group (SWG-IMT.SRVC)
� |
Acting Chairman, Services SWG-IMT.SRVC
� |
2006-08-25 |
[ 314 ]
� |
Agenda of the first meeting of the Sub Working Group Spectrum bands
� |
Chairman, SWG Spectrum Bands
� |
2006-08-25 |
[ 313 ]
(Rev.1)� |
Chairmen of Working Groups and Drafting Groups
� |
Chairman of Working Groups and Drafting Groups
� |
2006-08-25 |
Resultats:410 documents R�sultats :�
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