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Page d'accueil : UIT-R : WP6A : Contributions� Ajout�s r�cemment�-� Recherche de documents de r�union


Assemblage et formatage des programmes

Resultats:75 documents
R�sultats :� Pr�c�dent�-� 1 - 2
Contributions��Documents / Contributions

Titre Source AI/Question
[ 25 ]
Liaison statement to WPs 6A, 6P and 6Q - Proposed approach to the classification of television applications � WP 6R 2002-03-19
[ 24 ]
Chairman's Report on the meeting of Working Party 6A (Geneva, 19-22 March 2002) � WP 6A 2002-03-19
[ 23 ]
Liaison statement from WP 6P - Preliminary draft new Question: File format for the exchange or audio, video, data and metadata... � WP 6P 2002-03-19
[ 22 ]
List of documents issued � BRSGD 2002-03-19
[ 21 ]
Liaison statement to Working Parties 6A, 6P, 6Q and 6R � TG 6/9 2002-03-19
[ 20 ]
Progress Report - Metadata in ther Broadcast Chain � Rapporteurs, WP 6A 2002-03-19
[ 19 ]
Request for review of Questions in force � CH, SG 6 2002-03-19
[ 18 ]
Supplementary information for Rec. ITU-R BS. 1548 � United States of America 19/6 2002-03-19
[ 17 ]
Proposals considered by the Steering Committee meeting � CH, SG 6 2002-03-19
[ 16 ]
Proposals considered by the Steering Committee (13 March 2002) � CH, SG 6 2002-03-19
[ 15 ]
Draft new Question - File format for the exchange of Audio, Video, Data and Metadata (content) materials in the professional Television environment � United States of America 2002-03-19
[ 14 ]
SMPTE metadata and data essence documents contributed to IEC � SMPTE 2002-03-19
[ 13 ]
Proposed approach to the classification of television applications � CH, WPs 6A, 6P, 6Q and 6R 2002-03-19
[ 12 ]
Status of texts of Study Group 6, its Working Parties and Task Group � BRSGD 2002-03-19
[ 11 ]
Organization code for broadcast wave format � Japan 2002-03-19
[ 10 ]
Transport of alternates sources through ITU-R BT.1120 � SMPTE 20/6 2002-03-19
[ 9 ]
Content packages and metadata for SDTI � SMPTE 5/6 2002-03-19
[ 8 ]
Status of SMPTE of referenced documents pending WP 6A action � SMPTE 20/6, 5/6 2002-03-19
[ 7 ]
Documentation of DV compression and mapping on to SDTI � SMPTE 12/6, 5/6 2002-03-19
[ 6 ]
Liaison statement from Chairman, TG 6/9 - Request for appointment of Rapporteurs � CH, TG 6/9 2002-03-19
[ 5 ]
EBU documentation on metadata for production and archival of broadcast programs � CH, WPs 6A, 6P, 6R 2002-03-19
[ 4 ]
Liaison statement to ITU-R Working Parties 6A and 6P on Draft new Recommendation J.mpph � CH, ITU-T SG 9 2002-03-19
[ 3 ]
Report of the fourth meeting of Study Group 6 � CH, SG 6 2002-03-19
[ 2 ]
Chairman's Report on the meeting of Working Party 6D (Geneva, 20-28 September 2001) � CH, WP 6D 2002-03-19
[ 1 ]
Proposal for a new category of texts of Study Group 6 to be used as guides to its Recommendations � SG 6 2002-03-19
Resultats:75 documents
R�sultats :� Pr�c�dent�-� 1 - 2
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