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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG11 : Reuni�n�2023-10-10�: Documentos Temporales� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG11� TD-GEN�(2023-10-10)�


Protocols and test specifications

Periodo de estudios 2022

Reuni�n� del 2023-10-10 al 2023-10-20

Lugar : Suiza [Ginebra]

Otras reuniones : 2024-05-012024-02-07� [ 2023-10-10 ]� 2023-05-102022-12-072022-07-06

Resultados :274 documentos
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Documentos Temporales �(GEN) ��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 748-GEN ]
Output - draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.PIS: Monitoring Parameters for Intelligent Speech Service in Future Networks (Geneva, 10-20 October 2023) � Editors Q13/11 2023-10-16
[ 747-GEN ]
Consent - draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.3962 (ex. Q.joint_tr): Requirements and Reference Model for optimized traceroute of joint Internet Protocol/Multi-Protocol Label Switching (Geneva, 10-20 October 2023) � Editors Q13/11 2023-10-16
[ 746-GEN ]
LS/o regarding to new work item: Q.DMSA "Principles for detection and mitigation of signalling attacks in security signalling gateways"[to ITU-T Study Group 17] � ITU-T Study Group 11 Q2/11 2023-10-16
[ 745-GEN ]
Output - initial baseline text of new Draft Recommendation Q.MEC-FED: Signalling requirements and protocols for broker of multi-access edge computing (Geneva, 10-20 October 2023) � Editors Q7/11 2023-10-16
[ 744-GEN ]
Output - initial baseline text of draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.IEC-DTINF: Data management interfaces in digital twin smart aquaculture system with intelligent edge computing (Geneva, 10-20 October 2023) � Editos Q7/11 2023-10-16
[ 743-GEN ]
Output - draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.UAMS-SRA: Signalling requirements and architecture for urban air mobility (UAM) service environment (Geneva, 10 - 20 October 2023) � Editors Q7/11 2023-10-16
[ 742-GEN ]
Output - draft baseline text of draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.IEC-EEMA: Signalling requirements and interfaces of edge-aided energy management agent at intelligent edge computing (Geneva, 10 - 20 October 2023) � Editors Q7/11 2023-10-16
[ 741-GEN ]
Output - draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.WLAN5G-REQ: Signalling requirements of WLAN access network for interworking with 5G network (Geneva, 10-20 October 2023) � Editors Q7/11 2023-10-16
[ 740-GEN ]
Output - draft baseline text of draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.IEC-FWINF: Data management interfaces for intelligent edge computing-based flowing-water smart aquaculture system (Geneva, 10-20 October 2023) � Editors Q7/11 2023-10-16
[ 739-GEN ]
Consent - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.5028 (ex. Q.IEC-SAINF): Data management interfaces for intelligent edge computing-based smart agriculture service (Geneva, 10-20 October 2023) � Editors Q7/11 2023-10-16
[ 738-GEN ]
Consent - Draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.5007 (ex. Q.IEC-PRO): Signalling architecture for microservices based intelligent edge computing (Geneva, 10-20 October 2023) � Editors Q7/11 2023-10-16
[ 737-GEN ]
Consent - draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.5008 (ex. AIS-SRA): Signalling requirements and architecture to support AI based vertical services in future network, IMT2020 and beyond (Geneva, 10-20 October 2023) � Editors Q7/11 2023-10-16
[ 736-GEN ]
LS/o regarding GSMA "Improving CLI Validity - Solutions and Regulatory Assessment" (version 1.0, October 2nd, 2023) [to GSMA FS Group] � ITU-T Study Group 11 Q2/11 2023-10-16
[ 735-GEN ]
LS/o on Consent of amendments to ITU-T Q.1902.3/Q.763/Q.931 [to ITU-T Study Group 2; GSMA FS Group] � ITU-T Study Group 11 Q2/11 2023-10-16
[ 734-GEN ]
LS/o/r on "Guidelines on the appointment and operations of registration authorities" (TSAG-LS23) [to TSAG] � ITU-T Study Group 11 Q2/11 2023-10-16
[ 733-GEN ]
LS/o/r on the proposal for a new work item: Guidelines for enhancing signalling security in mobile communication network (SG17-LS77) [to ITU-T Study Group 17] � ITU-T Study Group 11 Q2/11 2023-10-16
[ 732-GEN ]
LS/o/r on the new work item ITU-T Q.TSCA which defines procedure for issuing digital certificates for signalling security (SG2-LS64) [to ITU-T Study Group 2] � ITU-T Study Group 11 Q2/11 2023-10-16
[ 731-GEN ]
LS/o/r on incubation mechanism (TSAG-LS16) [to TSAG] � ITU-T Study Group 11 QALL/11 2023-10-16
[ 730-GEN ]
Output - the initial baseline text of the new draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.RMP-Fc: Routing microservices protocol for fog computing segment (Geneva, 10-20 October 2023) � Editors Q2/11 2023-10-16
[ 729-GEN ]
Output - initial baseline text of the new draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.DMSA: Principles for detection and mitigation of signalling attacks in security signalling gateways (Geneva, 10-20 October 2023) � Editors Q2/11 2023-10-16
[ 728-GEN ]
Output - revised baseline text of draft Recommendation Q.TSCA: Procedure for issuing digital certificates for signalling security (Geneva, 10-20 October 2023) � Editors Q2/11 2023-10-16
[ 727-GEN ]
Output - updates to the baseline text of draft new Recommendation ITU-T Q.NCRP: Network coding protocol for network repeaters (Geneva, 10-20 October 2023) � Editors Q2/11 2023-10-16
[ 726-GEN ]
Consent - Draft Amendment 6 to ITU-T Q.1902.3 "Bearer Independent Call Control protocol (Capability Set 2) and Signalling System No. 7 ISDN user part: Formats and codes" � Editor Q2/11 2023-10-16
[ 725-GEN ]
Consent - Draft Amendment 2 to ITU-T Q.931 "ISDN user-network interface layer 3 specification for basic call control" � Editor Q2/11 2023-10-16
[ 724-GEN ]
Consent - Draft Amendment 7 to ITU-T Q.763 "Signalling System No. 7 - ISDN User Part formats and codes" � Editor Q2/11 2023-10-16
[ 723-GEN ]
LS/o on consent of the draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.4071(ex. Q.UHD-T) "The testing of 3D ultra-high density IoT networks" [to ITU-T Study Group20] � ITU-T Study Group 11 Q12/11 2023-10-16
[ 722-GEN ]
Output - baseline text of draft ITU-T Q.TSN "The testing of the robotics on the model network" (Geneva, 10-20 October 2023) � Editors Q12/11 2023-10-16
[ 721-GEN ]
Consent - draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.4071 (ex. Q.UHD-T) : The testing of 3D ultra-high density IoT networks (Geneva, 10-20 October 2023) � Editors Q12/11 2023-10-16
[ 720-GEN ]
LS/o on initiation of the new work item X.mp2p-srdtf "Managed P2P communications: Signalling requirements for digital twin federation" [to ITU-T Study Group 20] � ITU-T Study Group 11 Q8/11 2023-10-16
[ 719-GEN ]
Consent - Revised baseline text of draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.4163 (ex. Q.QKDN_Kx): Protocols for Kx interface for quantum key distribution network � Editors Q2/11 2023-10-16
[ 718-GEN ]
Consent - Revised baseline text of draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.4162 (ex. Q.QKDN_Kq-1): Protocols for Kq-1 interface for quantum key distribution network � Editors Q2/11 2023-10-16
[ 717-GEN ]
Consent - Revised baseline text of draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.4161 (ex. Q.QKDN_Ak): Protocols for Ak interface for quantum key distribution network � Editors Q2/11 2023-10-16
[ 716-GEN ]
Consent - Revised baseline text of draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.4160 (ex. Q.QKDN_profr): Quantum key distribution networks - Protocol framework � Editors Q2/11 2023-10-16
[ 715-GEN ]
Output - Revised baseline text of draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.QKDNi_profr "Quantum key distribution network interworking - Protocol framework" (Geneva, 10-20 October 2023) � Editors Q2/11 2023-10-16
[ 714-GEN ]
Output - initial draft for Q.QKDNi_KM: Protocols for interfaces between key managers for quantum key distribution network interworking � Editors Q2/11 2023-10-16
[ 713-GEN ]
Output - Revised baseline text of draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.QKDN_Mk "Protocols for interfaces on quantum key distribution network manager" (Geneva, 10-20 October 2023) � Editors Q2/11 2023-10-16
[ 712-GEN ]
Consent - revised baseline text of draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.4164 (ex. Q.QKDN_Ck): Protocols for Ck interface for quantum key distribution network � Editors Q2/11 2023-10-16
[ 711-GEN ]
LS/o on consent of draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.4046 (ex. Q.BaaS-iop-reqts) [to ITU-T Study Group 13 (Q17/13), ITU-T Study Group 16 (Q22/16)] � ITU-T Study Group 11 Q14/11 2023-10-16
[ 710-GEN ]
LS/o on the consent of Recommendation ITU-T Q.4045 (ex. Q.N-att-framework) "Framework of network function virtualization automated testing" [to ETSI ISG NFV] � ITU-T Study Group 11 Q14/11 2023-10-16
[ 709-GEN ]
Output - the initial baseline text of the new draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.FSDNT: Test framework for SDN multi-controller inter-networking using communication segment (Geneva, 10-20 October 2023) � Editors Q14/11 2023-10-16
[ 708-GEN ]
Consent - draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.4046 (ex. Q.BaaS-iop-reqts): Interoperability testing requirements of blockchain as a service (Geneva, 10-20 October 2023) � Editors Q14/11 2023-10-16
[ 707-GEN ]
Output - draft baseline text of Recommendation ITU-T Q.Scvh-iopt: Interoperability testing between SDN and hypervisor based computing virtualization (Geneva, 10-20 October 2023) � Editors Q14/11 2023-10-16
[ 706-GEN ]
Consent - draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.4045 (ex. Q.N-att-framework): Framework of network function virtualization automated testing (Geneva, 10-20 October 2023) � Editors Q14/11 2023-10-16
[ 705-GEN ]
Consolidated draft text of the updated ToR of Question L/11 for new study period (outcomes of Q15/11 discussion, 12 October 2023) � Rapporteur Q15/11 Q15/11 2023-10-16
[ 704-GEN ]
LS/o/r on proposed new draft Recommendation "Signalling requirements and procedures for bypassing network elements of IMS" (SG11-LS43) [to ITU-T Study Group 2] � ITU-T Study Group 11 Q3/11 2023-10-16
[ 703-GEN ]
LS/o/r on initiation of new work item ITU-T Q.Req_Frame_RRDN "Requirements and framework for rapid response to sudden natural disasters in network (ITU-R WP 5A-5A/TEMP/324(Rev.1)) [to ITU-R WP 5A, ITU-D SG1, ITU-T SG2, SG16] � ITU-T Study Group 11 Q3/11 2023-10-16
[ 702-GEN ]
Output - updated baseline text of draft Recommendation ITU-T Q.Req_Frame_RRDN: Requirements and framework for rapid response to sudden natural disasters in network (Geneva, 10-20 October 2023) � Editors Q3/11 2023-10-16
[ 701-GEN ]
Output - initial text of proposed draft new Recommendation ITU-T X.mp2p-srdtf: Managed P2P communications: Signalling requirements for digital twin federation (Geneva, 10-20 October 2023) � Editor Q8/11 2023-10-16
[ 700-GEN ]
Output - draft new Recommendation Q.HP2P-svcfrw: Hybrid peer-to-peer (P2P) communications: service framework (Geneva, 10-20 October 2023) � Editors Q8/11 2023-10-16
[ 699-GEN ]
Output - output baseline text of draft Recommendation Q.HP2P-fvsigreq: Hybrid P2P communications: signalling requirements for feature-based video services Output - draft baseline text of draft Recommendation Q.HP2P-fvsigreq: Hybrid P2P communications: signalling requirements for feature-based video services (Geneva, 10-20 October 2023) � Editors Q8/11 2023-10-16
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