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P�gina principal : UIT-T : SG02 : Contribuciones� Nuevo�-� Busque los documentos de la reuni�n
UIT-T�SG02� C�


Operational aspects

Periodo de estudios 2022

Resultados :242 documentos
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Contribuciones��Documents / Contributions

T�tulo Origen AI/Cuesti�n
[ 192 ]
Revised baseline text for M.rcpnm: "Requirements for Computing Power Network Management" � Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (China) , China Telecommunications Corporation , State Grid Corporation of China Q5/2 2024-06-06
[ 191 ]
Revised baseline text for M.fcnhe: "Framework of communication network health evaluation" � China Mobile Communications Co. Ltd. , Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (China) Q6/2 2024-06-06
[ 190 ]
Revised baseline text for TR.M.omr-fmls: "Operation Requirements for Federated Machine Learning based Applications" � China Telecommunications Corporation Q5/2 2024-06-06
[ 189 ]
Revised baseline text for M.xrmsnr-ir:"X-interface for management of shared network resources - Protocol neutral requirements" (for consent) � China Telecommunications Corporation Q7/2 2024-06-06
[ 188 ]
Revised baseline text for M.smcsn-ia: "interface for synergy management of cloud and SDN-based networks - protocol neutral analysis" � Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (China) , State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Research Institute (China) Q7/2 2024-06-06
[ 187 ]
Proposed new work item on: "Interface between telecom operation and management system and its UAV service control and management system - Protocol neutral requirement" � Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (China) , China Telecommunications Corporation Q7/2 2024-06-06
[ 186 ]
Revised baseline text for M.cefno: "Cost-effectiveness evaluation framework for network operation" � China Telecommunications Corporation Q6/2 2024-06-05
[ 185 ]
Revised baseline text for M.nocm-SID: "Shared information and data model (SID) for network operation cost management" (for consent) � China Telecommunications Corporation Q7/2 2024-06-05
[ 184 ]
Revised baseline text for M.rosp-ir: "Interface for robot-based on-site smart patrol of telecommunication networks - Protocol neutral requirements" � State Grid Corporation of China Q7/2 2024-06-05
[ 183 ]
Revised baseline text for M.fidtom: "Framework of intent driven telecom operation and management" � China Telecommunications Corporation Q6/2 2024-06-05
[ 182 ]
Revised baseline text for E.164 Supplement 2: "Number portability" � Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) Q2/2 2024-06-05
[ 181 ]
Revised baseline text for M.fkmtom: "Framework of knowledge management for telecom operation and management" � Asiainfo Technologies (China), Inc. Q6/2 2024-06-05
[ 180 ]
Revised baseline text for M.fidtom: "Framework of intent driven telecom operation and management" � Asiainfo Technologies (China), Inc. Q6/2 2024-06-05
[ 179 ]
Revised baseline text for TR.OTTNumMgt: "Technical Report on OTT numbering management" � Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) (Japan) Q1/2 2024-06-05
[ 178 ]
Proposal of adding definition of "OTT provider" in baseline text for TR.OTTnum: The Current Use of E.164 Numbers as Identifiers for OTTs � Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) (Japan) Q1/2 2024-06-05
[ 177 ]
Consideration of IFS (The international freephone service) portability � Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) (Japan) Q2/2 2024-06-05
[ 176 ]
Comments on Revised baseline text for E.190: Principles and responsibilities for the management, assignment and reclamation of E-series international numbering resources � Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS) (Sweden) Q1/2 2024-06-03
[ 175 ]
Proposed new work item on "User Identity and Access Management Interface for Telecommunications Management Network - Protocol neutral requirements" � Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (China) , China Telecommunications Corporation , Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) (China) , State Grid Corporation of China Q7/2 2024-06-03
[ 174 ]
Revised baseline text for M.rsmti-uav: "Requirements for smart maintenance of telecommunications infrastructure based on unmanned aerial vehicles" � China Telecommunications Corporation Q5/2 2024-06-03
[ 173 ]
Revised baseline text for M.uiamr: "User Identity and Access Management Requirements for Telecommunications Management Network" � Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (China) , State Grid Beijing Electric Power Research Institute (China) Q6/2 2024-06-03
[ 172 ]
Revised baseline text for M.rODFos: "Requirements for Optical Distribution Frame (ODF) On-Site Smart Maintenance": (for consent) � Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (China) , State Grid Beijing Electric Power Research Institute (China) Q5/2 2024-06-03
[ 171 ]
Proposed new work item on: "Functional requirements for telecom operation policy management" � China Mobile Communications Co. Ltd. Q5/2 2024-06-03
[ 170 ]
Comments on Revised baseline text for E.118: Numbering for Universal Integrated Circuit Cards for international telecommunication services including including the international telecommunication charge card � Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS) (Sweden) Q1/2 2024-06-01
[ 169 ]
Comments on Revised baseline text for E.118.1: Allocation, assignment and management of global Issuer Identifier Numbers (IINs) � Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS) (Sweden) Q1/2 2024-05-31
[ 168 ]
Revised baseline text for TR.MMWF: Methodologies to mitigate Wangiri Fraud � Telecommunications and Post Regulatory Authority (Sudan) Q1/2 2024-05-31
[ 167 ]
Revised baseline text for M.tsm-rest: "Interface for on-site generic telecommunication smart maintenance - REST-based design" - updates on entities and interface operation design � Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (China) , State Grid Jiangsu Electric Power Research Institute (China) Q7/2 2024-05-30
[ 166 ]
Revised baseline text for for M.tsm-ir: "Interface for on-site generic telecommunication smart maintenance - Protocol neutral requirements" (for consent) � Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (China) , State Grid Corporation of China Q7/2 2024-05-30
[ 165 ]
Proposed new work item on: "Functional requirements for the management of telecommunication-service-oriented aerial platforms" � Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (China) , China Telecommunications Corporation , Inspur Communications Technology Co., Ltd. (China) , State Grid Corporation of China Q5/2 2024-05-18
[ 164 ]
Last comments on Revised baseline text for E.1120: Assignment processes for ITU-T Global resources � Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS) (Sweden) Q1/2 2024-05-18
[ 163 ]
The issues of national numbering plans with respect to IP � Agence de R�gulation des Postes et des Communications Electroniques (ARPCE) (Congo (Rep. of the)) Q1/2 2024-04-26
[ 162 ]
Registration of SIMs with National Identification Numbers (NINs) in Sierra Leone �
Revision 1 to this Contribution was published on 22 June 2024 to add the contact details for one additional delegate. There are no other changes to the content of the Contribution.
National Communications Authority (Sierra Leone) Q1/2 2024-04-25
[ 161 ]
Optimization of telecommunication services in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: challenges and strategies � Congo (Rep. of the) Q3/2 2024-05-28
[ 160 ]
Recommendation ITU-T E.101: Proposed Definitions of Sub-assignment in SG2-TD330R1/PLEN � TRANSATEL (France) Q1/2 2024-04-24
[ 159 ]
Using the term "In force" instead of indicating the actual date of approval of the Recommendations �
Revision 1 to this Contribution was revised after the meeting to reflect the request from Member States to be added to the Source. There are no other changes to the content of the Contribution.
Armenia , Belarus , Russian Federation , Tajikistan , Uzbekistan QALL/2 2024-02-27
[ 158 ]
Development of the website "Which Company Called Me" to reduce robocalls and nuisance calls in Brazil � Brazil Q1/2 2023-10-26
[ 157 ]
Change in fixed-lines numbering length in Nigeria � Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) Q1/2 2023-10-26
[ 156 ]
Regulatory measures adopted to reduce robocalls and nuisance calls in Brazil � Brazil Q1/2 2023-10-26
[ 155 ]
Telecommunications Relay Service � G3ict - Global Initiative for Inclusive Information and Communication Technologies (United States) Q1/2 2023-10-26
[ 154 ]
Proposed baseline text for TR.OTTNum: "Technical Report on the current use of E.164 numbers as identifiers for OTTs" � United Arab Emirates Q1/2 2023-10-26
[ 153 ]
Canada's views on SG2 structuring � Canada QALL/2 2023-10-26
[ 152 ]
Revised baseline text for M.xrmsn: "X-interface requirements for the management of shared network resources" � China Telecommunications Corporation Q7/2 2023-10-26
[ 151 ]
Proposed new work item on: Requirements for management of on-site telecommunication maintenance based on machine vision � China Telecommunications Corporation Q5/2 2023-10-26
[ 150 ]
Proposed updates to the Recapitulatory list of service restrictions in force relating to telecommunications operation � Communications Regulatory Authority (Qatar) Q3/2 2023-10-26
[ 149 ]
Revised baseline text for TR.MMWF: Methodologies to mitigate Wangiri Fraud � Ministry of Communications (India) Q1/2 2023-10-26
[ 148 ]
Voice Cloning frauds and Methodologies to mitigate Voice Cloning frauds � Ministry of Communications (India) Q1/2 2023-10-26
[ 147 ]
Harnessing Big Data for Enhanced Customer Experience in Network Operations � Ministry of Communications (India) Q5/2 2023-10-26
[ 146 ]
Revised baseline text for M.rcem-AI: Requirements for AI-based customer experience management of telecom services � Ministry of Communications (India) Q5/2 2023-10-26
[ 145 ]
Further questions arising from C102 � Office of Communications - Ofcom (United Kingdom) Q1/2 2023-10-26
[ 144 ]
Proposed Amendments to the responsibilities of ITU-T SG2 for the next study period. � Department of Science Innovation and Technology, UK QALL/2 2023-10-26
[ 143 ]
Proposed Amendments to Recmmendation ITU-T E.101 � Department of Science Innovation and Technology, UK Q1/2 2023-10-26
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Actualizado el :�2024-06-28